
I Cant Quit You

Ruth left college and right into work. After a few failed jobs, and the need for a stable career. She decides to take a chance in the city. Unknown to her, she got an opportunity to work at her dream company. For a moment she's had a brief period of realization, to think straight, to focus on herself. And just like that, everything for Ruth takes an unexpected turn. Nothing is hotter than getting a hot boyfriend, plus whose gorgeous and charming. Ruth, vows she would be more adventurous like her friend and avoid making the same mistakes she did with past relationships. So what's a young lady to do? As she tries to make a solid attempt to show that she can do her work while dating her hot new boyfriend. Unknowingly, she gains the affection of a man who finds himself caught by her fire. So when Ruth, strikes up an unfortunate adoration from her CEO. She thought nothing of it, he’s a married man after all. Yet he comes in and out of her life to win her love. Caught between the two, Ruth must decide who to trust with her loyalty. And with her heart. With the lurks of gossipers, Ruth finds her life transformed by an unexpected love affair between both men. She is much less becoming hopelessly in love with both. Then again, she finds that despite her best expectations, love has an arrangement all its own! ********************************************************

Lovell_Curts · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Jules... who?

By tomorrow, it was the afternoon. Mr. Hayes led the way and I followed. It seemed like most of the colleagues were relaxing in their respective chairs around a huge table, as we walked along the mirrored walls. I was a mere few distances from him, still scanning the document with blunders while keeping up.

I had noticed in the document that mostly all the management was attending this meeting and I felt out of place slightly. The meeting was supposed to start in the next twenty minutes, and Mr. Hayes wanted to reach early, and apparently, everyone seemed prepared for it.

Mr. Hayes entered as I trailed behind. I soon paused as I soon realized I was more of a shadow, as everyone simultaneously came to greet him. Some seemed surprised, some acted casually, and others seemed they were put on edge. I guess not everyone was supposed to like their boss.

Apparently, it seemed as if we came in separately, and somehow I played along. He seemed to have noticed it too, as Mr. Hayes' eyes shone at me, giving me directions where my place would be. I looked to see the few vacant seats at the corner and slightly nodded as acknowledgment.

I approached the few participants that seemed out of place as well. I sat and unconsciously eavesdropped on the occupants nearby.

"Why didn't anyone tell us Mr. Hayes would attend?" A girl in black hair and a bleached top asked.

"Who knows? It's a real shocker if you ask me," a girl with blonde hair replied back, which was close to her.

"Is there something happening that we don't know about," as she scampered through a few documents in front of her.

"No," the blonde hair girl said. "It's always the same, the same listing and he's always on it, and the same topics… but Mr. Hayes hasn't been to these meetings for a year so…"

"I don't like it… being clueless about what's happening. She could fire me because of this!" Black hair girl sputtered.

"Seriously?! Because you didn't know he was attending? It's not like his name isn't printed as an attendee."

"You don't understand Janice… she needs to be aware of things like this. Me not knowing makes me look incompetent," she said frustrated.

"If I'm being honest with you Claire … I don't think anyone knew he was coming."

I buried my eyes into my own documents pretending as if I was consumed in my own thoughts. A bunch of questions flooded my mind all at once, but I kept them to myself. I clearly remembered his words 'he wanted me to listen and observe', as if I should pretend as if I didn't exist.

Yet, this gossip of not attending meetings a year… or more wasn't fitting of him. Based on the report, these meetings were kept on a quarterly basis, so why? And why now? I closed my eyes for a brief second, I needed only to focus on the matter at hand, and make my reports based on my findings. But questions still edge at me, maybe I could ask Flowers some things, later on, I wonder.

"She's late!" I heard Claire scattered under her breath as the meeting commenced. I figured much or less it was the same boss she was talking about earlier. "She's late!" She stated again as she glared at the door as she waited for her manager's arrival.

I slightly felt her pain, the embarrassment and impotence of her boss reflect on her nonetheless the status she holds. I realized soon enough that those who sat in the corners were personal assistants or receptionists to each manager—taking notes or making key pointers on what affects their manager in the meeting.

Yet it was clear that Claire's boss was late, it merely showed that either she didn't inform her manager appropriately or she was not reliable in managing her boss's schedule. Either way, it didn't look good on her. I could see her gritting her teeth, observing her surroundings as well, as she twitched, trembled, and glowed as if she was about to burst at the seams.

