
Chapter 8 Meat Processing Factory

The meat processing factory used to be a place for the concentrated processing of meat products in the small town.

Among them, the ham was the most famous. A large number of pigs were slaughtered and transported here every day.

So, there must be a lot of frozen meat and processed ham stored here.

The special processing technique of the ham enabled it to stay fresh for a long time.

On the other hand, the electricity generator of the processing factory was still working.

As long as there was enough oil, it could produce electricity and make the power of the police station work again.

However, when West arrived at the scene, he was still shocked by the destructive force of the big guy.

Perhaps it was because of blood heat that the big guy became extremely irritable.

It was beating the invading zombies with a crushed car.

After the corpse became fragmented, it picked up the broken flesh and swallowed the human corpse in one gulp.

Looking from afar, the big guy blocked the way of West like a hill.

Its senses were much more acute than he had imagined. With just a slight approach, it sensed danger.

It immediately stood up, turned around, and roared in the direction of West.

It seemed to be expressing his dissatisfaction and discouraging West from crossing the boundary.

West whistled and a mutated short man came to him in an instant.

He subconsciously ordered the short man to cover for him, and later he would use firecrackers to hit the big guy.

At the collection counter of the prison, West even found a firecracker and two cannonballs.

The short man was responsible for attracting hatred, so he could give the big guy a deadly killing blow.

After everything was arranged, West rode a motorcycle stolen from the roadside.

He drove at full speed and rushed towards the big guy without hesitation.

Looking at the approaching West, the big guy was completely infuriated. They pounded their chests hard to vent their dissatisfaction.

The deformed cars were smashing towards West one after another.

Every time West dodged the oncoming car by micro-control.

After two evolutions, his response had become extremely quick and his tenacity extremely strong. He could use his motorcycle to do all kinds of difficult dodging moves like a stuntman.

The car smashed into deep holes on the ground, and a burst of sparks came out, followed by an explosion.

The explosions attracted zombie’s attention, but they were all watching from afar and didn't dare to get too close.

They didn't dare to go against the deterrence brought by West and the big guy.

The human hiding in the depths of the town couldn't help exclaiming, it’s coming again!

It was noisier than the sound that came from the police station last time. It sounded like a huge war. The roar of the giant zombies made them tremble.

The nearest human settlement decided to send two more men and two women to find out what was going on.

People of the settlement had known West for a long time.

The two unlucky guys lurking outside the police station were their men.

It was also their men who attacked the big guy before.

So, after hearing the sound from the meat processing factory, their leader immediately sent four people to investigate.

What made them feel strange was that along the way they met very few zombies instead of huge danger.

Soon, they saw an unforgettable scene.

At this time, West had already dashed in front of the big guy. His shotgun hit the big guy's right eye, but it was blocked by the big guy, leaving numerous bullet holes on his arm.

He moved quickly to the back of its head and shot at the bald head again.

The big guy was completely irritated. Holding a lengthened Lincoln car, it beat the air like swatting a fly.

Its speed didn't match his big figure at all. It was so agile.

Indeed, he was much stronger than the zombies West once dealt with.

But West was faster than him. He almost became a shadow in the air, and every time the big guy's attack missed.

The two men and two women, who were observing secretly, both showed surprise at West's strength.

The leading middle-aged man said to his sister Selina, He must have mutated.

Just like our leader? Selina's eyes lit up when she looked at West. In her heart, the leader was the God of protection. This man was much more powerful than her leader. If only he could protect them.

The man on the other side was not convinced and said, He is lucky. If I had awakened my strength, I would definitely kill the big guy very quickly.

The well-dressed Cassie replied with disdain, "Yes! They are just lucky.”

The leader was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the two people. He scolded the two people, That’s enough. No matter what, this human is the object we have to win over. Don't put on a long face at that time. Be enthusiastic.

Humph, was good without him. If you want to win him over, you can go by yourself, said Cassie arrogantly.

Yes, he seems to have a lot of weapons in his car. How about we drive his car away first? I think our leader will be very happy with a pickup and a car of weapons.

The others were also greatly interested. The leader just asked them to investigate. Now that they had known what was going on, and they had gained something, the leader would not say anything more.

The conversation of the four people didn't escape the ear of West, but he was not distracted to deal with them.

Instead, he asked dozens of zombies to get them into trouble and quietly surround their hiding places.

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