
I Cast Fist

Sebastian wanted to enjoy life, but ROB wanted entertainment.

BigToFu · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Fist 5

I Cast Fist

Chapter 5

By: BigToFu

Next Morning…

Something shifted in my senses forcing me to wake up, the adventures of last night hit me fully as my sleeping companion shifted and I noticed my current size.


Okay, so something did wake me up, with a sigh, I rolled over, but as I went, I felt a soft something suckle squeeze on the head of my dick. I had to use a little force to pull out after realizing that I was still very much balls deep.


With a sigh, I pulled the leg free from around my waist, then said fuck it as I just sent a mental signal to whatever that was and made it show up in my hand. Turns out it was my Avengers card, Steve Rogers. Rolling my eyes at the damn call, I closed that down and opened the chat function and told him that I couldn't speak at the moment.

Steve replied with a question about still wanting to talk about the Avengers thing with Fury and that he had a meeting set up for ten.

I rolled my eyes and went to answer that I'll be there when Alcina opened an eye to peer at me. Dismissing my Avenger's card, I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, morning breath be damned.

As we kissed, her legs parted as she swung a big creamy thigh over and mounted me, from tip to hilt all in one motion, guess I'll be late for that meeting.

After giving Alicia some of my blood for breakfast after putting her in the mating press position. She opted to try some of what her daughters got and disclosed that she would love to experience not having to be so dependent on blood anymore. She was filled with more than just three square meals alright, no matter how fast a vampire's digestive system was. I was firing a full all you could eat buffet of proteins and vitamins in a creamy shake pouring down her throat.

We both lucked out and I got to play Doctor Strange love for a night, but something was gonna have to give. No way in hell would I allow myself to get taken by ever again. Would need to bolster alot of my defenses.

Now though, I was flying through the city on my way to meet good Ole Cap, and the one-eyed pirate himself. First though, I had a wall crawler to chat with. I noticed Spider-Man swung off the main street and I turned in pursuit of the kid. From his demeanor and physical size, he was clearly in high school or starting college and I know it was an asshole thought, but I was happy to not have to look out for any uncle Ben bullshit. Now I just had to keep a kid from self-destruction and noted that he deserved at least some payment for all his sacrifice.

Pulling into a hover, I let out a sigh before my hands started to go through the motions, a multicolored magical circle forming this time from my actions.

Original Spell: Shadow Clone

Slowly the shadows pushed out from my back before taking on a solid form, then placing themselves into a hover around me. With one last check over the fifty copies of myself, I waved my hands in dismissal since they already knew the plan. They would check in on my points of interest while also gathering materials I wanted along with finishing my unfinished creations and various tasks.

With multiple got it boss, or on it boss, I flew on while they teleported, went invisible, or flew in other directions away from my heading. With a wave of my hand once more, I made myself invisible also as I flew in pursuit of my target. I found him a few buildings over to the east facing the bridge while he sat eating a breakfast roll. Seeing that the kid had the right idea and he was very much a kid from the look of that jaw. I sat down a little in arm's reach and conjured up two cups of hot chocolate.

Sipping at my own drink, I held the other one out for him to take as I had the spell canceled.

Peter Parker, being who he was, didn't even second think it as he reached out with a hand to take the cup of hot chocolate with his spider-sense not going off, "Thanks."

I sipped with a slurp, a smirk at the corners of my lips, "No problem kid."

We both sipped and slurped the hot chocolate and released a satisfied sound. Then he stiffened, and slowly turned to look at me. With a raised brow, I raised my own cup at him in salute, "Sup spidey."

The kid looked at me, then looked at his cup, then looked at me again. Once things finally clicked for him, he freaked the fuck out as he jumped up and away. Only to go through a portal and come out floating on the other side with no gravity on his body. I took another sip of my hot chocolate and watched the kid flounder for a bit before he decided to web a spot and pull himself towards it. That action backfired as a miniature portal opened in front of where he was slinging the web and connected to his feet.

Then I chuckled as I watched him give the web a yank, only to yank himself through the portal round and round a few times before I felt bad for the poor lad. With a shake of the head, I wrapped him in a levitate spell, dismissed the others as I cleaned him up, and then sat him back down beside my location.

"Calm down yet kid?" I asked after taking another ship of my hot chocolate.