"Did you text her?" Janice whispered to her.

"Yes! Especially to the fact that Mr. Hayes is here!" Claire angrily whispered back.

I started to scan the room and only found two chairs empty. One was far to the back of the table, but one was at the front, adjacent to Mr. Hayes himself. Whatever seat her manager held didn't matter, she looked like muck right now.

It wasn't more than thirty minutes when I saw her, walking beside the glass panels that parted the meeting room and the walkway. She wore dark glasses with her wavy black hair cropped at middle-length, walking as if she didn't have the care in the world. She wore a vibrant dark green dress hem right above her knees. It fitted her elegantly showing her figure with a small v-neck split sheath.

She opened the door and modeled her way in as she gave a somewhat genuine smile. The current speaker halted all at one time as her presence made the whole room pause as if there was a shiver. In her high heels, she looked tall and skinny, as she glided her way up to the top of the table.

She was about to take her seat went her eyes landed on Mr. Hayes, and the room felt like it froze. Her smile soon reclined, as she stared at him intently. She took off her glasses and paused for a moment to quickly glance over the room. He didn't even glance at her, not even a decoration of her presence. There was an awkward silence and I couldn't understand why, no one ushered a word.

Her dull wide eyes set meet Claire, immediately Claire removed hers and bit her lips anxiously, and fiddled with her hands. It was clear the manager had arrived. She maliciously pulled her chair and sat, with a frozen smile. It seems to be aimed specifically at Mr. Hayes, whose eyes were preoccupied with something in his hands.

She flushed in her seat, while everyone was staring at her. I thought it would be a lot worse, she might have thought that this wasn't really embarrassing. But being late was embarrassing, especially when the CEO attends.

I was sure that no one cares that she was late aside from Mr. Hayes. Yet he didn't seem to care if she was late or not, surely I would have least given her the eyes of shame. The speaker coughed as if to get everyone's attention as he continued.

It was like her being late didn't affect any of them. She was late, but they were on time. They were learning, addressing matters, and much more, and yet all she did was interrupted them. She didn't seem to add any value at all.

I noticed that she shifted in her seat and I thought for a moment she must have felt bad. Instead of having her eyes locked on the speaker, chanting about the changes and development. She hadn't even noticed him, it was like he didn't even exist. She just sat calmly playing with the glasses she was wearing previously. Staring head on, at who was sitting adjacent to her, at Mr. Hayes.

Two hours passed and the meeting was finally over. Honestly, maybe I would have felt weird if ninety percent of the time someone was staring at me. I guess I was more weirded out by the fact her gaze did not affect him. She seemed unhinged, that he made her unhinged, and apparently he was unresponsive to it all. Something wasn't right about these two.

With the meeting over, she finally departed her glare stance to address some managers within the room, smiling and gesturing. I sat writing my final notes as I noticed Mr. Hayes stood as two men walked towards him who looked like they were Italians dressed in impeccably tailored suits that fit them perfectly. They gave him a genuine smile as they approached him.

While others waited for their turn, I noticed how unconsciously it seemed like the room split between the both of them, him and her. I watched as both of them busily talked. Missing for a year? That didn't seem possible with the respect he was receiving and the composure he had. There had to be some misunderstanding. Yet she seemed to have some power too, who was she?

He stared at me for a moment and our gazes met. One of the men he was talking to in his eyes followed suit. Where are they talking about me, and why? I turned my gaze when I saw they were watching me intently. I had no idea who they were and Mr. Hayes' intentions.

I felt slightly uncomfortable and began to escape my hold to find myself some brunch, as the rest of the personal assistants did. There were all sorts of snacks and brunches to choose from. As I scan the fruit kebabs and sandwiches.

"I'm going to die," I heard Claire whispering to Janice. "The way she looked at me."

"It's not your fault you, texted her," Janice tried to comfort her as picked up a fruit kebab herself.

"It doesn't matter," Claire sighed heavily. "Mr. Hayes' presence was enough."

"Yes, but it's not like Mr…" she paused as I was picking up a kebab. Her sudden nonverbal response entrapped me. I slightly glanced at her to see both of them slightly staring passing me. Then suddenly felt a presence hovering as well. He was doing it again.

