
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Nightmare Part 4

Chapter 16: Nightmare Part 4

After being teleported to the safety of the main house by the Talia scions, Cedric looked around at the frightened but determined faces of the young members of House Vier gathered there. Nora and Camilla had been gently laid on cushions, still unconscious from their earlier ordeal.

Oliver stood protectively by the wounded girls, his expression a mixture of awe and trepidation after witnessing the Talia's full might unleashed against the demon horde. The butler caught Cedric's eye and gave a solemn nod, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Cedric took a steadying breath, squaring his shoulders as he addressed at the ten youths and everyone in the hall. "My friends, we face a dire threat this night - one that tests the very limits of our arts and ancestral knowledge."

"The demonic forces seeking to breach our realm are of a power and number that we alone cannot hope to repel through conventional means," Cedric continued solemnly. "Our guardians," he nodded towards the shadowed forms of the Talia arrayed outside, "have blessed us with this reprieve, but it will not last forever."

The youths listened raptly, the weight of Cedric's words sinking in. This was no mere training scenario or intellectual exercise. This was the calling their bloodline had prepared them for from birth.

"Which is why I give this charge to you now, my brothers and sisters in art," Cedric declared, his voice taking on the timbre of command. "Unleash your inventions! Let the full genius of our House's ingenuity be brought to bear! Hold nothing back!"

A charge seemed to crackle through the room as realization blossomed. This was their crucible, their moment to put all their esoteric studies and wondrous innovations into practice on the field of battle.

The young scions' eyes shone with a mixture of determination and anticipation. Finally, after years of preparation, their skills would be tested against a true existential threat. No more theoretical constraints, no more pulling punches - this was a chance to unleash the full destructive potential of their inventions.

With a sharp series of handclaps, Cedric rallied them into action. "To your workshops! To your forges! We make our stand here on the hallowed grounds of our ancestors against the defilers. For House Vier! For the preservation of all we hold dear!"

A resounding cheer answered his call as the youths scrambled to gather their wondrous creations and alchemical brews. Sparks danced in their eyes, a fire stoked by the promise of glory on this night. Though the odds seemed insurmountable, they were the scions of the most prodigiously innovative arcane lineage of their era. 

And they would ensure the demons would pay dearly for every inch of ground taken on their ancestral soil. 

There was just one big problem the youths hadn't considered, overshadowed by the adrenaline-fueled speech from Cedric.

Their workshops, forges, and stockpiles of alchemical supplies were all located within the very heart of the Vier manor grounds. The same hallowed space that had become an active battlefield against the demon horde.

A tense silence fell over the gathered youths as they exchanged awkward glances at each other. To retrieve their creations, their masterpieces, they would need to brave the very maw of the conflict raging outside these walls.

Cedric clenched his jaw, cursing their lack of foresight. In more peaceful times, having their sanctums of innovation intertwined with the family halls made perfect sense. But now that strategic shortcoming left them ill-prepared and under-equipped to mount a proper defense.

The young lord's eyes flitted to the pale, unconscious forms of Nora and Camilla, a stark reminder of how utterly visceral and unforgiving their demonic foes were. Sending the scions out unprepared and undefended would be virtual suicide against such relentless foes.

Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed from the outer chambers, announcing the arrival of newcomers. Leading the group was a woman in shining white armor, her stunning face framed by long, flowing silver hair. She moved with a commanding presence, her armor gleaming under the light.

Beside her walked a petite teenage girl with vibrant orange hair. Her youthful determination was evident in her lively eyes and confident stride.

Following closely behind them was a small group of armored individuals. Their breastplates bore the intricate crest of the prestigious Levasti Family: a shield adorned with a dagger crossed by two swords. The arrival of this formidable group brought a mix of relief and tension to the room, as everyone recognized them.

"Sir Cedric," Weiss addressed him with a respectful bow, then gestured to the girl beside her. "We've been expecting you. This is Arabella from the House of Sari. She is currently the only one here who has awakened her bloodline ability."

"Uhm, nice to meet you. I may not be much, but I'll do my best," Arabella said nervously, as this was her first time being called into battle so suddenly.

"Only you? Where are your elders?" Cedric asked.

"The elders are busy managing their territories," Weiss replied.

"Have you ever handled a Hexacore before?" Cedric inquired.

"N-no, I've only used a Bi-core," Arabella admitted.

Cedric frowned but nodded. "We'll have to make do. Arabella, follow my lead and stay close. We'll need every bit of your ability."

Arabella took a deep breath and nodded, her nerves evident but her resolve firm. "Understood, Sir Cedric."

Weiss stepped forward, her expression serious. "We don't have much time. We'll be going on ahead. Go and get ready now." As she said that, she left the mansion alongside the knights that were behind her.

Cedric turned to Arabella, his expression resolute. "We need to head to the underground armory. The Hexacore Primusyn is located there."

Arabella nodded, her nervousness giving way to determination. "Lead the way, Sir Cedric."

Together, they navigated the dimly lit corridors of the main house. The walls were lined with portraits of past family members, their eyes seemingly following the duo as they walked. The flickering torches cast long shadows, making the hallway feel like it was alive with unseen movements. The smell of burning wax from the torches mixed with the faint, metallic scent of the weapons housed within the walls.

As they descended deeper, the air grew cooler and more oppressive. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly against the stone floors, creating a rhythm that contrasted with the distant rumble of conflict outside. Cedric led Arabella down a spiraling staircase, each step taking them further away from the relative safety of the main house and deeper into the heart of the Vier family's stronghold.

The staircase ended at a large, reinforced door adorned with intricate runes. Cedric pressed his hand against a hidden panel, and with a low rumble, the door slid open to reveal the underground armory.

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