
I build my home on top of a turtle

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and at the same time bound to the trainer system. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears.

Spank_king · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 9

"This stealth ability moves slowly, the less the delay in changing colors, but it is quite suitable for stealth use."

  Mu's conscience summed it up and easily tested the advantages and disadvantages of the new abilities.

  The point is that he can be invisible during the action, which makes him most satisfied.

   After paying attention to his own changes, Mu Liang looked at the three-color lizard that had evolved again, and his size doubled again.

   Two-meter-long large lizard, the color of the scale skin is no longer a patch, but the color is distinguished by the scale:

  One piece of green, one piece of red, one piece of blue, it looks colorful.

   There are a few spikes on the head of the tricolor lizard, and the vertical brown pupils look very cold.

   "Little Cai, get you a pair of wings, and you can pretend to be a dragon."

   Muliang tapped the head of the three-color lizard.

   "Hiss~~" The tricolor lizard tilted its head, wondering what a dragon is.

   "You stay still and help me take these things back."

   Muliang tied five rolls of cloth, wolf skin, and a bundle of swords to the three-color lizard.

   "Hiss~~" The tricolor lizard twisted uncomfortably.

   "Go ahead, let Mino help you untie things, you come here again."

   Muliang waved his hand unscrupulously, letting the tricolor lizard crawl out of the window.

   "Hiss~~" The claws of the three-color lizard clasped the wall and left, easily leaving claw marks in the wood.

   "Hurry up, otherwise the death of the leader will be discovered."

   Muliang left the room silently and searched the house again.

   At this time, the maids were obediently staying in specific places, waiting for the host's call.

   The horse has no night and no grass and no fat.

   Muliang's goal this time is food, and finally came here, of course, it would be better to get some food.

   While he was exploring, he saw a sneaky person.

   "Huh? Isn't that person Agu?"

   Muliang looked at the other person's profile and recognized Agu who had appeared in the hall.

   He followed a little curiously, wanting to see what the other party was doing sneakily at the leader's house.

   Agu glanced left and right. After seeing no one, he quietly entered a room.

   Muliang looked in from the crack in the door, and was surprised to find that this room was a storage room for food.

   In addition to Agu, there is also a maid in the storage room.


   Muliang flashed a word in his mind, and then it was overthrown.

   "Agu, are you crazy? Take so much meat? The leader found out that he was going to kill."

   The maid saw Agu put meat in a cloth bag, and she also specially selected the meat.

   Usually, Agu steals some meat, and the maid can help cover it up.

   With so much meat now, the maid can't hide it.

   "The leader is crazy. He is going to cooperate with Bloodbeard to kill some people who don't listen to him in the camp."

   Agu growled in a desperate voice: "I didn't go to the hills today. I thought I could interrupt the leader's plan. I didn't expect him to be 'freakish' and want to contact Bloodbeard in advance."

   Yes, he lied to the leader when he was in the hall, it was a temptation.

   No need to think about the result, you will understand when he is ready to run away.

   Agu thought that if he didn't contact the rogue spies, it would make them jealous of each other, but he didn't expect the leader to have a personal talk with Bloodbeard before.

   The suspicion no longer exists. As long as the two parties converge and talk, he will be exposed, and there will only be a dead end.

   So, Agu is going to run overnight.

   "How can the leader cooperate with Bloodbeard?"

   The maid paled with fright and completely lost her square inch.

   Agu pushed the maid and urged: "Go back and pack your things."

   "Good, good." The maid slowly nodded her head again and again.

   Mu Liangfang's maid left, staring at Agu, who was still holding jerky in the room.

  The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

   He intends to change the plan he had prepared before.

  . .

   "Good days, but I want to be a thief."

   Agu bitterly stuffed meat into the cloth bag, stuffing the dried wolf meat that the leader was reluctant to eat.

   "It seems to have taken too much."

   He saw half-person-high cloth bags, not to mention more than a hundred catties.

   At this time, the door of the storage room opened silently.

   Muliang slowly came behind Agu, covering Agu's mouth with a hand from behind, and a saber coldly pressed to his throat.

   "Woo woo woo..." Agu was still trying to struggle, but was so scared by the 'cold' in his throat that he didn't dare to move.

