
I dated my kidnapper

Amber is a new student in a new school and while there, she meets Zoe. Zoe who has been in the school since the beginning decisides to befriend Amber. Since Amber is new and vulnerable,she warns amber to stay away from Kelvin a boy in their class who's know for his dangerous and wicked schemes but amber pushes her boundaries and makes friends with Kelvin. what happens when Kelvin decides to take a special interest in her???

Albert_Omolu · Teen
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7 Chs

chapter 2

The next day, i slept past my alarm and the minute i reached my locker, it was 9:00 am, as i closed my locker and turned around, i bumped into someone, as i bent down to pick up my books i felt a person's hand close to mine and the person said

Jake: you have to be more careful next time

I turned around to see the cutest jock in my class, he's name was jake, i told him

Amber: thanks

He said

Jake: no problem (it's no big deal) hey

wanna go out for coffee this evening

Then i said

Amber: sure why not ( i knew he was

Indirectly asking me out, but what

can I say boys were the cutest )

Later that evening i met jake at the restaurant we started talking and sharing life stories together.

Suddenly, my phone started buzzing then i saw it was kelvin but i ignored. Jake and I spent lots of time together we even went to the movies.

Later on i excused myself to the rest room, as i checked my phone, i saw 64 missed calls all from kelvin. Immediately i called him suddenly a shock ran through me " i remembered we were supposed to study around 5:00pm today", without a second taught i immediately rushed over to his place but when I got there it was cold, dark and silent, as i stepped in i heard foot steps behind me and the person immediately covered my mouth, the person said

Kelvin: do not speak ( the voice said )

Immediately i recognized the voice as kelvin's, but when I tried speaking i passed out.

When I woke up, i was in a room with a girl about my age but i didn't care "what's his aim, why is kelvin keeping me here"!!!

Suddenly the door flung opened and a creepy weirdo stepped in and he said

~girl number 9 step in

Suddenly i looked at the other girl seated next to me and she said

Girl number 9: yes black out

Suddenly the floor opened and she fell through

Then the weirdo looked at me and he said

~get ready cuz your next, then he left

I was scared i tried reaching my phone but my hands were tied, with a little trick i untied my hands, as i took my phone from my pocket.

Immediately i called jake, i told him to track me down with his gps, he said he couldn't because he was in a party and it was about to get juicy.

I was furious how could he he do this to me 😡. Immediately i realized jake was just a player who used me because he likes my face not my personality, i tried reaching my aunt but my battery died 🙄!!!

Suddenly the weirdo stepped in and he said

~girl number 10 step in

I knew this meant two things:

• I'll die or be used for slavery

I immediately remembered the other girl saying something " yes black out" the minute i said it, the floor beneath me opened and I fell through.

It was cold and there were bats every where,

I fell and fell and fell and fell

Suddenly i landed on a hard surface and the light switched on and you won't believe what i saw 😳!!!!

thanks for the support. I'm sorry taking time, is just that I have a lot going on in school so please enjoy this chapter, thank you. bye❤️

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