
I build my home on top of a turtle

Mu Liang traveled to a parallel world of apocalypse, this world has become a wasteland, the cultivation, the rain are sour, and the sky is scattered with dust. Mu Liang was rescued by a mutant rabbit ear i mother, and at the same time bound to the trainer system. Tame a tortoise, and evolve infinitely to the sacred beast Xuanwu, with a back width of more than ten thousand miles, with mountains and flowing water, and black and fertile soil… just to build a home on the back. Tame a small tree sapling and evolve into a world tree, block the gale and acid rain, purify the air, and reappear the blue sky and white clouds. Tame a military ant, who dares to provoke me? Marching ants, like a sandstorm, left a pile of dead bones wherever they swept. Tame a bunny ears mother, and then get entangled? ? ? One year later, give a small rabbit ears.

Spank_king · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 10

"Save a little, it should be enough for a while."

   Muliang carried the barrel and left leisurely.


   On the other side, A Gu still didn't dare to move at this time, after all, Mu Liang really frightened him.

   "Da Da Da..."

   The sound of rapid footsteps.


   Then the door was suddenly pushed open.

   The original maid rushed in and shouted anxiously: "Agu, the leader is dead."

   "Really dead?"

   Agu's tight body relaxed, his hands and feet a bit weakly supporting the table.

   He asked, "Where did the leader die? How did he die?"

   "It's in the hall, my neck was broken." The maid said in fear.

   "The leader died, so he didn't lie to me."

   Agu turned his mind, carefully recalling what the mysterious man said not long ago.

   His face changed, and he said bitterly, "In other words, the blood beard spy is also dead."

   Escape, run away immediately.

   Agu only had this thought in his mind, turned around and pulled another empty cloth bag, and filled the jerky again.

   The maid was at a loss, and asked: "Agu, the leader is dead, shall we run away?"

   "..." Agu stiffened after hearing this.

   "Yes, the leader is dead."

   He didn't need to rush to escape, lowered his head to think about his future way out.

   Agu thought of the mysterious man inexplicably, why did he tell him the news that the blood beard spy was killed?

   Unless there is another intention.

   Agu recalled the entire process of contact with the mysterious person, and unconsciously uttered the last sentence: "I will always pay attention to you, a smart person."

   "Follow me? How to follow me?"

   "Hidden in the corner and follow me? Or follow me in the crowd?"

   "But I plan to escape with two of them..."

   Agu muttered to himself halfway, his face suddenly turned pale.

   "So, if I escape alone, will I be killed by a mysterious man?"

   He wants to understand, and he also knows another intention of the mysterious man.

   Agu turned his head to the dazed maid, and hurriedly ordered: "Go and call the captains of the hunting team. I have important things to tell you, it's about the lives and deaths of everyone in the camp."

   "I, I...I know."

   The maid looks so pale when she sees her childhood sweetheart for the first time, is she scared?

   "Smart man?" Agu smiled self-deprecatingly.

   He wants to flee with the people in the camp. This is the real intention of the mysterious man.

   "Mysterious man, who are you?"

  . .

   Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

   In the wooden shed outside the camp.

   Minuo swiftly skinned all the small lizards and three mice, removed their internal organs, tied them with a rope and hung them on the firepit to smoke.

   The girls rubbed their palms with sand to remove blood stains from their hands.

   Washing hands without water, only use sand to clean up dirty things.

   "Why has Muliang been there for so long? What did you do?"

   Mino's blue eyes stared at the wooden shed door in a daze.

   "It's been a long time, will something happen to him?"

   It took the girl more than an hour to deal with the lizards and mice.

  Minuo is idle now, and since he hasn't seen Mu Liang for a long time, he feels a little more worried.

   Or I feel lonely and feel insecure.

   "Oh! Muliang is so good, there will be nothing wrong with him."

   Mino shook his little head, resisting the panic in his heart.

   She focused on the wooden shed, thinking about moving the things in the wooden shed.

   "This pillow must be taken away, and this quilt made of wild rabbit skin."

   "The wood on the bed will also be removed, otherwise there will be no bed to sleep."

