
I Can Edit Anything I Want [Highschool DXD]

This story is only focused on Highschool DXD. Well maybe it will change if i want to. Synopsis : A young man that was walking home from school, saving a woman from being killed by a lunatic. When he thought his life was over he was given several wishes and reincarnated to a world of his choosing. The MC will be brokenly OP, why you ask? Because i love OP MC Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fic except the MC

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

School Start!!

⟨3rd Person P.O.V⟩

In a room, you can see a beautiful girl that seems to be 18yo. She had beautiful black eyes and black hair. She gets up from the bed and stretching her arm with a sleepy face. Still wearing her pajamas.

Then suddenly a knock sounded from the door of her room.

"Come in" she said. Then a beautiful woman wearing a maid outfit comes in.

"Master, breakfast is ready. And if I'm not wrong, You're going to school today." Said the maid

"Mm, it's time." Said the girl. 'Change' said the girl again but this rime in her head.

After saying that, the girl was covered with smoke. After the smoke dissipated, the beautiful girl was replaced by a handsome man with the same face features as the girl's, but his body was taller.

This was our main character Eru. Or you can called him Eris in his girl form.

Now you might be asking, 'Why does he turn to a girl?' or 'Who is that maid?.' Well to answer your question, we have to go back to 5 years ago.

⟨5 Years Ago⟩

Eru was walking aimlessly when he sense devil and fallen's aura near him.

It's been 3 years since Eru starts his adventure(Killing Time). And for the past 3 years, he just find a bunch of devil and fallen which he kills easily. He's been releasing his magic power occasionally to lure some beings, but the one that come was just a bunch of weak devil's and fallen's.

Arrived at the source of the aura, he can see two devils, and two fallen angels fighting.

The two devils are on the losing side. The reason is because of their weakness to light attribute.

When one of the fallen angels wants to end the two devils by shooting her light spears, it suddenly disappeared. And before the fallen angels get the chance to think about what happened, she found herself can't move. Not only her but her teammate too, even the devils is the same.

Then suddenly a voice catch their attention. "Are you guys having fun?" Eru said.

They turn to see who's the voice belongs to.

When they turn their eyes to the source of the voice, they are shocked because the one that standing there are just a little kid that probably not older than an elementary student.

"Are you the one that do this brat?!" Roar one of the fallen angels angrily.

"You're too loud you crow!" said Eru angrily as he summon fire on his hand and shot it to the fallen angel.

The fire that Eru summon, is not an ordinary fire. It was a fire that can even burn the gods to ashes in just a second.

The fire then hit the fallen angel.

In just a matter of seconds, the body of the fallen angel was nowhere to be found. It was replaced by a pile of ashes.

The other fallen angel watch her teammate died in front of her without even putting up a fight. She was terrified and was shaking like crazy. The two devils was no better.

Seeing the three that was shaking in front of him, Eru had a great idea for what he's going to do to them.

"Ne" said Eru with a little chuckle. "You guys! Do you want work for me?" Eru said again. But then he said again "No, not like that." He then make a gesture like he figure it out then say "Be my servant!" With a childish tone and a smile.

The three that was terrified just nodded like theie life depends on it.

Eru then smile brightly and ask "So what's your name? All of you!"

"M-my name is R-ranas!" Said the remaining fallen angels.

"M-my name i-is Valerie and t-this is Selene" said one of the devil.

Eru then release his magic and let them move.

Eru begin walking towards the fallen angels. Seeing that she begin shaking again.

"On your knees" Eru said, which immediately obeyed by Ranas because scared that if she doesn't do what he said he's going to kill her.

Eru then place his hand on Ranas head and [Edit] her memories to make her absolutely loyal toward him. After that he does the same to the two devil too.

"The organization name will be 'ZEPHYR' and its task will be for serving me." He said as he raise his hand and ten thousands of devils and fallen angels appears appear in front of him kneeling. All of them have the same emotionless expression on their face.

They are the clone of Ranas, Valerie and Selene. After that Eru [Edit] all of them. Giving their own personality, their faces, and appearance. Of course he randomized all of them, because it's a bother to [Edit] ten thousands being. He give all of them the power of an ultimate class devil.

He then say "Your first task is to spread around the world and monitor every faction." With a commanding tone. All of the devils and fallen angels then disappear from their place and begin to spread around the world.

'If I'm going to be a leader and i have to be secretive so it'll be more fun' Eru thought while smiling. 'CHANGE'' Eru said in his head, then his body was covered by smoke and after it dissipate, it reveal Eru that turned to a girl.

Eru then looked at the three that were still kneeling "And for you guys, you're coming with me" He said as he walked away but then stop and say "And call me Erin if i use this form" as smiling sweetly.

"Yes!" The three of them said in unison.

⟨Back To Present⟩

Eru was currently eating his breakfast and there are two maid standing on both his sides.

They are Valerie and Selene.

After eating breakfast, Eru begin to walk to school because his house was close from school. Of course he didn't forget about his favorite black mask.

On his right, there was a girl with a beautiful hazel eyes and a long silky black hair. She is Ranas. She insisted on coming with him to school. Well because her appearance are like a highschool student, Eru accepted it.

The two arrived in front of the school gate and saw a lot of students.

When they walk past them, the students attention was draw to them. The girls are looking at Eru while the boys were looking at Ranas. Because of Eru's mask, they didn't see his face clearly. But just looking at his eyes the girls are already captivated by it.

When they arrived at the gate, there is a girl with black hair and a beautiful violet eyes. This was Sona Sitri, the heiress of the house Sitri.

Beside her is a girl with black hair and heterochromic eyes, Violet (Left eye), Light Brown (Right eye). She was Tsubaki Shinra, Sona Sitri's [Queen].

"Good morning, I'm sorry but can you take off your mask?" Said Sona.

"Oh sorry, I'm new here" said Eru as he takes off his mask.

When he takes off his mask, the girls was screaming.

"Kyaahh.. how can a person be that handsome!!" Said Random Girl 1

"He's even handsome than Kiba-senpai" said Random Girl 2.

"Tch.. another one" said Random Guy 1

"Yeah" Said Random Guy 2

Even the always strict Sona was blushing at the sight of his face.

After calming herself down, sona then say "So you guys are the new students. Come with me"

Eru nodded and walk behind her.

They walked for a few minutes then arrived in the principal office. Sona then knock on the door.

"Come in"

They then walk inside of the office.

"So you guys are the new students. Here's your schedule, class is about to start so quickly go to class. Just follow her because you guys are in the same class." Said the principal.

They then walked towards the class.

Arriving in class, Sona go to her seat followed by Tsubaki. And Eru sit in the back seat along with Ranas.

When Eru and Ranas walk inside the class, there are several screams but they just ignore it.

Then suddenly the door open and revealed a beautiful Red haired girl with blue eyes and a fair skin. This is Rias Gremory. The current Heiress of the Gremory House. And beside her is a beautiful girl with black hair that always tied in a ponytail and a beautiful violet eyes. This is Himejima Akeno. The [Queen] of Rias.

They were surprised by the appearance of the man in front of them but they quickly get to their seats because the teacher comes.

The teacher then told him to introduce himself.

Eru stand up from his seat and say "Nice to meet you all. I'm Tsukasa Eru and This is My friend Ranas, hope we get along" with a smile on his face.

The girl seeing his smiled screaming again but stopped by the teacher.

The teacher then begin her lecture.....