He pulled his mask down and spoke with a deep voice, "I'm not a kid."

With a chuckle, I shook my head at him and finished off the last of my hot chocolate, "I believe a little talk is in order." I spoke up as I checked my watch.

"Alright, but I'm only just a Neighborhood Spider, not sure I can do much for an Avenger." The Kid quipped as he sat down next to me once he noticed I wasn't planning on doing anything.

I shook my head at him, "You're more than just that, a lot more." Then I flicked my fingers summoning my Avengers card, held it up for him to see, and gave it a little wave. With the motion, the card split with an original spell copying everything. I then held it out for the kid to take. "There is much to discuss but for now, your actions during the invasion have earned you a slot on the team. Probation is the standard ninety days and all that jazz." I said with a chuckle as I noticed the stunned posture.

"You will need to figure out a time to discuss rights and contracts along with pay." Then I got up and dusted myself off as the Avengers card floated over to where he was sitting looking stunned. A magical circle flared to life as I disposed of the trash and turned to leave, "Alright since you're good and have no questions, I'll be off then."

As I slowly floated upwards, the kid's head started to shake back and forth rapidly.

"Waitwait, whatdoyoumeanaboutimanavengersnow." The kid spoke all at once the word salad launched so fast it was hard to keep up.

"Huh?" I asked, confused. "I got none of that kid."

Peter took a calming breath, then held the Avengers Card out to me. "Sorry, but I can't take this."

Instead of taking it, I turned and floated there with my hands folded across my chest, "And why is that, because last I checked you're a hero deserving of a slot on the team." Then I held up a hand to stop him from saying all the bullshit that Peter in the comics would use to keep from actually living up to his potential. "There are multiple ways to protect a secret identity along with lawyers, getting paid for your work is also not a sin. For someone who is putting their life on the line for saving the world, it's the least of the things you should be getting." Then I pushed magic outwards, spell circles forming with the colors of purples, greens and blues, then with a snap of the wrist, they circled a spooked Spider-man before slowly misting away. "There you go, secret identity now protected by magic, no one will know it's you until you verbally tell them. Not even a picture or video evidence will be able to link you or give away the fact that you're Spider-man."

"That is… that is… thank you sir." Peter replied in shock, his manners kicking in.

I waved it away, "No problem kid, I also took the liberty to make sure the rights of your name are now available and no one but you can purchase it or a lawyer in your name."

That caught his attention, but I just pointed at his Avengers Card, "The read me is in there, untraceable to everything on earth, make sure to set up a twitter, facebook, youtube and instagram once you finish the manual." I checked my watch, "I have places to be and you have three days to show up at my bowling alley, address on the card. And I would suggest you stop selling photos to JJ, that mans ruined your reputation enough and we are going to work hard to rebuild that."

His hand went up to rub the top of his head, but I was already flying away leaving the kid flat-footed and completely blindsided. There was so much more that I wanted to impart on the kid, but I wasn't a preacher and he would learn a lot better by doing and living. No need to browbeat it all across his thick Parker skull until he understood.

With a check of my watch, I found that I still had ten minutes and decided to put on a little bit of speed. No way to miss my destination with how massive Stark Tower was compared to its surroundings. Arriving with six minutes on the clock, I strolled in through the balcony doors as Jarvis opened it for me.

The intercom opened up and Jarvis's smooth voice spoke up, "They are located on the forty-third floor sir."

With a chuckle, I turned towards the elevator, "Thank you, Jarvis, please let them know that I've arrived."

"Of course, sir. Mister Stark is rather excited and has been looking forward to this meeting," Jarvis replied as he started the elevator for me.

My phone buzzed in my breast pocket and I pulled it out and checked the text that came in. A Shadow Clone had completed the USB for Stark's servers along with setting up my social media and bank accounts. Another clone was checking in that he arrived at the hospital along with one locating Klue and was going to persuade him to turn over everything.

I snorted at that and checked the other incoming text, a Shadow Clone had just arrived at the Baxter building while another had made it upstate to the X-men School. That was all good news and I made sure to remind everyone to get genetic samples with nice bright flashy displays of magic. I had a few plans in mind and they would work alot better if I could dot all my I's and cross all my T's.

