
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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197 Chs

Chapter 139: Invitation from Zi Yue

Chapter 139: Invitation from Zi Yue

Yue Shan is dead.

Although he had the cultivation of the Yuan Dan realm, he quickly fell under the combined assault of Lin Yan, Xia Wanjin, and Master Yan, ultimately meeting his demise at their hands.

At this moment, with Lin Yan wielding the heavy ruler, it swiftly swept across Yue Shan's body, slicing him clean in two.

Fresh crimson blood gushed out from the wound, filling the air with a pungent scent. Upon witnessing this scene, the faces of those present couldn't help but display shock.

It seems like a storm is brewing in Flame City!

From today onwards, the four major forces in Flame City should be renamed as the Wanjin Merchant Guild, the Master's Guild, the Lord's Manor, and the Lin Family!

Perhaps among these four forces, the Lin Family's influence doesn't compare to the first three or even the now-defunct Blood Wolf Gang.

But the Lin Family has Lin Yan.

Just him alone is equivalent to a thousand troops.

Moreover, because of Lin Yan's presence, the other major forces are also closely intertwined with the Lin Family. Hence, it can be concluded that within Flame City, the Lin Family has truly become a dominant force!

Thinking of this, many other forces couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

Considering that the Lin Family relocated to Flame City just a few months ago, their rapid rise to power is astonishing. It's as if they've been granted some sort of divine favor, reaching the pinnacle of Flame City in no time!

And all of this is because of that young man.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes towards Lin Yan at the center of the scene, their gazes filled with awe. Suddenly, they felt a tinge of envy towards the Lin Family.

After all, with their family's background, if they also had a disciple like Lin Yan, they would only soar higher.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

With Yue Shan's death, this event finally comes to a close.

Lin Yan is not the kind of person to bite the hand that feeds him.

He's the type to reciprocate kindness.

Therefore, he's deeply grateful for the assistance of Xia Wanjin and Master Yan this time.

Especially Xia Wanjin and Xuan Su, who stood by the Lin Family's side without hesitation when he and Lin Dong were absent from the Lin Family, preventing the situation from escalating further.

So after dealing with Yue Shan's matter, Lin Yan immediately turned to Xia Wanjin and Xuan Su, saying, "President Xia, Sister Su, I'm grateful for your help this time."

"If it weren't for your assistance, there might have been major trouble during the time when Lin Dong and I were away from the Lin Family."

"I'll remember this favor."

Xia Wanjin was somewhat surprised by this unexpected gratitude. Although it had only been a short month, Lin Yan's status had changed dramatically.

With the support of both the Lord's Manor and the Master's Guild, Xia Wanjin dared not be complacent. Moreover, during the recent confrontation with Yue Shan, Xia Wanjin vaguely sensed a formidable spiritual power emanating from Lin Yan's body, which was no less than that of Master Yan.

Therefore, in Xia Wanjin's heart, Lin Yan's weight has increased.

So when he heard Lin Yan's gratitude, Xia Wanjin smiled and replied, "What are you thanking me for, Lin Yan? The Lin Family and the Wanjin Merchant Guild are allies, and you are a named elder of my Wanjin Merchant Guild. In such matters, we naturally won't stand idly by."

"So, there's no need to mention it further."

Lin Yan nodded in response to Xia Wanjin's words.

As for Xuan Su beside him, she blinked her eyes and said to Lin Yan, "Brother Lin Yan, Sister Su isn't as generous as President Xia."

"After being busy for so long this time, Sister Su is exhausted."

"Brother Lin Yan, you'll have to treat Sister to a meal later, a lavish one, none of those cheap ones."

Xuan Su's relationship with Lin Yan was even closer, and this had always been her cleverness. Addressing Lin Yan directly as "brother" made their relationship naturally closer. Taking advantage of the opportunity now, she jokingly asked him for a meal.

Lin Yan naturally wouldn't refuse. After all, Xuan Su had been very good to him and the Lin Family all along, and this incident further proved her as a trustworthy friend. So he readily agreed, "No problem, as long as Sister is willing. Even if it's not just one meal, but ten or a hundred meals, it's totally fine."

Xuan Su's laughter was as pleasant as a tinkling bell. She smiled and said, "Alright then, Brother Yan, when the time comes, Sister will bring along Sister Zilan."

Lin Yan nodded with a smile, then turned his gaze to Master Yan and Zi Yue on the side, expressing his gratitude.

"Master Yan, Miss Zi Yue, I appreciate both of your help this time."

Although he was confident in taking down Yue Shan by himself, with the Blood Wolf Gang's numbers, it wouldn't have been so easy without Master Yan and Zi Yue's assistance. Moreover, they genuinely helped him, so Lin Yan naturally treated them with sincerity.

"Lin Yan, there's no need to thank us for these things," Master Yan replied with a smile.

Although he had been busy for a long time just now, after hearing Lin Yan's words, he felt that it was all worth it.

After all, among the people present, Master Yan was the one who understood the spiritual talent of Lin Yan the most. Therefore, being able to further improve his relationship with Lin Yan and exert a little effort was nothing.

"Yeah, no need to thank us," Zi Yue added.

"This is what my father meant."

As she said this, she appeared a bit hesitant.

Seeing this, Lin Yan smiled and asked Zi Yue, "Miss Zi Yue, feel free to speak your mind."

Zi Yue finally blurted out, "Um... if it's possible, I'd also like to invite you to dinner."

"Haha!" Lin Yan couldn't help but laugh. He thought Zi Yue had something important to say, but unexpectedly, it was just an invitation to dinner. Lin Yan realized that Zi Yue was also a bit socially awkward.

"What's so funny, Mr. Lin Yan?" Zi Yue's cheeks turned crimson, and wisps of white smoke began to rise from her head, making her look like a steamed bun that had been overcooked. She stammered, "Well... then, Mr. Lin Yan, about my previous proposal..."

Lin Yan chuckled in response, "Of course, there's no problem. But let me treat you. There's no reason for a young lady to treat a gentleman."

"Recently, there may be many things to deal with in the family. After I've taken care of them, I'll personally come to invite Miss Zi Yue. How does that sound?"

(End of Chapter)