
I Create The Strongest Eldritch Realm

At the end of the apotheosis, there are Gods that fought for power and reverance. Otherwordly beings that lived millenias beyond any mortal understanding, Warriors seeking to challenge those very understanding and throw themselves to be part of that apotheosis, Aldritch and Laplois wearing the mask of tyrant, standing on the side of The Eldritch Realm. Will they be consumed by the perpetrators that created the cycles of conquest? Or will they become the creator of their own fate, consuming the apotheosis to be the ideal god of them all?

SnowCrow · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Tyrant's First Ally I

" Ho ho, seems the ingots make yer gobsmacked - go ahead and take em! Just expect it as a future investment for me future customer. "

Remarked Hearthwing with cackled at my increasing engrossment at the presented metals -

He wasn't wrong, it was impossible to find a similar opportunity ever again.

My intuition sense that its could be imported goods from the south - which signify i may never discover another shop that sold these...

" You're not wrong, these are extraodinary but there's nothing you gain from working with a kid like me, "

" I don't look wealthy nor strong to you, that i know b

est. "

Aldritch glared at Hearthwing with an unknown intent -

He wasn't certain on what he was feeling but it unmistakenly felt grotesque to him.

"Lad, do i look like a cheapskate or mental bruv to you? - what's your name?"

" Aldritch. "

"Oi, Aldritch - You're an interesting fellow, i can percieve that darkness of ya. "

" Me said it was an investment, not a charity. "

" ...Fine, 200 Credits. "

Aldritch was drained of attempting to reason with him - he would rather just go back to tinkering on his pool of ideas and not argue since it was a waste of breath and time.

" Not backing down eh? What's the reason? "

" Not owing anyone. "

Aldritch softly replied with a clear consentious.

" That's a fine vibe, come back when yer interested in a one-off again. "

Hearthwing was sastified with this transaction - Aldritch is a smart partner, he didn't have a desire.

An ideal trait for a trustworthy individual.

" Thanks for the material, mister Hearthwing. "

Aldritch has payed his dues and bowed in a respectful manner -

He obviously respect Hearthwing as a man of character not as a warrior.

His self-respect will never bow merely to a warrior,

That's the standard he had set for himself.

" No need to be formal lad, call me by name and don't dupe or scheme - I would invite ya to a pint of beers, but ya don't seems like a drinker."

" Just go catch some Zs, shoo shoo! "

Exclaimed Hearthwing while waving away Aldritch like a fly - the person in question didn't have any issues with it,

He had profited a lot from this trip - two key items in his arsenal that he could twist into the creation of his desires.


*Munch* *Munch*

A hungry girl chewed and ravenously devoured the juicy meat off the skewers - the pace of her feast could rivaled that of Ghroth, although that would a story for another day.

" Slow down. "

Spoke the 'intimidating' incarnate father while calmly cutting the juicy loin steak with no remorse - a reflection toward his mercy toward the enemies.

He signaled the butler with a glance - who poured juice into the wine cup that he treasured and lend it to the kid eating on the opposite side of the dinner table.

He also poured a cup for an empty seat with a plate of food - while it may seems empty, they pretended to be used to that seat's presence that had warmth before...

*Gulped* *Gulped*

The girl who ate bountiful of meat wrapped her meal with a sastifying conclusion of orange juice.

" I'm full. "

Spoke Isadora Berndette after the meal - she had the identical monotonious stare at her father who is indulging on his wine - She knew that he had an earful to consult her about.

Consequently after a couple sip,

Callimos returned the gaze at his own daughter.

" Make a friend. "

He remarked casually with an unusual calmness - regardless it didn't affect Isadora,

But she questioned his intentions despite understanding what he's refering to.

" Why? "

" Seems fun. "

He moved away from his seat while patting his daughter on the back - Isadora understood this means that he had high expectation of her once again.

This may be difficult, but she will fulfill her father's request nonetheless,

A Berndette's will always push forward after all...

" Ok, Good night father. "

She spoke briefly before heading to her own bedchamber where she pondered upon a strategy to achieving friendship,

'War never changes' - she firmly reminded herself and went into a deep slumber afterward.




Aldritch who dwelled in his fantasies and grandeur - Arisen from the scraps and heap of mere ornaments,

He created the black mask that could resonate with his mana using it to bend the shape and size of the Maelstrome ingot and added some finishing wickedness by implanting the 'mind resistance Ions'.

As for the rest... will have to make do with regular fabric clothing for now -

whereas most of his toughest material will be utilized for his sister's custom-made suit with the knowledge of technology science class he took from his past life.

After completing his creation and wearing it in a practicality test - he concluded that it was sufficient enough for his needs.

As he took a sigh of relief - he was nearly done for tonight, after walking on long ends for what he required for the academy start,

He is able to comfortably breathe for a little while longer.

He glances at the leftover Ions ingots on his work bench and pondered to himself that it was time to start utilizing his secret weapon, the system.

[ my favorability rating dropped when you refered to me like that - Creator. ]

" Sorry, it was just a figure of speech - if you can understand my intention surely you can tolerate my habits, right? "

[ You would use that same excuse to bully a middle-schooler, would you? ]

" ... "

Aldritch had grounds to refute that claims - karma works in mysterious ways, he resigned to himself.

