
I can see others’ information!

After a night of discomfort and unexplained eye pain, Eugênio wakes up to his usual everyday life, unsuspecting that it wouldn't be anything ordinary. As he casts the first glance of the day at his mother, he is inundated with a flood of information about her - details that go far beyond what any child should know about their parent. Suddenly, every person he sees becomes an open book, their lives exposed in the blink of an eye. In this world of forced transparency, Eugênio must now confront emotional and ethical consequences as he uncovers secrets and truths he would have preferred never to have known.

Louis_Mk · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 15 Work

Safira snatched the phone from her maid's hands with a mixture of surprise and anxiety. The maid, wearing a surprised expression, nodded silently, watching her employer with curious eyes. Safira, ignoring her maid's intrigued look, pressed the phone to her ear, her hand trembling slightly with unexpected emotion.

"Paulinha! What a miracle it is for you to call me!" Safira exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice. "You need to get in touch with me more often, do you hear me?" She pleaded, her concern tinting her words with a hint of desperation.

On the other end of the line, Paula had just left the hospital. The cold breeze hit her immediately, making her shiver. She hugged herself, seeking warmth in her sweatshirt as she walked through the deserted hospital parking lot.

"Are you free now, Safira?" Paula asked, her voice slightly hoarse. There was an underlying urgency in her words, a desire to connect. "If so, could we meet?"

Paula needed to resolve this complicated emotional situation she was going through. The feelings she had for her nephew were eating her up inside. She needed to confront this situation head-on and clear up these confusing emotions, especially now that he was living in her apartment. It was time to clarify everything.


I closed the door to my aunt's apartment with a soft sigh of relief. She had entrusted me with the key, a symbol of her trust and a responsibility I didn't take lightly. I sincerely hoped that everything was okay with her. She was going through a tough phase, struggling to get a divorce. I could only imagine the emotional rollercoaster she was facing.

I took my phone out of my pocket, its cool corners pressing against my palm, and sent her a message. "Are you okay there?" I asked, imprinting my concerns in the short text. The wait for her response was agonizing, but I knew there wasn't much more I could do.

Exiting the apartment building, the street was alive with the familiar noise of the city. I waved down a passing taxi, its bright yellow color standing out against the gray asphalt. The taxi came to a gentle stop with a soft squeal of brakes, and I opened the door, sliding into the plush leather backseat.

The driver, a friendly-faced man, turned to look at me. "Good morning. Where are you heading?" he asked, adjusting the crooked rearview mirror. His voice had a deep but friendly tone that made me feel a bit more at ease.

"Downtown," I replied, my voice echoing with a silent determination. The city center was the best place to look for a job. I wasn't looking for anything too complicated or demanding, just something simple and straightforward that didn't require a complicated resume or a long list of qualifications.

The driver started the car, the engine's rumble filling the silence. With a nod of his head, he skillfully maneuvered the taxi into the flow of traffic, and we headed downtown. I looked out the window, watching the city pass by quickly.

As soon as the car stopped in the city center, I was immediately engulfed by the frenetic movement of people going about their business, each lost in their own world. I paid the driver, thanking him for the ride, and stepped out, disappearing into the crowd. I had a goal in mind: to find a job.

I walked to a restaurant I had noticed because it was empty. The lack of customers could mean they needed help. Upon arrival, I observed a middle-aged man meticulously setting up tables, cleaning them with a concerned expression on his face.

I looked at him, and a series of information appeared before me as if they were written on an invisible screen.


Sex: "It's been months since my wife had sex because she's pregnant. I need it."

Employees: "It's tough these days, no one wants to work anymore, not like before."}

I took a deep breath, swallowing hard. "Good morning," I said, approaching him. He jumped in surprise, looking at me with wide eyes. "You nearly scared me to death, for God's sake! Good morning," he replied, his hand on his chest, as if trying to calm his heart.

"Sorry for startling you," I said, forcing a smile. "I couldn't help but notice that you seem a bit overwhelmed. Do you need help?"

The man looked at me with surprise, then shrugged. "Yes, I do, actually," he admitted, running a hand through his sweaty forehead. "I've been having trouble finding someone to help at the restaurant. People don't have the same work ethic they used to."

I couldn't help but feel a bit offended by his generalization, but I understood his point of view. "Well, I'm looking for a job. I don't have much experience in restaurants, but I learn quickly and I'm willing to work hard."

The man's eyes lit up with hope. "Really? You're not kidding, are you?" When I nodded, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God, you're a blessing! Can you start today, if you don't mind?"

"Of course, I can start today," I replied, feeling immense relief. Finally, I had found a job.

The man smiled, clearly relieved. "That's great! I'll show you the basics, and we'll see how you do. What's your name, young man?"

"My name is Eugenio," I replied, extending my hand for a firm handshake.

"I'm Jorge," he said, shaking my hand firmly. "Welcome to the restaurant, Eugenio."

He handed me a cloth along with a spray bottle that read, "Clean all the tables; I'll get you a restaurant t-shirt in a minute." I nodded.

As Jorge walked away, I turned to the tables with a new purpose. I grabbed the cloth and spray and began cleaning the first table. Even though the work was simple, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I was contributing to something, no matter how small.

After a few minutes, Jorge returned with a restaurant t-shirt. It was white with the restaurant's logo printed in green on the front. I thanked him and went to the restroom to change clothes.

When I returned, Jorge was waiting for me. He showed me the kitchen and introduced me to the staff. Everyone seemed friendly, and I was eager to work with them.

"Place these on the tables, please," Jorge handed me some cloths, and I nodded in thanks. I took the cloths and turned back to the tables. This time, I had an additional task: setting up the tables.

I started with the nearest table, carefully folding the cloth before placing it in the center of the table. I adjusted the cloth until it was perfectly aligned with the table's edges, creating a clean and inviting base for future meals for customers.

Soon, I was moving from table to table, working methodically and carefully. Jorge watched my work from a distance, a satisfied smile on his face. He seemed genuinely relieved to have found someone willing to work, someone who cared about doing the job correctly.

After setting up all the tables, I returned to the kitchen, where Jorge was waiting for me. He gave me a quick tour of the place, introducing me to the different equipment and showing me where everything was.

"Go ahead, Eugenio, distribute these menus to the tables," Jorge instructed, handing me a stack of menus. I took them, feeling the familiar touch of laminated paper in my hands, and gracefully moved through the restaurant's dining area, placing a menu on each table. As I performed this task, the friendly buzz of the restaurant filled my ears, a symphony of conversations and laughter blending with the sound of cutlery and dishes.

Once the task was completed, I returned to the kitchen, where Jorge awaited me with new instructions. He asked me to arrange some things, a simple but necessary request. While I was busy with that, I noticed one of our coworkers leaving the kitchen with a determined air, probably to attend to new customers.

I continued my work, picking up trash and carefully depositing it in the bin. When our coworker returned to the kitchen, I noticed a change in his demeanor. There was a sparkle in his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. He seemed excited, almost radiant. Curious, I decided to use my unique powers to probe his thoughts. As I focused, an information window appeared before my eyes.


Current thoughts: "Wow! What amazing women just walked in! The first one already caught my eye, but the second, though more modestly dressed, leaves no doubt that she's equally enchanting. Could I have a chance with them? Maybe I should leave my number on their table, who knows, one of them might want to contact me later..."
