
I can rewind time to prevent death

Reborn in a parallel world, this place is imbued with eeriness everywhere... Do not enter the bathroom after midnight. At two in the morning, the sound of knocking resonates on time. A woman, haggard and emaciated, always stands with her back to oneself. Encountered a strange event? Lucky for me, I can Rewind! This is the story of a Reincarnator, carefully navigating a reality invaded by the bizarre, combating the strange with bizarre poses.

Nightwalk Dog · Horror
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206 Chs

Chapter 163: Tricky Silk Sub-Quest (Final) (Please subscribe, request monthly ticket)

Ten minutes passed quickly, and by now, Yan Junze's arm had turned completely black.

But there was no news of Long-tongued Zhenzhen, and not even a whisper of wind came from the hole's location.

"Maybe... she can't come back." An idea he didn't want to admit surfaced, and Yan Junze shook his head and sighed.

The main issue was that he did not know where Zhenzhen had gone, and which part had gone wrong.

"This won't do, I can't let Zhenzhen go in there alone," Yan Junze muttered to himself.


After the Rewind, he released Zhenzhen again and said the same words to her.

But this time, Yan Junze was prepared to let Zhenzhen take him with her into the tunnel.

The method was simple, Zhenzhen holding onto him, surfing through the tunnel as if sliding, the two of them floating and flying inside the tunnel at a similarly fast speed.