The elevator door opened with a rapid swishing sound and I stepped out while putting my phone back into my inner breast pocket. I felt the weight in my coat shift as items settled into my dimensional pocket. Looking around the hall, I found the door in the distance opened with the Avenger's inside, Steve standing at the door. Tony was inside the room with Bruce at his side, the both of them talking animatedly.

With a shake of Steve's hand, I walked into the room and noticed the massive windows set to one side, the round table. Then I noticed the fact that Natasha was here, but no Clint. My ears then perked up at the sound of walking, multiple pairs of shoes. Well, alright, I guess the entire party was here, time to get this show on the road.

Deciding to leave the chairs with the wall protecting the back, I placed my folder along with the USB for Stark down at the chair with the giant windows behind it. Pulling off my jacket, I placed it on the seat, then rolled up my sleeves to get more comfortable.

"What the hell is that?" A voice cut across the room and I turned to see Tony looking at me with wide eyes.

"Language," Steve called out, and the room all paused to take a look at him then shift back to me once Bruce decided to come closer.

With a shake of the head, I looked at Tony, "What is what?"

Before Tony could answer, Bruce put to fingers on my neck and turned my head, once I raised a hand to bat him away. Bruce noticed my wrist and forearm. He caught my hand for inspection as the rest of the team got closer to take a look. Then I realized what they were so interested in and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, alright," I stated and pulled my hand away from Bruce's inspection.

"Who did this to you Wild?" Fury asked with his eyes narrowed.

Steve, bless his heart had his hand up in calming gestures. "Okay, calm down everyone lets give him a chance to explain."

With a chuckle, I took my seat and waved them away, "It's nothing to worry about."

Bruce snorted, "Nothing to worry about, Sebastian, you have multiple puncture wounds and they are releasing black smoke."

I nodded, held my hand out, and then pushed some magic to the surface and got a brief flash of light from the holy energy I was using to cleanse the bite locations, "Yeah, happens when you tangle with vampires."

Tony took a hard step back, Clint and Nat raised brows and Steve looked concerned along with Bruce. Fury was the only one that didn't say anything.

Tony broke the silence though, "Is there no way to stop you from turning, aren't you like the magic man, do something."

"Not that type of encounter Tony," I answered with a shake of the head, then smiled at him. "Triplets Tony and then a final boss."

His eyes went wide and then he was inside my personal space, "Tell me more."

"I can do you one better," I replied, then took out my Avengers Card. Placed it at the side of my temple and pushed out the memories of last night. Sanitized a good few parts to make sure I didn't give away all of what I did, but enough glimpses to make him super jelly. Then sent it to his Avengers Card, "I wouldn't let Pepper catch you with that if I was you."

"And what pray tell did you just do?" Fury asked with a raised brow.

I shrugged at him, "Used the AAR neural function to make a copy of the memory and sent it to Tony."

The Agents all raised a brow at this knowledge, Fury spoke for them though and I noticed that he still didn't take a seat. As if looming over me was going to be intimidating. "And can all of these cards do this?"

I looked at Fury, then at Clint then over to Natasha, "Yes, but that's also within the user manual if they read it. They would have told you that needs consent along with at least three founder-level Avengers for permission to be used against people for interrogation." Then I motioned towards the chair, "Now, would you kindly take a seat so that we may really get into why we are meeting."

Fury stared me down for a time allowing the silence to stretch, it was only broken by Tony. This was because the man couldn't help himself and had opened the memories I sent as a video file. The reaction he had broke the tension in the room and I was positive that he was looking at the memories of Lady Dimitrescu on the table along with her intro.

"What is that Tony?" Bruce asked, looking interested, but Tony got spooked and put it away like a kid caught with something naughty.

Tony gave Bruce a grin, then snapped around and looked at me, "You're going to take me to that club right? Right?"

I chuckled and drummed my fingers on the table, "Sure, but I hope you know that you're not going to be very famous in places like those."

Tony now nearly had stars in his eyes, "That's even better, I could corner the market from the ground up in a whole new society."

Steve sighed and then pulled Tony towards a seat, "Alright Tony, but for now we have a few important things to talk about."

"Jarvis, windows please," Tony called out, then he received a response along with the giant windows that took up a wall dimming. I raised a brow at the fact he had a conference room with fully polarized windows, expensive.