"Enjoyed the meeting?" He asked as he picked up a fruit kebab. He brushed me, obviously in order to reach for what he wanted, but that didn't seem to bother him. Everyone was staring again, but I was now the theme and I could feel that same intense leer.

"Fancy," I looked up to meet his gaze of forestry. "I am loaded with questions. Some with relevant and irrelevant questions. Sure enough, you will want answers yourself."

He arched his eyebrows, with a smirk on his face as he ate some of the fruits. Hopefully, he knew clearly what I meant since he has now drawn attention to me. And this was not the place to discuss these matters.

"Aha…," he said, as he leaned in enough for me to hear. "Let's discuss this tomorrow." I smiled, seeing he understood my words. He braced back, "You can stay a bit and enjoy your snack and return to the office when you're finished." He said as he turned to leave the meeting room.

I didn't realize my predicament at first. I noticed that Claire and Janice distanced themselves from me, the reasons were obvious. However, it became more apparent when some people were now staring at me, as they chatted. I smiled to myself as I ate the last sandwich. He did that on purpose, didn't he?

Obviously, I wasn't introduced, so everyone was wondering who I was, especially after he approached me. A mouse in a lion's den, I suppose. I disposed of my plate. I had no reason to stay any longer, so I began my merry way.

I thought I would be free until she blocked my way. She, the same manager that was late, stepped in front of me and handed down a plastic smile.

"Hello, I don't believe we have met," she pointed out as she combed her strands behind her ears with her free hand and cup in the other. I fake smiled back.

"No, we haven't," I responded cupping my file in front of me at arm's length.

"So… new?" She sprung. She was fishing and I could tell.

"Yes," not giving any lead ways. She scoffed.

"Strangely, I thought that everyone went through HR. I wonder why I haven't seen your file," she said as she scanned me.

"Hmm… maybe I'm not that important."

"Really? But it seems as if you're close to Mr. Hayes. I'm I wrong?" She asked as she cradled her arm around her chest as an armrest for her other hand to swirl her drinks. Definitely fishing.

"Oh, I guess… maybe," not hooked onto any of her lines, this seems to irritate her a bit.

"Hmmm… so he found himself another Flowers, how convenient," she pouted, quietly uttering but I heard clearly.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Oh dear, silly me… my name is Jules," faked smiled at me again as if to freshen the mood.

"Jules… who?" I asked. I said this deliberately. She came in late, stared at Mr. Hayes the entire time, and now she was trying to take aim at me. Plus I was curious why he hadn't addressed her at all in any way nor taken interest in her actions. What importance does she hold?

She lowered her glass and stood straight. It seemed like I had rubbed her the wrong way, but I didn't care. What position did she hold in the company anyway, HR perhaps? She bite her lips and then smirked.

"It's Jules Hayes, I'm in charge of Human Relations and IT Management," she said, sounding victorious. I felt unmoved.

"Oh… so you're related to Mr. Hayes," I asked. Great, another family member who operates parts of the company and gets away with responsibilities and duties. No wonder she was late.

"Related?!" She state under her breath as if she seemed to choke. She steps a little closer, "I'll let you know, it's Mrs. Hayes."

I inhale a deep breath and slowly exhale. This usually helps with my anxiety, but now I relied on it to help me from bursting into laughter. This was Mr. Hayes' wife? This must be a joke. He hasn't even looked at her. Much less to acknowledge her presence, she was insignificant.

I looked keenly at her. Her blemished face that she covered with makeup and bright red lipstick. Her dark brown eyes shone at me with conviction. She shed no light, of wavier, on what she said. She indeed wore a ring. So this was his type? Wife, being the boss's wife. Entitlement. One of those. I put my business face on and smile politely.

"My mistake, gravely forgive me for my misinterpretation. I jumped ahead of myself," she nodded slightly at my response, apparently pleased. "However, if you were here early when the introductions were made, such fleeting assumptions wouldn't have taken place." And her eyes looked at me sourly, but she knew I spoke the truth.

She was going to respond, but I began to walk past her.

"If you will excuse me I need to complete my report," knowing I would spring in her a fit of rage. "Oh by the way," I stopped to glance back at her and she turned her face to look at me.

"I'm Soraya Harrison… and I am no Flowers," I said as I walked out of the room.