
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

malicious witch

Chapter 72: The Malicious Witch

At first glance, he was still an acquaintance, the sorcerer who owned the sorcerer's residence.

This man also ignored the knife, without further ado, he stepped forward, reached out and took out a palm-sized stone hut, and threw it away.

The hut increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly recovered into a stone hut. When it fell to the ground, it happened to be blocked in the middle of the only exit.

The stone door opened, and forty or fifty warriors came out from inside.

There is no need to order at all, and the guards are already on guard.

Xiaodao swallowed subconsciously, my God, Wuju can still pretend to be a person? I love it, I have to get one and bring it to reality.

"What happened here? Where's the witch who stayed behind? And the totem pole?" Wu came over at this time.

Xiaodao immediately recounted everything that happened.

"Can control ferocious beasts?" The witch's expression changed.

"The Black Soul Crow has already gone after it, so there should be no problem."

Then he swept around, "Is it dead? There is no sign of self-explosion at all, otherwise no one would be able to move the totem pole."

The witch's eyes emitted a faint white light, and there were traces of white light wandering around, which looked extremely strange.

He looked around, but obviously couldn't find what he wanted.

Finally, he looked at Xiaodao with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Have you recognized the owner of the totem pole?"

Xiao Dao, who was looking at the previous prompt, had already prepared it and was about to deny it.

Drip: Warning, your answer may lead to serious consequences, please answer carefully.

Tip 1: Non-causal relationship, tribal npcs are not allowed to interfere with player actions.

Tip 2: You have already created karma with the witch in front of you.

"No one can take away the Light Snake Spirit Totem Pole in Langyakou, except for the Black Bone Tribe, and apart from Wu Zhan, Zhan can also reluctantly recognize the owner. No matter where you hide, you must hand it over. Isn't that true? A little warrior can be greedy."

Looking at Wu's expression, Xiao Dao could see greed in his eyes.

"There seems to be a lot of trouble."

I put the totem pole in my personal space, how do I get it out, this is my biggest secret?

He looked closely at the knife.

The witch did not hide the greed in his eyes. He seemed to believe that the knife was hidden, but he was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "It's so hidden that even I can't find it? It's really incredible."

Xiaodao still didn't make a sound, trying hard to think of a way, but there was no way at all for a while.

This npc witch seems to be different, I'm afraid I will take it out by myself, and I won't ignore my personal space.

"Do you know that according to the rules of the tribe, if you have not become a witch, you are not eligible to obtain the totem pole, even if you recognize the master, so my brother will not hand over the totem pole to you."

"Hmph, I'm afraid the snake spirit on the totem pole was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep. You should take advantage of it. When the snake spirit wakes up, it will be useless for you who are not qualified to recognize the master."

Xiaodao tried his best to keep his expression unchanged, but in fact, his heart was overwhelmed.

He understood what the causal relationship is. This is the younger brother of the owner of the totem pole, and the snake spirit really might not recognize him. "

"So, rather than being devoured by the awakened snake spirit, or being deprived by the tribe, it is better to give it to me. Only I am the most suitable to inherit the totem pole of my brother, because this is a sacred object belonging to our lineage of the wandering snake spirit." ."

The task was announced, and the totem pole was transferred to the witch in front of him.

Reward: 10,000 bone coins.

Difficulty: Easy as pie.

Tip 1: As a witch of the lineage of the Snake Spirit, he has the right to inherit this totem pole.

Reminder 2: Only those who have reached the level of witches and have recognized the Lord are eligible to inherit the totem pole, otherwise the whole tribe will oppose it, and cause and effect will occur, which will lead to serious and unpredictable consequences.

Xiaodao's face was extremely ugly.

The witch waited with a confident look on his face.

The little battle in front of him has no choice.

Do you have to hand it over? Xiao Dao is very unwilling, this totem pole is obviously extraordinary, it is the foundation of the tribe.

There is no other way.

Forget it, I can only hand it over, I currently don't have the ability to be hostile to the tribe.

But wait.

Huh, no, right?

Xiao Dao's expression changed, he checked quickly, equipped the title, and said flatly, "I refuse."

The moment the knife was equipped with the title, the witch's expression changed.

It seems that something incredible has been discovered.

Plus the rejection of the knife.

Drop: Wu, Snake Spirit, and Wuju favorability -20, current dislike degree is 20.

Tip 1: The degree of hostility is generated, and if conditions permit, it is possible to attack you.

Tip 2: The Black Bone Tribe, the Swirling Snake lineage and you have a cause and effect.

"You will regret it, don't let me seize the opportunity." This witch, snake spirit, Wuju said with a livid face.

Afterwards, he gave Xiaodao a hard look, and went directly to Wuju.

Xiaodao heaved a sigh of relief.

All because of this title.

The Last Stander of Langyakou: As the only survivor who survived and stood firm to the end, wearing this title increases the rank by 1.

Tip: As a war, as long as you are in Langyakou, you have the status of a witch. This is a respect for the only one left, who is still holding on to the warrior.

Therefore, the knife is now considered a witch.

No one paid any attention to him, he hesitated for a moment, and distanced himself.

He found some cover at random, and no one noticed him here.

Take out the totem pole directly.

There is a snake spirit in this thing, or the soul of a witch, so it is not suitable to be brought into reality at present.

He came over with a totem pole.

The patrol saw it and nodded to him.

Di: Respected witch, warrior with wolf teeth, Zhan salutes you, favorability +1.

There is also this benefit, the knife turned around and gained all the favorability points of the battle.

By the way, I checked the missions they carried. Although it is a mission that makes ordinary players crazy, it is normal for Xiaodao.

He selectively accepted a few.

Either you need witchcraft or bone knives, you have them yourself.

In the end, the totem pole was tied directly in the center of the exit, behind the stone house.

Xiaodao understands that this title only works in Langyakou, and it will be invalid once he leaves, and he seems unable to leave for the time being.

Stand up the totem pole.

The hand of the knife pressed it up, and a faint blood gushed out and sank into it.

Soon, Xiaodao's face turned pale.

Barely activate the witch spirit domain.

The totem pole exuded a faint light, covering the surroundings like ripples, not only in an extremely limited range, but also in a short duration.

But that's enough, Xiaodao immediately released the task.

To issue a mission, it must be within the realm of Wuling.

Task: Replenish blood to the totem pole, task restriction: battle or above.

Reward: 150 bone coins per standard unit. (provided by the task issuer)

Tip 1: The actual reward is 150% of the default reward.

Tip 2: Task difficulty, easy as pie.