Fury settled into a seat and treated it as if he was the head of the table. He leaned forward, arms stretched out, and had a laser gaze focused on me, "Alright, explain to me your issue with the Avenger's being under SHIELD."

With a raised brow, I leaned back in my seat and really looked him over and exuded how unimpressed I was with his power play. My fingers beat a staccato on the desk as I tried to think about how I wanted to start this. Coming to a decision after a bit of thinking, I waved a hand over the folder I placed on the desk. The contents floated up, then multiplied as copies of the folder divided out and settled in front of everyone. Then I pulled out a circular disk that took over the table with a projected magical hologram.

Tony was excited with giddiness while Bruce tried to play off his own excitement. Steve was looking over the images in the folder with a smile and the Agents locked up and then forced themselves to relax and show that I didn't surprise them.

Cradling my throat, I placed my hands flat on the table and spread them as I leaned forward, "We will talk about the nuke situation later, that I can promise you, but the main reason why I don't want the Avengers underneath the totally not secret world government agency is that we are supposed to be heroes, not death squads moving on the whim of those in charge." That made a few of those at the table pull in air at my words. "Heroes are to inspire hope within the world, the symbol that stands before the darkness, back firm as we face the abyss to save the others and say I AM HERE!" I banged my hand on the table with those words channeling my inner All-Might. "How can we be any of that when we work underneath a secret government Agency that's not supposed to exist but has a massive building in Washington?"

The image of the magic hologram hovering over the table changed to show the Triskalon, but I kept pushing forward. "I don't know about you, but I refuse to work with such a group, especially with HYDRA in its ranks."

The room went eerily silent, then as the proof ran over the holograms, dates, times, names, video footage, and much more. It was like a bomb went off as Fury, and Tony went off. Bruce was stunned, Steve had a muscle in his jaw flexing as he sat with a mulish look on his face. Nat looked stunned and flinched at the image of Bucky getting his brains scrambled. Clint just looked devastated and I kinda felt bad because SHIELD was his life's work.

The hologram image shifted to show AIM, CIA along with all other kinds of infiltrators in the organization. The images and videos of human experimentation played for all to see, muted because no one needed that so early in the day.

"Told you Fury, that your super secret boy band was filled with posers." Tony sniped, his fingers moving rapidly over the hologram and the data that it was displaying.

Fury let out a growl and narrowed his eyes at Tony. "Now is not the time for any of your foolishness Stark," Then Fury turned towards Steve. "And why aren't you saying anything?"

Steve looked at Fury, and pulled out the paper I had given him the other day. Unfolded it, then pushed it across the table for Fury and the rest to read. : Bucky is alive, we can rescue him but it will take time to gather information on HYDRA, don't cause a scene.:

Fury glared at it, then snapped towards me, "And what do you plan to do about this?"

"And that's where the nuke situation comes in," I replied with a shrug, "What's the phrase politicians love to use?" I asked, tapping my chin.

"It wasn't me?" Tony chimed up. "Trickle down economics, I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

With a shackle I shook my head at him, "No Tony, politicians love the phrase plausible deniability."

"How does that help us here?" Bruce asked his off hand going into the air.

"Glad you asked," I replied with a pop, then snapped my fingers causing a video to play. We all watched as a group of men and women ordered Fury to launch a nuke on the city of New York. The video played and I chuckled at the moment Fury answered with, "Granted it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it. I will not fire upon the civilian population of Manhattan." I then turned and brought up the Avenger's social media. "Well would you look at that, it would seem that we are trending. Ohh and are those name tags under each of their faces? Damn!"

Then I turned and gave Fury a smirk as everyone looked on with wide eyes.

"TV Jarvis," Tony called out.

"Of course Sir, it also seems to have been picked up by all news networks sir."

Fury growled at me, "Other than releasing classified information how does that help or even pertain to any of this?"

My returning look was flat, "Because you can now roll all of HYDRA up along with the security council, they had to have had holes and codes that bypass your obviously good leadership." I replied with a shrug, "It's not like anyone is going to defend them, the public is going to call for blood and no politician will stick their necks out in fear of getting it chopped off. It's political suicide to touch this with a hundred-foot pole which will allow you to weed out all of the infestations along with the list you are clearly being supplied right now."