" Alright, i want a display on how much mana i have regenerated today. "


[Note: The User 's rate of generating mana is circumstancial based on their current surrounding, be sure to always be in a place full of mana - pro tip. ]

" Good to know, i guess going to the market today was a good choice - there were plenty of mana items and Hearthwing there. "

" Let's not beat around the bush, i will need to head for the academy tommorow - Use 'Erudite' on the 'Ebon's Lord Ions' "


[ Observed: < 'Ebon's Lord Ions' > ]

[ Scanning Int stat...Sucess! ]

[ Requirement: 50% of total mana pool ]

< Assimilate? >


" Assimilate, gimme something good. "

[ Betting on that not being the case. ]

" Aren't you the one in charge of the selections? "

[ Nay. ]

" Oh, good to know, is this geniunely something you can reveal? "

[ You've read too many mystery novels - you can't blackmail me so, just be grateful that i'm generous enough to tell you. ]

On that final message - Aldritch's vision grew darkened and he envisioned a familar scenery,

A sea of abyss with endless darkness perhaps representing a twisted peace he had all along.


== Assimilate ==

[ Death Flayer ]: < Red Grade F+ >

[ Cost 5 hp per line of this ability ]

[ This can extend up to 20 meters in range. ]

[ Description: The user can conjure a spiritual whip to lash at the enemies - inflicting them with severe mental damage based on the user's STR stat. ]

[ Haamox's gift ]: < Red Grade F+ >

[ Passive ]

[ User gain + 2 VIT and + 1 CDF ]

[ Description: The Seer blood 'Haamox', the progenitor of the mind's eye - Before struck down by the god of annihilation '▇▇▇▇▇▇' only tales of his existence were spared. ]

[ Ebon's Warsong ]: < Red Grade F >

[ Required for the target to be unaffected by debuffs. ]

[ Consume 10 mana for each usage. ]

[ Description: The User can assimilate Ebon's charisma to inspire an ally and increase their agility and will by 20% of their current stats. ]


Aldritch sat on the 'water' and pondered on his options, casually posturing and his logics begin settling in -

He preferably have an habit to go through it one by one and that's what he will proceed to do from now on.

The topmost is...[ Death Flayer ] skipped, basically useless for him with caster hp and has no synergy or anyway to effectively use this consistently - he wasn't even impressed by it.

The mid [ Haamox's gift ] is mid - at a glance. It's just good and get results if there are no impressive options.

Aldritch proceed to select 'Haamox's gift' - it's pointless to hesitate when the final option, [ Ebon's Warsong ] is too costly and niche for him to use - it will clashed with the current harmonious build he had set out.


Aldritch blinked and he came back to his senses - he was sitting on the chair where he left off tinkering with his gears.

Fixed one's gaze beyond the windows and observe the stars above - they evoke a feeling of home in such a simple moment.


< Mission: Learn and Adapt >

[ Status: Completed! ]

[ Used Skills for 3 times a day ]

[ Mission reward: 1 point of SS stat and 'The Way of the weak' ]


" Er... When did i get a mission? "

[ During which you were in a middle of a 'information shock' as you dubbed it, creator. ]

" Ah, that first time - hold on, why don't i get a reminder then? "

Aldritch raised his eyebrows but didn't blurred out or be too vocal about it due to it being night-time and he was too exhausted and sleepy in the current circumstance.

[ You didn't asked - and the system is capable to be heedless since it was going to be completed in some regards. ]

" Fair enough - good thing i've completed it now, "

" Being able to wrap up my OCD and tucking it in bed. "

Aldritch proudly exhibit his accomplishment of having a successful preparation stage before his academy days.

" Ah, i almost overlooked - display the new mission, "

" 'Way of the weak', It has to be more rewarding than the current one, i assume? "

[ Correct and the system has been given a directive to keep notifying the 'creator' to complete this task, ]

[ it's a specialized one for you. ]

" Don't keep me in suspense, just reveal it come on! - i won't get enough sleep otherwise. "

[ Affirmative, although don't put the cart before the horse - this may posed to be the challenging mission you've ever encountered yet. ]

With the system's messages,

Aldritch was kept on his toes and slowly nervousness creeped in the back of his subconciousness-

As the corruption was taking over his mind, he looked at the displayed message in front of him with utter disbelief!

< Mission: The Way of the Weak >

[ Objective: Make a friend/ally. ]

[ Condition: The entity must agree without any ulterior motives or exploits. ]

[ Reward Skill: < Malign Creation  > ]

" ...Is this a fricking joke?! "

Aldritch may never know the purpose behind such machinations, he besmirched on the system's unholy intentions.

This chapter is more of a casual side and showing some unique interactions!

If you couldn't tell, i enjoyed writing the Berndettes - A crow can resonate when they speak less!

In any case, the preparation is almost done - a storm is neigh and i hope you're with me, readers!

But yeah enough of that edgy 90's anime vibes. This crow just want to see through that the chapters is up to par as crows does not want to read a novel that it doesn't enjoy! that's a big no-no, so comment what you like and dislike.

Crows are smart we can adapt and cannot speak british - Yeah that's disappointing i know.

Nevertheless, yeehaw to the final chapter of this week!

Caw Caw - Why did i decided on that personality? God hearthwing was....blasphemy.

SnowCrowcreators' thoughts