
I Can Extract Everything

[Alternative tittle: I Can Duplicate Everything] One day, a friend asked him, "Brother Qin, why aren't you cultivating?" Qin Yi smiled gently and said nothing. Cultivating? Why should I cultivate when I can extract Cultivation Points from you? With Cultivation Points, I can upgrade my cultivation base at any time. Not only Cultivating Points, but I can also extract your Spiritual Mind, Body Essence, Artifacts, Pills, Bloodline, Special Physique, and others. So, tell me, why should I cultivate?

Mysterious_Pen · Eastern
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181 Chs

Constructing a Lake in Mystical Garden

This time, Qin Yi drew the bowstring; he gave more strength and spiritual energy to it.

His perfect vision instantly locked onto a tree 100 meters away from him.

If anyone saw this, they would think that he overestimated himself.

After all, in their eyes, Qin Yi is only a newbie here. Even Lin Feng, the recent genius archer, did not dare to confidently shoot a target 100 meters away.

At least, not until he's trained for a few years.

However, for Qin Yi, the distance was acceptable. The problem was how much power he could create from this Spiral Arrow Technique.

I hope it lives up to its description!


The moment he released the arrow, it instantly made a quarter-circle forward motion that whipped through the air and landed on the target like a thunderbolt.


From the front, Qin Yi faintly heard the sound of something collapsing.

It was none other than the sound of a tree collapsing after being hit by his arrow.

Qin Yi sucked in the cold air, shocked by the lethality of the shot just now.

"So fast and so strong!"

A shot can uproot a huge tree; this is only the Small Accomplishment Realm. What if Qin Yi managed to master the Spiral Arrow Technique all the way to the Great Accomplishment Realm?

According to the words described in the book, the full power of this technique could even penetrate the shells of a Rank 1 Magical Beast.

He wondered if that was true.

"Let's try another shot!"

Qin Yi did not stop here; he was not one to settle for one try. Thus, he raised the bow and arrow again.

He shot the arrow repeatedly and knocked off several big trees 100 meters away from him.

Qin Yi stayed in the archery field for another few hours.

He practiced until the sun had sunk entirely into the earth.

After that, he went straight back to his cave.

On the way back, he heard a lot of talk about the Rejuvenate Pond.

Qin Yi was delighted. The experiment was successful!

The current Rejuvenate Pond truly lives up to its name.

Rumor has it that the water in that pond can heal all injuries, illnesses, poisons, curses and even counter bad luck.

Qin Yi felt that it was too exaggerated. After all, he only diffused [Spiritual Energy], [Neutralizer], [Heal], and [Stamina] powers to that water pool.

It may help heal common injuries, illnesses, and poisons, but purifying curses and countering bad luck is impossible.

That was why he said that the disciples were exaggerating the rumors.

Never mind, there is no harm coming from that water pool anyway, and the sect is the one who will deal with these exaggerated rumors.

He personally had no intention of claiming the credit, nor did he intend to visit there and witness his experiments firsthand.

As long as he knew the experiment was successful, he could do it again anytime in the Mystical Garden. That place is safer than any location in the sect.

Besides, the pool of water will likely change back to how it used to be. After all, it was continuously consumed by the sect's disciples and absorbed by the surrounding plants. Moreover, the spring water from the mountain continues to flow there and replenishes the lost volume of water.

It was a matter of time until the miraculous powers in there ran out and completely disappeared.

Although he was a little worried that someone might know the origin of the miraculous powers, that feasibility was close to impossible as he ensured no one was around while the experiment was taking place.

Unless they had some sort of psychometry ability, they had no way of finding out that Qin Yi was the one who caused the water pool to change that way.

Hence, Qin Yi did not bother to see the situation in Rejuvenate Pond in person.

He was too exhausted after training, not to mention he still had a lot of work to do.

Therefore, when Qin Yi arrived in the cave, he immediately lay down on the bed and eventually fell asleep.

When he woke up, three hours had passed.

After his spiritual energy and stamina recovered, he was ready to work again.

Qin Yi took out the Mystical Garden from the system storage and entered it immediately.

A day had passed, and the Spirit Grass that he had planted yesterday unexpectedly survived and propagated the young grasses around it.

His eyes widened in delight as he stared at it.

He still had a stack of Spirit Grass and a few heaven and earth plants in the storage system.

He wondered whether he could plant them here. After all, except for Spirit Grass, the others have no roots, even though they are well preserved.

Qin Yi dug up the soil elsewhere and planted it with Spirit Grass.

He hoped the Spirit Grass could propagate quickly.

"Looks like I need to be more diligent in extracting, but today was a bit unlucky because I didn't get any plants or seeds from my targets."

Qin Yi was indeed a bit unlucky today.

He did not get any heaven and earth material plants besides pills, spirit stones, or low-grade artifacts.

Luckily he got a couple of Rank 2 pills today; it was enough to make him stop being depressed about not getting what he wanted.

After that, he went to the center of the Mystical Garden area.

He planned to build a lake here, but the problem was how to dig this land into a lake.

Qin Yi could not do it manually. Otherwise, he would be exhausted to death and hinder his practice.

After all, unlike system storage, the flow time in the Mystical Garden was the same as the outer space.

——And obviously, making a hole as big as a lake can't be made in a day or two.

Qin Yi fell to the ground and sat cross-legged.

He looked like he was in deep thought. But actually, he is exploring the storage system with his consciousness.

He was looking for something helpful in digging the terrain quickly and efficiently.

Qin Yi spent a long time in the system storage. However, not even a second passed in reality.

Upon opening his eyes, several items appeared before him.

After a long time, he finally managed to sort out what might help his current predicament.

There is a martial skill book called "Earth Moving Technique."

Earth Moving Technique is a technique that can change the shape of the ground by manipulating it, and this martial skill was explicitly dedicated to construction worker cultivators.

This is an excellent technique for constructing a lake hole. But currently, Qin Yi is still reluctant to use mastery points for low-grade martial skills.

Another earth-digging art is the Earth Drilling Technique, but this technique is more of a movement skill than a martial skill.

This technique requires the user to dig into the ground with his bare hands daily!

After fully mastering this technique, the user can drill himself into the earth, and the enemy will have a hard time catching him.

This technique turns out to be a lesser version of the Earth Escape Technique.

Even though the training process was a little bit timid, the results couldn't be underestimated.

Of course, Qin Yi eliminated this technique from his consideration.

Who the heck is willing to practice such a crappy technique?

He also brought two other items from the system storage besides martial arts.

The first item was a Normal Artifact called Heaven Crushing Shovel.

The name was an exaggeration, but it indeed was not an ordinary shovel. This artifact is capable of carrying 50 tons of soil in each excavation.

With the help of this artifact, Qin Yi would surely be able to dig the terrain faster.

However, there is another way that is even faster, namely, using the second item.

The second item is the Thunder Blast Talisman.

Yup, using this item is not only faster but also a bit... destructive.