Then before Fury could say anything to gainsay me, his phone rang. He looked at it, then furrowed a brow at the device. He stood and answered the call, "Fury."

My ear twitched and I could notice that Steve also heard that it was the President on the call.

Steve let out a sigh, leaned back in his seat, and looked at me, "Is there anything else?"

This time I returned a smile towards him, "Actually, yes there is and this is good news you just might like."

With a smile, I swiped my hand across the table, with this action. All of the information that I had shown compiled itself before settling over before Fury's chair. Then with a little flair, I summoned some cards with a flash of magic and started to flick out cards with a snap of my wrist. While I was flicking out the cards, they stopped at a hover before the selected people with a profile breakdown of what they could do. I had also made sure to bring video and pictures to help my presentation.

"Alright, alright, take a card and be amazed with my selections for the Cap and Sam Wilson ex-military type, incredibly loyal and currently working as brother's keeper as a group counselor down in Washington. Clean record and he has wings as a fly boy to threaten Rhody's title of coolest brotha in the sky." Pictures scroll across for everyone to get a chance to see Sam in action along with video. "I rate him as Thinker 3 for his military training and situational awareness. Mover 2 for his flight pack."

Then I had his card hover before Steve, "Second on that list is one Luke Cage, also ex-military service with distinction, but got framed when he left the service, unfortunately. Crazy thing was that didn't keep him down, and like Cap, Luke got back up so the person who framed him decided if prison couldn't break him maybe human experimentation would." I let out a chuckle for those in the room to look at me with a raised brow. "Don't look at me like that, Luke walked it off like Sunday brunch with super powers as a consolation prize. He's gonna need a pardon but with the evidence I was able to gather, i'm sure we could swing one. Anyway his rating is Brute 6 at least with how bulletproof he is, also seen him lift everything from a car to a big rig."

Then I turned and flicked two cards towards Bruce, "For the Doctor in our midst, I have for you Susan Storm and Doctor Henry McCoy, both brilliant minds and could use another to bounce ideas off of. Sue is currently playing den mother to a group of misfits and comes with her own powers of force fields and invisibility. Hank already is on a team but he prefers his lab over fieldwork. Would be a great addition for us. Sue comes in as a Stranger 6 for full range spectrum invisibility, Thinker 3 for how her powers work alone, and Blaster 7 for how those fields of her's operate."

"Wait, hold on," Clint called out a hand up to stop me, "What's with these terms, blaster, thinker, brute?"

I returned a flat look, "Dude, the power classifications were in the manual. They are also beside your name when you check your own profile." I swiped a hand across the table, "Hawkeye, Brute 1, Thinker 4, Blaster 5, Tinker 2, Mover 1, more gets broken down if you were to select a tab. Thinker 4, due to Hawkeye's exceptional aim, and ability to hit any target even on the move. Do not let his cool joking facade fool you. There is a sharp mind underneath it all."

Tony sat up in his seat and pulled out his card, he muttered for a second then smiled, good. The man came in at Tinker 10 easily and I had annotations about never letting him get his hands on any tools along with giving him a high Thinker rating. Hell, even Tony had a Blaster rating that was up there with warnings to keep him from his suit at all costs. Bruce had changer and Brute 20 scaleable on his card while noting his strength being doubled by anger.

"Ha! I'm such a badass." Clint chuckled while reading over his rating.

With a shake of my head, I went back to what I was saying, "Hank rates in at a solid Thinker 8, Tinker 5 for what I'm aware of, Brute 3, Mover 4, and while he is medically focused, Hank doesn't have a problem working with a wrench set."

Tony drummed his hands on the table and beamed at me, "So who do I get, you gave Brucy the blonde supermodel and Cap got his band of brothers what about me? You got any tech wizards or maybe someone that could equal my impressive genius."

"HA!" I barked in laughter then flicked him two cards. "I got Spider-man and War Machine."

Tony made a face at me, "Rhodes is cool and all but for really the vigilant, ain't he like a criminal or something?"

I shook my head at Tony," Spider-man might be the ringer in this entire deck Tony because if you think you're hot shit. This kid has you beat seven ways from Sunday. And yes, you heard me right, that kid."

The room went silent at my words.

