
I Dedicate Black Technology

99 years after the end of the world, human beings are extinct, and civilization is destroyed! That day, Wu Xie stared at the abyss, and the abyss was also staring at him! In the end, Wu Xie obtained the mysterious black technology system and returned to three years before the end of the world! Put all the power of the whole country, use the strongest black technology, and enter the era of national cultivation ten years ahead of schedule... When darkness falls, human beings are no longer beasts waiting to be slaughtered. The descendants of Yan and Huang have already made the most adequate preparations, an army of millions! Thousands of steel guns! The momentum of unity! ... Everything seemed turned upside down! Annihilation Terminator: Don't run yet, run quickly~! Lord of the Abyss: The script is not like this, mom, save me~~~~ The stars are devouring: how is this...possible~~~ Author: 唐三十六 Translator: ALN NOVEL

AbuBokker · Action
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60 Chs

Chapter 7 Complete blockade, first-level alert! The man in the air!



Five minutes, ten minutes... The watch is ticking, and time keeps going.

Dawn is coming.

A reddish white light slowly lit up from the sky. It was six o'clock in the morning in the capital, and the sun had just dawned.

The dazzling sunlight gradually undulates, shining on the hot land.

The top floor of a 100-meter commercial office building on the North Fifth Ring Road.

A young man stood at the top, overlooking the tall buildings below him, and the increasing number of pedestrians and vehicles.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see what he is looking at in his deep eyes.

Three kilometers away from here is the famous capital martyr's cemetery in our country.

Now, that place has been blocked by the government in advance, and no one else can enter, or even get close to it.

Outside the gate of the martyrs cemetery, there are already no less than 300 security personnel guarding the cemetery. Inside the cemetery, teams of professionally trained bodyguards pass by from time to time. Hai Zhongnan's bodyguard who is frightened by the power!

Therefore, for Wu Xie, the only way is to paraglider from the top floor of the Haitian Building three kilometers away to the Martyrs Cemetery Activity Center.

The top floor of Haitian Building.

The early morning wind brought some slight chills, even piercing to the bone.

Wu Xie was wearing a black combat windbreaker, hunting in the air!

Surrounded by combat equipment, Silicon Valley-R1 wind-shielding ring glasses, T-shaped body armor... and the latest hang glider, and the difference is that this hang glider is also equipped with Wu Xie who redeemed it from the E-level exchange mall. The black technology - hydrogen combustion engine device.

everything's ready.

As long as the old man enters the cemetery, Wu Xie will set off and jump out of the 100-meter-high building.


Eight forty-two in the morning.

A secret conference room outside the cemetery, the entire conference room was extremely crowded at the moment, and the staff of various departments looked nervous and busy.

In the center of the meeting room, countless surveillance videos were displayed on countless screens. The monitors did not dare to relax their vigilance at all. They watched suspicious persons appearing on the screen seriously and reported them at any time.

"Group leader Gao is here."

A man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the meeting room, and the young people sitting on one side of the meeting table stood up.

This man's name is Gao Weiguo, the leader of the security guard team of the central leadership, from a special brigade of the capital military region, has completed many S-level missions, and successfully carried out beheading operations... Good at intelligence collection, command, and has extremely strong investigative capabilities.

The man nodded without any extra expression, and put on his earphones.

"Attention all units, No. 1 is close to the target, raised to the third level of alert, cheer me up, don't lose the chain at a critical moment." The thick and majestic voice spread to the ears of almost everyone in the cemetery.

In the most central surveillance video, one after another black domestic red flag limousines drove into the cemetery.

An old man of only seventy years old with gray temples got out of the car surrounded by several bodyguards in black suits, surrounded by more than a dozen of the best bodyguards in black suits.

In the cemetery, there is an excellent security organization with a scale of several hundred people.

And at the commanding heights deep in the cemetery, there are no less than five groups of sniper teams, and the observation team... secretly watching the surrounding situation.

One can imagine how important this old man is to the country.


In the meeting room, Gao Weiguo's thick eyebrows were already knit together, fidgeting and watching the situation in the surveillance video all the time.

"Old Gao, why are you so nervous?"

A muscular middle-aged man with slightly darker skin suddenly walked over.

This person is the head of the National Security Bureau, Zhang Guoqiang, who is in charge of the national security issues of the Republic. He has handled many large-scale incidents and made great contributions to the Republic. He is a truly capable person.

"I don't know why, my right eyelid keeps twitching all the time today, I have a bad feeling." Gao Weiguo felt a little uneasy, and frowned.

"Haha, a few years ago, if Lao Gao, who would not frown even in the face of countless crazy terrorists more than you, would have become like this when he was performing missions in Country Z."

"Time is really a killing knife. Look at you. I have already investigated and arranged this place in advance. There will be no major problems. Besides, we have so many excellent security establishments, how could something happen."

President Song said with a smile.

"Hey, I'd better pay attention, the security establishment is not 100%, there can be no missing leaders, such as this place!" Gao Weiguo looked serious and pointed to the point on the map.

"The sky? How do you protect it? Don't worry, why don't you be our sniper team? It's okay. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

As soon as President Zhang Guoqiang finished speaking, an alarm sounded in the meeting room.



On the center screen of the screen in the meeting room, a figure wearing a hang gliding device was seen galloping from the back of the cemetery at a very fast speed!

"I'm crazy! Who the hell is this? He's looking for death!" Chief Zhang Guoqiang looked dazed, his eyes widened.

"Block the cemetery!"

Gao Weiguo issued an order without hesitation.

In an instant, the conference room was silent, and a needle could be heard.

"Attention all members, raise the highest level of alert! The target is sailing to No. 1, please protect the chief."

"Sniper team, sniper team, intercept the target immediately. If the target insists on going his own way and refuses to listen to the advice, allow the sniper team to shoot! Reply received!"

"Dragon and Tiger Team, Dragon and Tiger Team, immediately go to No. 1 for protection! Reply received!"

At the highest monument in the cemetery, there are no hidden objects around, and there are more than 200 steps from the ground. There is obviously not enough time, so I stayed in place.


"Group A is over!"

"Group B is over!"


There are already bodyguards in black suits all around, and there are more and more of them. They are all real sharp-edged soldiers selected from various major troops, and their strength is naturally very strong.

The old people in the center were not panicked by the sudden incident, but calmly closed their eyes and rested their minds!

Another commanding height of the hill.

Among the snipers, the new Heser Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle is very conspicuous. With this powerful configuration, a single bullet can blow up the entire body of an ordinary person and take his life. It is conceivable how powerful it is.

The five groups of sniper teams have already locked on the target and are always ready, just waiting for the moment when the order sounds.


The piercing sound of acceleration sounded endlessly in my ears.

Wu Xie is getting closer and closer to that place! Getting closer!

Getting closer and closer to that old man!

meeting room.

Gao Weiguo and Zhang Guoqiang frowned, looked at each other, and issued a combat order.

"Sniper team, sniper team, please shoot immediately!"