
I can see others’ information!

After a night of discomfort and unexplained eye pain, Eugênio wakes up to his usual everyday life, unsuspecting that it wouldn't be anything ordinary. As he casts the first glance of the day at his mother, he is inundated with a flood of information about her - details that go far beyond what any child should know about their parent. Suddenly, every person he sees becomes an open book, their lives exposed in the blink of an eye. In this world of forced transparency, Eugênio must now confront emotional and ethical consequences as he uncovers secrets and truths he would have preferred never to have known.

Louis_Mk · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 16 A lot of information

After a long day of work, it was finally time to go home. I took off the restaurant's shirt and grabbed mine. After greeting Jorge and the other colleagues, I left the restaurant with a sense of accomplishment. The day had been exhausting, but also very rewarding. Of course, I received the money, it was little, but for now, it was fine.

I took out my phone and checked the messages. One of them was from my aunt Paula. "Everything is fine, Eugenio. Thank you for asking," she had written. I felt immense relief reading her words. I had been worried about her, especially considering what she was going through.

I began walking back home, the city lights reflecting in the puddles left by the recent rain. The streets were strangely quiet, the city's hustle and bustle seeming to have diminished now that night had fallen.

Suddenly, I heard a sound that made me stop in my tracks. It was a sharp scream, coming from a dark alley to my right. For a moment, I hesitated, uncertainty filling my mind. But soon, curiosity and concern overcame my fear.

I cautiously entered the alley, the sound of my footsteps echoing off the brick walls. The faint light from a nearby streetlamp barely penetrated the darkness, but I could make out the figure of a woman. She was huddled on the ground, groaning in pain.

I rushed to help her, adrenaline flooding my body. "It's okay, I'm here to help," I said to her, my voice sounding calmer than I felt.

She looked up, fear evident in her eyes. "Please... I need help," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

I activated my ocular powers to see the reason she was injured.

{Name: Celine

Race: Ghoul

Age: 30 years

Description: Celine is a cunning and resourceful Ghoul, a master of deception. She has a peculiar trick - she pretends to be injured, vulnerable, on the brink of death. This macabre theater is her way of luring unsuspecting people who, driven by compassion, approach to help. And it's then that Celine reveals her true face, that of a hungry predator, consuming those who intended to be her saviors. This strategy has proven to be extraordinarily effective.

Origin of her Curse: Celine was not born a Ghoul. She was bitten by a vampire, hoping to become an immortal servant, perhaps even a consort. But fate had other plans for her. Instead of gaining the elegant eternity of vampires, she became a Ghoul - a hungry, ever-hungry creature.

Her Transformer: Frederick Dracula, one of the 10 lords of House City, the lord of House Dracula that rules the city center with the House Family, was the one who transformed her. With his long black hair and inscrutable ruby eyes, he was the embodiment of everything Celine desired.

Before the Transformation: Celine had an enviable life - beautiful, wealthy, with a solid career and a close-knit family. She had everything anyone could want, except one thing - Frederick. She was in love with him, and when he invited her to share his immortal life, she accepted without hesitation. But what should have been a gift turned into a curse, and the woman who had everything lost everything, abandoned and turned into a monster.

Emotional State: Celine is a whirlwind of emotions. Desperation, joy, anxiety - they all blend into an emotional cocktail that makes every day an adventure.

Physical State: Hungry, always hungry. Hunger is her constant guide, her torment, and paradoxically, her salvation, as it keeps her alive and focused on her survival.

Current Thoughts: "Finally, food!" As sad as it may be, this is the only thing that brings any satisfaction to Celine in her current state.

Ways to Become a Ghoul:

(1) Half-Ghoul - If you ingest only a small amount of Celine's blood, you will transform into a half-Ghoul, a creature stronger than a human but not fully Ghoul.

(2) Ghoul Cannibal: The existence of a Ghoul Cannibal is marked by a dark and relentless cycle of consumption. These beings, distinct from their common kind, not only content themselves with human flesh as food but also opt for the consumption of the flesh of their own kind, other Ghouls. There is a certain intrinsic perversity in this behavior, but it is the only way they have found to survive. Every bite, every nibble on the bones of a fellow being, is a struggle for life, a fight for the continuation of their macabre existence.