"How old is he," Clint asked cutting right to the heart of things.

I shook my head at them, "All secret identities are protected not only by my magically enforced NDA's but also by my honor, he would have to tell you that. Now, you're looking at someone who has been fighting the good fight for a few years now and has quite an eclectic group of villains after his life. Tinker 10 even if he hasn't put that brain of his to really make things yet. Kids got a set of web shooters capable of lasting hours and holding up buildings. My investigation discovered he foiled a plan of a villain to turn the city into lizard people. Thinker 5 at least with his reactions and senses along with a Mover 5 rating. Last but not least and because I know you all have been waiting, Brute 8 maybe 12 with some actual training underneath his belt." I paused and looked around the table with stunned faces, "Yes, you heard me right when I said actual training. The kids a powerhouse and he's never seen a day in the gym or professionally taught."

Tony snatched the card off the table, "Mine."

I chuckled, "I figured as much, but it's going to be up to you to gain his trust. I already set him up with an Avengers card and put him on probation along with a few other things. Plus, the card is to protect him or at least offer a helping hand during his times of need. The last thing I need on my conscience is a kid taking on the world and bleeding out when we could have taken him in and mentored him. "

Steve sighed, "Okay, who else you got?"

"Glad you asked," I replied with a smile towards the good Captain. "For myself, I got Wong, another magic user for when I'm not available. Daredevil out of hell's kitchen, and Collen Wing, or Iron Fist, since word in the supernatural is that the gates to K'un Lun are open again. So there is a good chance the slayer of the Dragon Lord Shou-Lao might want to visit home. They are all from the supernatural side of things so I couldn't track down a proper rating for them. Daredevil though is a Striker 5 along with Thinker 8, Collen Wing also Striker 5 and from a long line of Chi-ninja's so possible Blaster rating. Iron Fist is a master martial artist plus slaying the Lord Dragon gave him abilities so very high on the Blaster at 10 and Striker at 8."

Everyone was stunned at that, but it was alright since the moment was broken by Fury as he came back from his call and stood behind his seat. That silence was broken some more as Fury placed his hands on the table as he stood there and tried to loom over me.

"You speak as if you are the leader of the Avengers," Fury stated and from his tone he expected me to feel some type of shame, too bad. Everyone looked stunned and I held up a hand to stop Steve from saying anything.

Standing up, the look that I gave Fury was one of a very unimpressed person. With my thoughts in order, I spoke. "As of right now and until something is put down on paper, I pretty much am." I swiped a hand through the air to shut him down, "If you haven't noticed Fury, Tony runs a multinational billion-dollar fortune five hundred company." I said with a hand towards Tony's general direction and Stark pulled a set of finger guns. "And as much as I think of him as a great friend to have my back, I don't want us to take any more advantage of him as we have already. A Super Villain Alien has already attacked his home due to Tony's connection with the Avengers."

The room let that settled, for a minute, but I kept on going as I turned toward Banner. "Bruce just got his pardon and is still putting his life back together and is leading the medical side of things or at least he wants to. He didn't say no to any of my suggestions so I'm of the mind he is in agreement." I then turned towards the Captain. "Steve, have you been living a life since getting out of the ice or just living somewhere waiting on your next mission?" Steve looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights and hid a wince. Before the man could stutter out a lie, I barreled forward. "Thor is off-world doing who knows what in the nine realms along with being a foreign prince. Clint is still recovering from being mind controlled by a big villain." Then I stopped my tirade as memories came in from a shadow clone, I turned towards Clint and sent over the number. " I got a contact he might want to speak with about that. Nats the only one that might take the job but it's clear she doesn't trust herself with that type of position."

Then I spread my hands out. "So yes Fury, I'm the current leader of the Avengers while Cap can lead in the field. Tony leads in tech, Bruce leads with the biological and the Agents lead with detective work. I'm the leader because I have been thinking about more than just two steps from now along with our impact on the world and the possibilities of more contact of future foes and aliens." I finished and made a show of breathing hard. "Now if you don't mind, I have new Avengers to suggest, with compatible personalities, that might mesh well with everyone." I then narrowed my eyes, "Measuring dicks because you get pissy over not being able to breathe down our necks is beneath a person in your position."