   "Bring the wooden bowl, and this wooden bucket can hold water."

  Mino looked at it and felt that he was reluctant to throw anything, even the wooden shed door wanted to move away.

   The things in the wooden shed were all collected and built by my sister with her.

   "Crack, click~~"

   There was a scratching sound from the wooden shed door, and it was pushed open in the next second.

   A vague figure squeezed in.

   "Who?" Mino's face changed, his reaction was very quick, and the bone spur from his waist was instantly pulled out.

   The girl retreated back to the edge of the wooden shed.

   "Hiss~~" The three-color lizard hissed a few times, and the body appeared from the invisible state.

   "You...you are Xiao Cai?" Mino looked at the strange-looking tricolor lizard in astonishment.

   She hesitated for a while, and said, "If you are, then you nod."


   The three-color lizard did not bother the girl, twisted her body, and used her claws to pull the rope tied to her belly.

   "It's stupid, besides Mu Liang, who else has the ability to let a lizard carry things over."

   Mino thought for a while, and realized that he was stupid.

   She put away the bone spurs and said, "I'll help you."

   The three-color lizard saw the girl approaching, so cleverly, he stopped twisting his body, letting the five rolls of cloth, wolf skin, and a sword take off.

   It turned around and got out of the wooden shed, and then carried things for the unscrupulous owner.

   "Hey? Where's Muliang?" Mino shouted quickly.

   The three-color lizard left without looking back.

   Although the tamed beast has evolved, it has already developed a sense of intelligence, which is only equivalent to the IQ of two or three years old, how can he understand the words of a girl?

   "It seems that I don't understand me at all." Mino sighed helplessly.

   The girl focused on five rolls of cloth, wolf skin, and a sword.

   Mino rubbed the cloth, with shiny blue eyes, and commented: "These cloths are so soft, they are made of good animal hair."

   "It's just that where Muliang got the cloth, five rolls of cloth can make dozens of sets of clothes."

  The girl put down the cloth and shook the wolf skin away, carrying it up longer than her height.

   "This wolf skin is definitely of the fierce beast level."

  Minuo excitedly hugged the wolf skin, and then wondered: "How did Mu Liang get these things?"

   She unconsciously guessed, "Will Mu Liang told the leader about the attack by the blood beard? These things are the rewards given by the leader?"

   The girl thinks that this kind of speculation can also explain the origin of things.

   After a while, Mino put down the wolf skin and took up the sword instead.

   "Swords like this are only used by people from the hunting team."

  Minuo felt more and more that his guess was correct.

   "Crack, click~~"

   The familiar scene happened again, and the wooden shed door was pushed open.

   Three-color lizard came in carrying a cloth bag.

  Minuo hurriedly stepped forward, helped untie the cloth bag, and watched the tricolor lizard leave.

   She opened the mouth of the bag curiously: "What's in it?"

   "Eh eh eh???" Mino was stunned.

   This whole bag is full of dried meat.

   The girl suddenly felt that her guess was inaccurate. A piece of news could make the leader so generous?

   "Mu Liang didn't go to the leader's house to steal things, right?"

   Mino looked down at the jerky in the bag, then turned to look at the five rolls of cloth, the sword and the wolf skin.

   How could the scrupulous leader reward these things.

   "Mu Liang must have stolen something."

   Mino quickly tied the cloth bag and held it under the bed, lest anyone would come to search.

   "Just hide tonight, and leave before dawn tomorrow."

   "Mu Liang is true, even if we are leaving, don't steal so many things."

   "Or, now move to Xiao Xuanwu's back overnight to hide?"

   "Well, this is a good way. I will discuss it with Muliang when he comes back."

   Mino hid everything, walked around in the wooden shed, thinking about how to hide things.

   go back?

   No, it's impossible.

   What Muliang stole with her ability, the girl never thought about returning it.

  . .

   Mino knelt beside the bed with a fart, his head went under the bed and didn't know what he was doing.

   Muliang carried two buckets of water back to the wooden shed and saw the girl like this.

   He couldn't help but say: "What are you doing?"