
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 62: The Test Begins 

Chapter 62: The Test Begins 

The next morning.

After getting up, Chen Ye first took a leave of absence from Old Liu.

This minor matter, of course, wouldn't be a problem for Old Liu to approve. After all, he had already finished explaining everything about the zombie monsters in Secret Realm No. 2, and they were currently in a review phase. Missing a day of class wouldn't be a big deal for Chen Ye.

Having obtained the leave, Chen Ye left the school and took a taxi to the station.

After getting on the bus, Chen Ye thought it over and sent a message to his dad.

"Hey Dad, my friend just told me he's on his way and should arrive in about an hour and a half... Also, my friend doesn't have an ID card, please help him sort it out!"

Chen Ye thought that sending this message would definitely prompt a call from Chairman Chen, questioning him.

He had already prepared his excuses, waiting for the phone to ring! But it didn't happen.

The message showed as read by Chairman Chen, but there was no reply, leaving Chen Ye puzzled about what it meant...

Siyang City is very close to Chen Ye's hometown.

The journey took only an hour to successfully arrive.

After getting off the bus, Chen Ye first went to a mall and casually bought a set of shorter clothes, then entered the mall's restroom. When he came out again, he was a completely different person.

The previous Chen Ye, with handsome features and a height of 1.85 meters, resembling a model in stature, attracted the gazes and throaty hums of older women as he walked through the mall.

Now, he was just over 1.7 meters tall, with an ordinary appearance in every aspect.

Even his listless eyes made him seem a bit odd.

Chen Ye didn't shrink himself to just over 1.6 meters, as that would slightly impact his ability to perform.

His current height was just right.

After looking in the mirror, Chen Ye was surprised to find that his current appearance somewhat resembled Saitama, the One Punch Man...


At this moment, he was Long Aotian.

Chen Ye wanted to make an arrogant expression to match his imposing new name.

After trying a few times, he gave up.

Although the Light Body Technique could change his physical appearance, it couldn't change his personality.

Making him look down on others with his nostrils in the air and eyes slanted, putting on a haughty demeanor... just thinking about it was embarrassing!

As long as he acts more high-profile in the future, he would live up to the name Long Aotian.


Twenty minutes later.

Chen Ye took a taxi to the local Association of Superheroes.

The building was grandly constructed and covered a large area, far surpassing the base in Siyang City.

Moreover, its location was not remote, though not in the city center, it was still in a bustling area.

After all, it was the provincial capital's branch of the Association of Superheroes, making it quite special.

At this time.

Many people were entering and exiting the building, many of them dressed unusually, carrying weapons, clearly powerful superheroes not to be trifled with.

Chen Ye even saw a guy with a mohawk carrying three knives at his waist.

Do you think you're Zoro?

Playing with three swords?

When Chen Ye entered the lobby on the first floor, there were even more people inside, many of them gathering in small groups, exchanging insights.

From an unseen room ahead, there were occasional sounds of impact, clearly someone inside testing their strength.

This is indeed a big city.

Even superheroes are so plentiful.

Chen Ye approached the reception desk.

The receptionist immediately asked politely, "Hello, sir, how can I assist you?"

"I have an appointment with Chairman Chen," Chen Ye said.

The receptionist was slightly surprised at the mention.

Anyone who has an appointment with Chairman Chen is definitely not a minor character.


Her attitude became much more courteous, "May I know your name, sir?"

"Long Aotian!"

The moment this name was mentioned, the noise in the lobby decreased significantly.

The name was simply too imposing!

Additionally, when Chen Ye mentioned he had an appointment with Chairman Chen, he wasn't quiet about it, and many nearby people heard.

Hearing this name now, it was simply...

The receptionist's expression also became somewhat strange, but her professional etiquette was excellent, and she immediately said, "Okay, Mr. Long, please wait a moment, I will notify Chairman Chen right away."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the phone next to her and dialed the number of Chairman Chen's secretary.

Five minutes later.

Everyone in the lobby noticed that the nationally renowned fifth-level powerhouse, Chairman Chen, personally came down to the lobby and approached the youth with the particularly ostentatious name.

"Chairman Chen, hello!"

Chen Ye was the first to greet him: "I'm honored to meet you."

Although Chen Ye had decided to act high-profile while using the identity of Long Aotian, it wasn't good to be arrogant in front of this man.

After all, this was his father, an elder who had worried over him.

"So, you're Long Aotian? Young man, you look spirited!"

Perhaps because of his son.

Chairman Chen was also very polite to Chen Ye at this moment, even giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder, showing enthusiasm.

"About your situation, that kid Chen Ye told me all about it. Your ID card is being made and will be delivered soon."

Chairman Chen said with a smile: "On behalf of myself, I welcome you to join our Hero Association!"

Deserving of someone who could become the president of a branch.

At least in terms of interpersonal skills, Chairman Chen was very emotionally intelligent, giving off a very approachable and refreshing vibe, without any arrogance typical of important figures.

Originally, Chen Ye thought his dad, fearing he might make friends carelessly, would ask many questions about this alias.

But he didn't.

"Oh, by the way, Long Aotian, what level is your strength at now?" Chairman Chen asked with a smile: "We'll need it for the file registration later."

Chen Ye: "This... Actually, I'm not quite sure myself. I've never really tested it properly."

Chairman Chen was eager to see what this young man was made of, and immediately said: "Well, that's perfect. We have all the equipment here. How about you test it out here?"

"Sure!" Chen Ye agreed without hesitation.


Chairman Chen led Chen Ye inside.

Others seeing this followed along to watch the excitement.


They arrived at the strength testing facility.

The equipment here was similar to that in Siyang City, but the space was much larger.

A staff member came forward but was waved away by Chairman Chen.

It seemed that Chairman Chen wanted to personally test the strength of his son's friend.

Many people were in the testing facility.

Seeing Chairman Chen taking the lead, many ran over to watch.

"Long Aotian, which hero's talent do you resonate with?"


Chen Ye said without hesitation.


Actually, it's Tanktop Master.

This hero follows a strength system, and his talent is related to strength and physique, an S-class hero that fits Chen Ye's current situation quite well.

Many spectators were surprised to hear Chen Ye mention the code S15.

S-class talents are considered rare and exceptional everywhere (except for S7, which is a different case).

Even Chairman Chen nodded in approval.

However, looking at Chen Ye's slim physique, he couldn't help but feel that it didn't quite match someone who resonated with the talent of hero S15...

Though curious, Chairman Chen didn't show it on his face and asked without changing his expression, "So, you must be following a strength path, right?"

Chen Ye nodded, adding, "Besides strength, my physique and agility are also not bad."


Chairman Chen was a bit surprised.

The other party must have confidence to say this in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, you are a versatile warrior."

Chairman Chen said with a smile, glanced at his watch for the time, and then said, "Then let's not waste any time. Let's start the test now."

"No problem!"

Chen Ye was eager to try.

He also wanted to know what level his three months of training had brought his strength to.

(End of Chapter)

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