The room was stunned into silence, Tony dropped a quiet, "Damn!" Steve and Banner turned to look at Tony and he shrugged at the look from Fury, "He got you there."

"You think you got it all figured out don't you?" Fury asked, cutting back towards me.

There was no stopping the chuckle that escaped my lips, "Not even fucking close, I'm just setting us up to ride the wave to get things that need to get done, done." I then made a hand motion towards the air, "I could have fucked off back to my very luxurious magical home and not be bothered with any of this bullshit, but im not stupid. Which means I won't be sticking my head in the sand when there is writing on the wall with where things are heading."

I swiped my hand across the table and popped up a magical hologram of the planet and had it focus in on just America, "There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of meta-human kids and people with the chance to be superhuman." I let out a sigh and then brought up the picture-perfect shot of us standing around looking heroic mid-combat. "Somethings gotta give or we are gonna have a WW3 repeating WW2."

That perked everyone up with some real scary looks on their face. Tony was the first to speak up, beating out even Steve. "That will never happen."

The sad look on my face said it all, then I made a hand motion towards the hologram of what HYDRA has been doing. "Yeah, because we won't let it. There needs to be a standard or at least a shove in the proper direction because if not, the world's gonna become split between us and them mentalities and powered teenagers are a lot more willing to burn down everything than some neighbors wearing fancy stars."

The vein on Fury's temple twitched along with the one in his neck as he stewed in silence. Then he released a grunt like a sullen goth teenager and took his seat. "Alright fearless leader, lead."

With a shake of the head, I went back to my cards and flicked one towards Nat, "For the deadly assassin amongst us, we have Jessica Jone, Brute 6 at least with Mover 4, but she is scared of heights so her flight is kinda useless at the moment. She is a Private Eye and snarked and bitchy attitude personified. You guys can bond over stabbing people, preferably Killgrave if you can swing it. Notes are in the file for your eyes only if you decide you want to go check her out."

"Woah, hold on, wait a minute, something ain't right," Tony inputted with his hands held out in time-out motion. "How come when we finally get someone that can hang with my impressive snarky and witty charm, you don't give them to me?"

With a sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Tony she can bench press a car and if she were to fold you into one Pepper would kill me."

The brows on Bruce's face scrunched together. "So why did you give it to Natasha?"

My look turned flat, "Natasha is a people person, the personification of snark while also being a troll if you guys have missed it. So might as well send the person more likely to dodge a punch than eat one and who can dish it and doesn't mind trading barbs."

Tony pouted, so I shrugged and turned towards Clint with the last of my cards. "Alright Clint, these aren't ace's like Spider-man but they are wild cards and game changers."

Clint raised a brow but still had a relaxed posture with a slightly irreverent attitude.

My shoulders went up and down in a shrug, "Your older brother, cool Uncle vibe will work with everyone and that's why I'm suggesting them to you. Johnny Storm, high-level Blaster, Brute and Mover, also very much a genius mechanical engineer.." I let out a sigh and then flicked two cards towards Clint. "The Maximoff twins. The brother is a super speed Mover with Brute rating for enhanced strength and durability. Both just hit twenty but are punk kids with a grudge against Tony a mile wide, but that's not his fault." As I finished saying that the holograms shifted to a newspaper with how the kids survived when a bomb shelled their home.

Before the room could go into gloom and doom as Tony put on his sad guilt face. Rolling my eyes, I flicked a finger putting Wanda on the screen. "The female twin is the one that's going to need your older brother vibes, she comes with a Mystery 10 rating because she has no clue about her chaos magic and reality-warping abilities."

"HUH?" Clint responded and I couldn't blame him. They were all new to things like this but I didn't mind at all.

"Her meta-gene," I started to speak but was interrupted by Bruce.

Bruce raised his hand a little to shift his glasses. "Ahh, sorry but don't you mean X-gene?"

Okay, there was no stopping my dramatic sigh and praying to the heavens. "Wanda's meta-gene activated with both a magic and reality warping factor that she has absolutely no clue about or control of. Right now, from my observations, she has only been using it to create what she calls hex blasts. They pack little more than a hard punch depending on her intent, but I suggest her for Clint because of his personality."