(3) Transformed Ghoul: The bite of a vampire is an event that can trigger a terrible metamorphosis. Those who are bitten have a high probability of turning into a Ghoul. It is a drastic change, a cruel fate that can befall anyone. Turning into a vampire without being the direct descendant of a vampire couple is an extremely rare occurrence. Thus, most of the bitten, instead of obtaining the glamorized immortality of vampires, are condemned to become Ghouls, cursed creatures to live in darkness, eternally hungry, and haunted by their new nature.}

Having activated my ocular powers and acquired all this information about Celine, I couldn't see anymore as my eyes hurt badly, as if they were about to explode. I realized the imminent danger. Without wasting any more time, I began to run, leaving Celine behind. She quickly got up, a low growl escaping her lips as she chased after me.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I ran through the dark alleys, the sounds of the city at night surrounding us. I could hear Celine behind me, her footsteps echoing in the narrow alleys.

Despite the dangerous situation, there was a playful element in the way Celine was chasing me. She wasn't simply running after me — she was playing with me, like a cat plays with a mouse before devouring it.

I turned a corner, almost slipping in a puddle of water. But Celine was right behind me. She leaped over some cardboard boxes with impressive agility, not losing any speed.

I ran, ignoring the pain in my lungs and the burning in my leg muscles. I could feel Celine's cold breath on my neck, the sound of her nails scraping against the concrete urging me to run faster.

With my heart racing, I continued to run, desperately seeking an escape. Every breath was a struggle, but I knew I couldn't stop. Not until I was safe.

Then, without warning, I felt something sharp tear the fabric of my shirt and scrape the skin of my back. I screamed in pain and surprise, but I didn't stop. Instead, I increased my speed, propelled by adrenaline and fear.

However, I couldn't escape from Celine. She was faster, stronger, and above all, hungry. With a leap, she caught up with me, throwing us both against the cold brick wall.

I felt the impact in every bone in my body. Celine gripped my neck tightly, her nails as sharp as knife blades penetrating my flesh. The pain was excruciating. I tried to fight, but my strength was ebbing quickly.

"Food... Finally food..." she murmured, her hoarse voice filled with desire and hunger. Her fangs were approaching my neck, and I knew I was one step away from the end.

However, in a final act of desperation, I raised my hand and grabbed a piece of Celine's cold, pale flesh. The pain in my fingers was almost unbearable, but I ignored it. With all my strength, I tore off a piece of her flesh and swallowed.

The taste was bitter and metallic, but I could hardly concentrate on that.

The pain was almost instantaneous when Celine's fangs dug into my throat. It was a sharp shock that spread through my body, making all other sensations disappear. I could feel my blood gushing out, hot and sticky, where the skin had been broken.

My screams got stuck in my throat, turning into a low, strangled gurgle as I struggled to breathe. I could feel life slipping away from me, each beat of my heart pumping more blood out of my body.

Celine didn't stop. Her eyes were fixed on mine, the iris dilated soaking up the dim light of the alley. There was a wild hunger there, a voracious desire that made me feel small and powerless.

I couldn't fight any longer. Every attempt to push Celine away only resulted in more pain and more blood. I could feel my lungs struggling to pull in air, but it was like I was trying to breathe underwater.

My vision began to darken at the edges, the world around me becoming blurred and indistinct. I could feel consciousness slipping away, the pain becoming distant and muffled.

Then, I thought of my aunt Paula. Her kind smile and comforting words. Her wise advice and her unconditional love. Even in the face of her own pain and sorrow, she was always there for me. And my parents. Despite everything, they were my parents. I thought of their voices, their faces, the happy memories we had shared.

Celine released the lifeless body of the man she had just devoured, a grotesque spectacle of carnage and violence. Her fingers, stained red, let go of the dead weight with an almost inhuman indifference. She wiped the traces of blood from her lips, a crimson blush that stood out on her pale face. Her mouth, once delicate, was now a portrait of savagery, a grim reminder of her insatiable thirst.

Still, even after the gruesome death, she was not satisfied. Her mind, corrupted by hunger, was already planning to continue the feast. She still intended to eat the entire man, an act of pure brutality that humanity would consider monstrous.

However, what Celine didn't know was that, within the corpse of the man she had just killed, a transformation was taking place. A silent and invisible mutation wa

s unfolding, a metamorphosis that could change the course of her ominous destiny.