   "Don't move, or there will be an opening in your throat." Mu Liang's low hoarse voice sounded in Agu's ears.

   "..." Agu immediately raised his hands to indicate that he would not resist.

   "You are a smart person."

   Muliang said in a flat tone: "You can live by obedient."

   "Hmm!!" Agu nodded slightly.

   "Very good, as a reward for your obedientness, let me tell you a piece of news."

   Muliang's tone became more and more plain, but it made A Gu Xin's hair chill.

   "Your leader, I broke his neck when you left with your front foot."

   Muliang said in a light tone, what made Agu's heart tremble.

   "..." Agu's eyes widened in horror, his entire body horrified, and the goose bumps on his arms were standing up.

   Just after leaving the front foot, the leader of the back foot was twisted off his neck.

   Doesn't that mean that the mysterious person behind him was staying in the hall at that time! !

   "Just what you think, I will stay in the hall and look at you."

   Muliang said in a hoarse voice, Agu's guess.

   From the beginning, he used the interrogation and intimidation skills he learned when he was a special soldier.

   "Hmm..." Agu made a vague voice.

   "You are a smart person, don't turn your head, don't make noisy noises."

   Muliang slowly let go of Agu's mouth, and the saber was also put away.

   Agu said in a small voice: "Is there anything you want me to do, your Excellency?"

   Since the mysterious man said these things to him, and didn't kill him immediately, Agu found that the other party was useful to him.

   "No, I have nothing to do for you." Mu Liang said indifferently.

   "Uh..." The ancient words were stuffed, and he was stunned.

   "By the way, the blood beard spy was also killed by me."

   Muliang said lightly, "The bloodbeard spies didn't go back today. There will be new spies coming tomorrow and they find that the camp leader is dead. Guess what Bloodbeard will do?"

   "Guru~~" Agu swallowed in horror.

   What else can be done, of course, is to bring people over to kill and turn the entire camp into trophies.

   "This... is the reward for the news." Mu Liang lightly picked up the cloth bag containing the dried meat.

   When he walked to the door, he turned his head and said flatly: "I will always pay attention to you, a smart man."

   "..." Agu's face stiffened and he almost cried.

   special, can you stop paying attention to me, I'm an idiot.

   But he didn't dare to say or move.

   Muliang didn't care about Agu's reaction, if the other party was too stupid to achieve a part of the plan.

   He asked the three-color lizard to come secretly, and told Agu with his paw: I really follow you.

   As for what is the plan? It was just an idea that Mu Liang thought of temporarily, and the specific plan is still being refined.

   "If there is food, there is no water."

   Muliang stayed in an unmanned room, waiting for the tricolor lizard to come and transport the dried meat back.


   The three-color lizard crawled in from the window without waiting long.

   "Mino, I should be surprised."

   Muliang's mouth turned upwards and tied the jerky to the Sancai lizard.

   I didn't expect it was just for water, so I moved a lot of things back unknowingly.

   Muliang sent away the three-color lizard, and walked to the room where the water was released and sneaked past.

   The guard who releases the water room door.

   For those who already have the ability to "stealth", it has become very simple.

   Muliang randomly threw a stone at the other end of the corridor, drew the guard's attention.

   After he approached silently, a hand knife knocked the guard stunned.

   Muliang cautiously pushed open the door, but saw no one, dragged the guard into the room.

   There are torches in the room, so you can see the layout clearly.

   "So the underground well is here."

  Makura came to the center of the room and lifted the laid wooden boards to reveal a well with a diameter of two meters.

   There is a wooden bucket for fetching water hanging next to the well. The underground is completely dark and there is no water.


   Muliang threw the wooden bucket into the well, and then pulled the rope to pull up the wooden bucket. He found that the water was muddy and the sides of the bucket were still stained with mud.

   "Sure enough, it's almost dried up."

   The wooden barrel was put back in place, and the wooden board was also covered.

  Since there was no water in the well, Muliang put his idea in the wooden barrel stacked in the corner of the room.

   Each wooden barrel is about one meter high and the size of an adult's arms around it.


   Muliang shook the wooden bucket, and when she heard the sound of water, she carried a bucket full of water on each shoulder.

   With his current strength, two buckets of water are the same as holding two pieces of bread.