
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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Chapter 138: Many Helpers for the Ascendant, Despair of Yue Shan

Chapter 138: Many Helpers for the Ascendant, Despair of Yue Shan

"Master Yue Shan, you're planning to leave just like that? Doesn't seem appropriate, does it?"

"There are still some matters between us that need to be settled, right?"

At this moment, accompanied by Lin Yan's sudden voice, the entire Flame City Square unexpectedly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone stared in disbelief at Lin Yan in front of them, completely unprepared for the words he just uttered.

After all, Yue Shan was the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, and the Blood Wolf Gang was one of the top forces in Flame City.

For today's events to make Yue Shan suffer a loss was already quite unexpected.

So many people had thought that this matter would come to an end.

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Yan seemed to have different thoughts.

After killing Ghost Yan, he even targeted Yue Shan.

Therefore, at this moment, as the people in Flame City Square continued to look at Lin Yan, the expressions in their eyes couldn't help but become somewhat dumbfounded.

Could it be that this seemingly harmless young man usually wanted to keep the entire Blood Wolf Gang here today?

The more the crowd thought about it, the more shocked they felt. As they continued to watch, they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Dong'er, Yan'er is..."

On the other side, the members of the Lin family were also deeply shocked.

After all, they hadn't expected things to develop into this situation.

They had thought that Lin Yan might not be a match for Ghost Yan, but in the end, he had easily killed him as if he were killing a chicken. And now, Lin Yan even had his sights set on Yue Shan.

So at this moment, the members of the Lin family were also extremely shocked, which prompted Lin Zhentian to ask Lin Dong directly.

"Grandpa, Brother Lin Yan always knows what he's doing."

"So, please trust him."

Lin Dong said earnestly to Lin Zhentian. He also knew that such things sounded extraordinary.

But Lin Dong had absolute trust in Lin Yan, and he believed that at this time, the entire Lin family's trust in Lin Yan was the greatest help for him.

Therefore, Lin Dong directly expressed his thoughts.

"You little..."

Lin Zhentian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He said to Lin Dong, "Do we still need you to teach us about such matters?"

"In our Lin family, we're in this together."

"Since Yan'er wants to deal with Yue Shan, then our Lin family is his strongest support."

"We all believe in him."

Lin Zhentian said seriously, and these words were also addressed to the people behind him.

After all, he wanted everyone to understand that if it weren't for Lin Yan, they might still be fighting with the Lei and Xie families in Qingyang Town.

How could they have achieved what they had today?

So, for Lin Yan, Lin Zhentian also hoped that they could trust him.

"That's right, we all believe in Brother Lin Yan!"

Soon, the Lin family members behind them also spoke up one after another, waving their fists to show their determination.

As for the front, Yue Shan, who was stopped by Lin Yan, now had a grim expression.

His eyes narrowed as he asked Lin Yan, "Young Master Lin Yan, about the settlement you mentioned earlier, I don't quite understand. Could you elaborate?"

Lin Yan smiled lightly and said, "The specifics of it don't need further explanation from me. Master Yue Shan should understand it very well."

"I'll say it straight. Today, there can only be one between the Blood Wolf Gang and my Lin family."

"So, Master Yue, you can make your move now."

Yue Shan's gaze flickered, and the people around him couldn't help but twitch their mouths. Obviously, they didn't expect Lin Yan to be so arrogant and speak so directly.

Then Yue Shan finally spoke again, looking at Lin Yan with a sinister smile, "Young Master Lin Yan, although you currently have support from various forces, you shouldn't be too arrogant."

"After all, those forces might not be willing to fight the Blood Wolf Gang to the death for you. And if it's just your Lin family alone, you might end up in a difficult situation."

Lin Yan just smiled lightly at this and then looked at Xia Wanjin and the others on the side.

Xia Wanjin was the first to speak out, after all, the Blood Wolf Gang and the Wealth Gold Merchant Guild had long been in a state of endless conflict. It's just that they had never torn their faces openly. But in reality, their two families had been in constant covert struggle. So in such a situation today, since there was an opportunity to eliminate the Blood Wolf Gang, he naturally wouldn't miss it.

So at this moment, Xia Wanjin smiled and said, "Master Yue Shan, you must be disappointed this time. My Wealth Gold Merchant Guild and the Lin family are allies, so if Young Master Lin Yan wants to take action against your Blood Wolf Gang, I naturally fully support him."

Master Yan on the side also expressed the same sentiment. He slowly said, "Although there is no grievance between the Blood Wolf Gang and our Symbol Master Association, as the saying goes, Young Master Lin Yan has done us a favor in Flame City, so if he needs help, we won't refuse."

Ziyue suddenly added, "My father also agrees with this."

Lin Yan smiled again and looked at Yue Shan.

As for Yue Shan on the side, his face had already become completely ugly.

After all, before this, he absolutely couldn't have imagined that Lin Yan would dare to take action against the Blood Wolf Gang.

Even more unexpectedly, the three top forces—the Wealth Gold Merchant Guild, the Symbol Master Association, and even the City Lord's Mansion—would tear their faces with him because of Lin Yan.

So at this moment, Yue Shan suddenly felt somewhat desperate.

He regretted his previous choices.

Perhaps, if he hadn't chosen to eliminate Lin Yan before, but instead, like Xia Wanjin, chose to make every effort to befriend and win over Lin Yan, he wouldn't have ended up in such a situation, right?

But Yue Shan knew that it was already too late for all of this.

Now, even if he felt regret, the mistakes he had made could not be corrected.

He chuckled bitterly, "I didn't expect that I, Yue Shan, who has roamed the Flame City for many years and destroyed countless forces, would end up falling at the hands of a teenager."

"It's truly laughable."

Lin Yan smiled and asked Yue Shan, "Master Yue, any last words?"

Yue Shan shook his head with a cold smile, "None, let's get it over with!"

Lin Yan nodded with a smile, then turned his gaze to Xia Wanjin and Master Yan on the side.

Although he was confident in dealing with Yue Shan himself, allowing their families to express their stance could also serve to deter others. Presumably, after today's events, no one in Flame City would dare to have any evil thoughts about their Lin family.

So he quickly said to the two of them, "Master Yan, President Xia, I'll trouble you both."

Both of them nodded with a smile, and then, together with Lin Yan, they attacked Yue Shan simultaneously.

(End of this chapter)