
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

heavy responsibility

Chapter 73 Great Responsibility

Although the scope of the field is not wide, many patrolling npc battles are still shrouded in it, obviously paused, and then discussed a few words.

Someone walked over from the patrol, put their hands on the totem pole, and injected blood into it.

However, he didn't inject too much, and he left soon, and another companion came over.

With the replenishment of blood energy, the faint light emitted by the totem pole has a wider range.

Soon, the limit was reached, completely covering the entire Spike Mouth, which was also the only exit.

In Wuju Nei, sensing the familiar domain enveloping him, the witch snorted coldly.

Drop: Wu, Snake Spirit, and Wuju's favorability degree is -5, and the current dislike degree is 25.

Xiaodao sneered, "Sooner or later you will be destroyed! You don't understand the horror of players."

With blood energy, Xiaodao opened up a small-scale resistance halo.

With his back against the totem pole, the knife went off the assembly line.

"Why haven't you come out yet? It's night in the game." The boys outside muttered worriedly.

In the past, that's all. Now the sun is shining and everyone is full, so why don't they come out.

The mountain dog, Ah Shan, is still faithfully guarding the door, and no one can approach it, even if they are acquaintances.

"It's okay! There is an important task." Xiaodao came out, picked up the prepared eggs, and ate them.

"It's fine."

"There is something in the game, don't worry about me." Xiao Dao walked towards the house while gnawing on the egg.

"Brother Dao!" The voice sounded.

"Brother Ergou, when are you coming back? Just call me Xiaodao." Xiaodao smiled and waved his hand. This person is more than ten years older than himself, and he is not considered a generation.

"What's the use of barking nicely, Brother Dao." Er Gouzi rolled his eyes unhappily.

"I have something to talk to you about."

The two entered the house.

"Maybe I'm sensitive." Er Gouzi sighed.

After accepting the task of Xiaodao, he became busy. In order not to be noticed, he naturally had to go back to the company.

This time, he unexpectedly met the supernatural being discovered by his colleagues last time.

That is to say, the disappearance of a family shocked him, the one that Xiaodao had told about.

Because of the discovery of this supernatural person, his colleagues also gave out millions of bonuses.

At that time, I thought that this family had disappeared, and that I had fallen into a wolf's den.

After seeing it in the company this time, I naturally deliberately approached him to please him.

This kid also has no intentions, the chat went well, and he didn't hide it even after drinking a little wine.

Only then did I know that this dick, who has been doing miserably, was recruited by the company at a high price and made all his parents travel abroad, which can be regarded as compensation for his parents.

In addition, I bought an old house and enjoyed the luxurious welfare house provided by the company.

This is the truth of human evaporation.

After being away for a few days, he came back early by himself to shine for the company.

Er Gouzi got acquainted with him very quickly, and only then did he know that this person was not only hired by the company at a high price, signed a long-term contract, but also registered with the government department.

It's not as dangerous as I imagined, and the companies under this consortium are also legal.

And it seems that it is no big secret that supernatural beings are at the top, and the other supernatural beings caught by that supernatural person have the same supernatural powers.

It is a kind of spiritual supernatural power.

Known in the circle as a psychic.

This kind of supernatural power was born because the game stimulated the spirit. The only thing it can do is to absorb the experience in the game into the sea of ​​consciousness and bring it into reality, condensing it into a vitality pill, which consumes almost ten points of experience.

But back to reality, almost only 10% can be left.

Yuan Qi Pill contains the wonderful existence of heaven and earth Yuan Qi. It can be stored in the sea of ​​consciousness. It does not exist in reality, but it can be injected into food such as meat for preservation. After eating, it will have various benefits for the body.

Er Gouzi did not eat less wild animal meat here, and his basic judgment should be correct. The company's meat infused with vitality pills is slightly worse than that provided by Xiaodao by 30%.

"Is the level of low-quality wild animal meat?" Xiaodao probably decided in his heart.

According to the contract, most of the vitality pills brought out by this man were sold to the company. The company has bought them at a price of 10,000 each, but he still has extra. If I need them, he will sell them to me for 20,000.

"So?" Xiaodao also opened his eyes, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"So, let's make a false alarm, and you don't have to worry about being caught taking chipped research or something."

Er Gouzi smiled wryly and said, "We are all ordinary people. Since the game can be launched, it proves that the upper echelons know more."

"Okay, I'll call you with your money. I didn't expect that you are really rich." Ergouzi patted Xiaodao on the shoulder and stood up.

"No need, the defense system needs to be developed, I want to develop our Taishuhao." Xiaodao shook his head.

"Fuck, you also develop this place that doesn't shit? Are you crazy?" Er Gouzi was shocked.

"Help me! I also want to start a company and become a consortium, otherwise the upper-level news will not be known at all." Xiaodao looked at him.

"No way, who told you to be rich, but starting a company is not easy, be careful that your money is wasted."

"Since I am the king of the new generation, I am qualified to develop Taishuhao. Among other things, I will leave the entrance to you, so that no fly can fly in." Xiaodao said.

"My, hard-working life." Er Gouzi sighed.

"What kind of company are you going to start?"

"Game studioTaishuhao used to have a lot of beasts in this area, not to mention tigers, bears, wild boars, wolves, hyenas and the like.

Even bandits and man-made disasters are not rare.

So there is a wall at the entrance, but it has gradually fallen into disrepair over the years.

A small knife means rebuilding.

There is a knife to pay, and everything else is fine.

After sending Er Gouzi away, Xiaodao hurriedly entered the game.

Everything in Langyakou remains the same.

No, there were more than a dozen wolf corpses and a low-level ferocious beast. It was obvious that the battle here had already been fought, and the attacking wild wolf had been killed.

Xiaodao silently walked to the front, waiting to hunt and earn experience.

It's a pity that they didn't wait for the wolves to appear, so they could only deliver tasks such as bone knives and witchcraft that they took out from their personal space.

After a while, most of the night passed.

In the sky, a corpse fell down, and everyone was shocked.

The knife saw that it belonged to the beast.

Good guy!

Finally died.

Then a totem pole fell down, and the black mist penetrated into the body of the witch holding the pole.

Wu, the Black Soul Crow opened his eyes and said: "It's solved, it's not my fault, the Light Snake had seriously injured it before it died, and it was already dying when I arrived."

I don't know when, the witch and the snake spirit also walked out of the witch's residence.

All his eyes were attracted by the corpse of the beast, and there was a greedy look in his eyes.

The Black Soul Crow didn't care, but turned to look at Xiao Dao and said, "What a lucky boy, he inherited the totem pole of the Light Snake, but this unlucky guy owes a lot of money for the totem pole, and he still needs to stay here for seven days. year."