
I Can Edit Anything I Want [Highschool DXD]

This story is only focused on Highschool DXD. Well maybe it will change if i want to. Synopsis : A young man that was walking home from school, saving a woman from being killed by a lunatic. When he thought his life was over he was given several wishes and reincarnated to a world of his choosing. The MC will be brokenly OP, why you ask? Because i love OP MC Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fic except the MC

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


*Ring Ring~*

The bell rang, mark that it's break time.

When Eru was about to stand up, he was approach by Rias and her [Queen] Akeno.

"Hello! Tsukasa-kun, my name is Rias Gremory. and this is my friend Himejima Akeno. It's nice to meet you, if you have anything you want to know, you can ask us." Rias said with a smile.

Eru just responded with "Okay" while smiling at Rias, making the red haired girl blushed. After that, they continue to chat for a few minutes, then decided to go to the cafeteria together.

On the way, a lot of people look at them, some said something like, "They're fit perfectly for each other." and some are just glared at Eru like they're going to kill him.

Eru being Eru just ignores the talks and glares. But not for the black haired girl beside him. Ranas was calm on the outside, but on the inside, she was enraged because a puny mortals dare to glare at her master.

After arriving at the cafeteria, they eat together while chatting.

After finished eating, they return to the classroom, because the next lessons are going to start.

The school time continue smoothly without disturbance. through the lecture, Eru copy everything that was written on the board, even though he already remember it the first time he sees it.

School's over, and Eru said goodbye to Rias and Akeno, before leaving.

On the way home, Eru notice that Ranas was acting a little weird. So he ask, "What's the matter?" Ranas hearing her master's words, answer, "It's nothing Master. It's just that, i don't really like how those humans were looking at you." with a little anger in her tone.

Eru hearing that, just chuckle a little then spoke, "Just ignore those peoples. It's already in their DNA that admiring a beauty is a must. But for the boys, well it's not their fault that they feel jealous."

They ended their conversation and continue to walk with silence.

Arrived at home, Eru was welcomed by his two Maids, Valerie and Selene. They bowed and greets him, "Welcome home, Master!"

Eru just answered with a nod.

Eru then changed his clothes. Of course with the help of his maids. They always helps him changing his clothes. But everytime they see their master's naked body, they're always blushed. Even when he was in his girls form, his body were always tempting.

Finished changing, Eru then spoke, "Right, Valerie, send people to monitor a boy named Issei Hyoudou. And report to me if anything happens."

Valerie bowed, "Understood." then walked out to carry out her master's orders.

Just like that, the night passed and a new day arises.

Eru was eating breakfast as usual. Finished eating, he then glanced at Valerie and demand, "Reports." Valerie bowed then answer, "Yesterday, Issei Hyoudou was approach by a fallen angel that disguised as a female student. She approach him, probably because of his 'Sacred Gear'. She wants to check if he was a threat or not."

Hearing that, Eru smiles a little. 'It's finally started.' He thought. "Good job, continue to monitor him." Valerie just answered "Understood."

Eru then make his way to school....