
I dated my kidnapper

Amber is a new student in a new school and while there, she meets Zoe. Zoe who has been in the school since the beginning decisides to befriend Amber. Since Amber is new and vulnerable,she warns amber to stay away from Kelvin a boy in their class who's know for his dangerous and wicked schemes but amber pushes her boundaries and makes friends with Kelvin. what happens when Kelvin decides to take a special interest in her???

Albert_Omolu · Teen
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7 Chs

chapter 1

First day

Hi, I'm amber.

And this is the story of how i dated my kidnapper, not forcefully but willingly.

I lived with my aunt emilia and her husband frank, we weren't well off but at least they cared for me, they bought me dresses and shoes and i must say i was really loving the attention.Then came the drama "the day i started highschool".

I was walking down the hallway when i spotted a boy looking at me, he looked up and down then he gave a creepy smerk, then a girl came up to me and she said

Zoe: That boy is Kevin, he's a complete

weirdo but he's such a cutie,Well at

least his face is but he's a creep so stay

away from him.

The next thing I knew she ran away from there which was odd though. During chemistry period the teacher told me to introduce myself, then i said

Amber: Hello I'm amber and I'm from


For some time everyone was quiet. then the next thing I knew everyone was clapping and saying welcome, some were giving me handshakes and asking me to be their friend. For some reason kelvin looked up then he said hi and offered me a handshake but i gave in and shakes him.

Later in the cafeteria, everyone came to my table and they all wanted to know me better but as i looked back i saw kelvin was lonely at his table then i told zoe i was going over, i told her to accompany me, she held my hand she said

Zoe: don't sit with him, he's dangerous, he's

a baddie. I said to her

Amber: just because he's dangerous doesn't

mean he can't change, people

change it just takes time.

Without a second taught i went to his table and sat with him.

For a minute there was an absolute silence then he said,

Kelvin: Get up and leave

Then i said "why", then he said

Kelvin: i know your just cming here to

make fun of me

Amber: no

Then stay,( he said )

I know it's too sudden but at least the first step was easy 😀 ( i guess).

I love all of you and thanks for supporting me angels

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