I wonder if I should let them know that Wanda was within at least the top twenty strongest beings alive on the planet. Looking around the table and seeing the looks on their faces, I thought better of it. Then memories came in of my shadow clone visiting Xavier's and the hospitals along with getting all of my genetic samples and scans of a few interesting powers. There were even full one for one copies that could easily be shared out, but I wasn't about to do something that stupid.

I would keep them saved until someone fucked around and found out. My boot to the ass would be a nice surprise for them.

Fury grunted in his seat, "I can't help but notice that you didn't have any cards for me."

For that he got a cheeky grin, "You're not an Avenger, you are an advisor, but as consolidation to help your ego since I have been so mean to you. I have five super suits I've been working on for the squishier members of the team."

That made everyone pay attention to me instead of looking over their cards and the profiles. Then with a flourish and hand motions, I had a suit projected above the table. Hovering above the table was my own recreation of the Gantz suit, but the blue plug points were now placed at the ankles and wrist. Along the spine was protection with a ventilation system to keep the miniaturized tech cooled.

"I want twenty," Fury instantly said once his eye noticed the specs of Brute and Mover 5 strength rating maxing at ten tons.

I shook my head at him, "You get five no more, and just so you know, they will self-destruct the moment you try and have a tech pull it apart."

Fury grunted and I rolled my eyes at the situation. "Ohh and before we call this meeting to a close and go enjoy snacks and maybe bowl a lane or two in my super sweet magic spot, I decided on a code name."

Steve shifted his chair and I looked at him as he spoke up, "I thought that it was Magus?"

"That's what the press calls me," I replied with a shake of the head.

Tony drummed his hands on the desk, "Well, don't keep us waiting, what is it?"

Without saying anything, I made a flourish with my hands, and out of my shoulders sprang flares of all types. Colors sprang forth as magic came into the world and did my bidding. Above my head a halo formed parallel to the ground so they could see its surface as words started to form.


Tony snorted and cupped his hands around his mouth, "Boooo, get off the stage, boooooo."

"Well fuck you to Rust-man." Was returned instantly. I raised a hand with a copper circlet of magical power swirling around it. Yet, before I could respond, memories from the shadow clone in Africa settled into my mind. My smile was wide and creepy, as I twisted around on the spot my clothes changing into that of Santa Clause. The red bag on my back turned transparent as I sat it on the table. Vibranium containment tubes spilled out, shocking everyone in the room. "Call me daddy or the hundred pounds of vibranium you wanted for Christmas might turn to coal."

Then I waved a hand over the containment tubes, the vibranium inside of them shifted and rippled as an illusion settled over them. Inside the containers now sat lumps of coal. The look of utter devastation on Tony's face was just too good. Then he snapped out of it as another tube turned to coal and another and another.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Tony screamed as he snatched up the final vibranium containment tube. He held the containment tube to his chest as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

Author Note: Okay, enough serious for now, jokes and fun for the next chapter. This should be my only word salad chapter for awhile, onwards to adventure.

So I have had a few comments and suggestions to have Sebastian get the Super Serum or the Spider Serum to make up for his lack of durability and super strength. The thing is that those options are done way to often in stories and I want to keep this different.

It's why I went with a pure magical character in the first place. I have written and read plenty of stories where characters just resort to good old fashion punch and punk sucka in his mouth and win it all. I don't believe that there are purely magical stories out there, and that's what I'm trying here.

I don't want him to go around punching people in the face, he should be able to come up with a magical solution for every occasion because MAGIC!

I know Natasha - Black Widow didn't say much and that's because I have her in an observant mode not creating chaos and being a gremlin.

The ratings are Brute, Tinker, Thinker, Mover, Blaster, Striker, Mystery, and Puppeteer, Boosters

The ratings should be self-explanatory but Mystery is for those with magic, chi, and all kinds of reality-breaking powers.

Puppeteer are those who control things from insects to projections and even people.

So I got a few questions about pairings and harem this and that etc, etc, and all that jazz and daisy's. Well this ain't that kina story bruvv, A man and woman are gonna do what a man and woman are gonna do. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Not going to call out your name for the world to see. Adults know that just because you sleep with someone doesn't mean you are with someone. That is why there is a hook-up culture.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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dis- cord - GG /p2QJNck

On the you will find Turok and Side Stories.

pat- tron - TheToFu