
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 63: What a Crappy Machine, One Punch and It's Done!

Chapter 63: What a Crappy Machine, One Punch and It's Done!

A massive punching machine was wheeled over.

"This is a punch strength tester with a limit of 1500 pounds," Chairman Chen said. "Long Aotian, let's test your punching power first!"

For Chairman Chen, his son, Chen Ye, couldn't possibly befriend strong individuals at this stage. Being able to make friends with a third-tier strongman was already remarkable.

So, in Chairman Chen's view, this Long Aotian's overall strength probably didn't exceed the third tier.

Others watching also shared the same opinion.

Because the young man before them, though his name was arrogant, looked no older than twenty. How strong could someone so young be?

Only Chen Ye.

Looking at the punching strength tester in front of him, his expression twisted.

Although he wasn't sure how much force he could exert with a full punch right now, it definitely wouldn't be something a 1500-pound punching machine could withstand.

If it were another testing facility, breaking it wouldn't matter.

But here, it was his family's territory. Breaking things here, even if the Chen family didn't have to pay for it, would still make Chen Ye uncomfortable!

"Chairman Chen, what's the maximum limit of the punching strength tester you have here?" Chen Ye asked.

Chairman Chen hesitated for a moment but truthfully replied, "It's 4500 pounds."

4500 pounds? Chen Ye thought, that should be enough, right?

Even if his strength exceeded 4500 pounds, it shouldn't be by much. It wouldn't break the machine.

Thinking this, Chen Ye said, "Chairman Chen, can I use the 4500-pound machine to test my punching power?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were quite a few sneers from the crowd.

It seemed they were mocking Chen Ye for overestimating his abilities?

Chairman Chen didn't object, saying, "The 4500-pound punching strength tester is fixed in position and cannot be moved. Since you want to try... that one over there."

Following Chairman Chen's gesture, Chen Ye saw a huge steel machine not far away, firmly fixed in place.

Without a second word, he walked over.

Seeing the machine anchored securely with steel bars as thick as a child's arm, Chen Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, standing in front of the punching target, he asked, "Do I hit here?"

Chairman Chen nodded. "Yes."

With that, Chen Ye began to prepare.

In the crowd, many people couldn't help but whisper when they saw this scene.

"Where did this brash youngster come from? Doesn't he know that the 4500-pound punching strength tester is meant for testing fourth-tier strongmen? And it has to be a power-type fourth-tier strongman!"

"With such an arrogant name, could he be an idiot?"

"Maybe he really does have the strength?"

"Impossible. I've seen almost all the fourth-tier strongmen in the country, this kid looks unfamiliar, and he's so young..."


Chen Ye's mental strength had long surpassed what it used to be, and under its influence, his hearing was extremely sensitive.

So, even though the murmurs from the onlookers were quiet, he heard them clearly.

Of course, Chen Ye didn't care at all about what these people were saying.

At this moment, his fist clenched, readying for the strike.

In the next moment, Chen Ye unleashed a punch.

The testing room seemed to dim!


A terrifying explosion resounded in the testing room like thunder, ringing in everyone's ears.

It also left those spectators dumbfounded.

They hadn't seen how Chen Ye struck.

A burst of flames flashed by.

And all that remained on the scene was Chen Ye, still in the posture of throwing a punch.

As for the 4500-pound punching strength testing machine fixed to the ground, it had flown far away, crashing into the wall, turning into a heap of scrap metal, constantly emitting sparks.


The entire testing room seemed frozen, as if someone had pressed the pause button in a movie.

Everyone maintained a stunned expression, utterly shocked.

Those who were just discussing Chen Ye were dumbfounded...

Even Chairman Chen himself was astonished, staring at Chen Ye in disbelief.

Initially, he thought that the friend his son introduced might at most be a third-tier.

Never did he expect...

That he brought over a nuclear bomb!

The power unleashed by this Long Aotian just now had already surpassed Chairman Chen.

Of course, Chairman Chen wasn't a strongman focused solely on power. His ability to reach the fifth tier was largely due to him being a true master of martial arts, with a great overall strength.

After the shock subsided, Chairman Chen furrowed his brows deeply, his expression turning serious.

Where did this young strongman named Long Aotian come from? How come he hadn't heard of him before?

The opponent's power was approaching the fifth-tier standard.

Furthermore, how did his son know such a strong individual? Or was the other party getting close to his son for some ulterior motive?

"Um... Chairman Chen, I'm really sorry for breaking your machine," Chen Ye said awkwardly.

Just now, he just wanted to test how strong he was at the moment.

So, he used his full force.

Never did he expect that even a 4500-pound machine couldn't withstand his serious punch?

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Chairman Chen's serious expression immediately turned into a smiling one, effortlessly switching between the two.

"It's okay. This machine is already old. I'll have headquarters send over a new research punching strength tester later. It's said that the upper limit has reached 7000 pounds. Long Aotian, you can try it next time."


Chen Ye agreed readily, but in his heart, he knew he wouldn't come next time.

Because, with his current rate of strength growth, next time his strength would only be stronger. Even 7000 pounds wouldn't hold up!

It wasn't until then that the surrounding people snapped out of their daze, then, with awe in their eyes, they looked at Chen Ye as if he were a monster.

No wonder this kid dared to take such an audacious name and dared to come and test the highest limit punching machine. Turns out, he really had the strength!

Chairman Chen continued, "Long Aotian, although we can't continue with your punching strength test now, it's certain that you've definitely exceeded the fourth-tier standard... Just now, you mentioned your agility and physique are also good? Do you want to test them?"

After a moment of thought, Chen Ye agreed.

"Okay! Let's test them."

Testing agility and physique shouldn't break anything, so he could test them with peace of mind.


Chen Ye arrived at a hundred-meter track to test his speed.

Without further ado, he stood directly on the starting line, slightly bending his knees, readying himself.

At this moment.

The spectators, no longer daring to underestimate Chen Ye, all watched earnestly.


That was the sound of the starting gun.


That was the sound of Chen Ye starting.

It sounded like the two sounds happened almost simultaneously.

The moment Chen Ye started running, the plastic ground under his heels was dug up by the recoil of his start, flipping the surface...

Looking at Chen Ye, he was like a rocket, almost breaking through the finish line with just a blink of an eye, nearly crashing into the wall because he couldn't stop...

He was faster than a whirlwind!

In no time.

On the monitor screen beside, the data of Chen Ye's just completed run appeared.

1.3 seconds!

100 meters in 1.3 seconds!!

Mind you, this was a hundred-meter sprint, and it also required some time for acceleration before reaching the top speed.

In other words, Chen Ye's true running speed exceeded the value just now.

(End of this chapter)

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