
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasy
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34 Chs

World gods and the spirit of the tree of life

Year 100,000

In the year 100,000 of the world of Elysora, the landscape has drastically changed from what it was 80,000 years ago. The world has expanded in size, thousands of times larger than its original state.

This is due to the use of mythical energy by the mythical cultivators, which is absorbed by the land and the world itself, causing it to grow.

As a result of this expansion, hundreds of new continents have formed, and countless new races have emerged. However, despite these changes, the top races of Elysora remain the same - the united daemon race, the human race, the four mythical races, and a few others.

These races continue to hold the most power and influence in the world.

One of the most significant developments in the past 80,000 years is the creation of a new cultivation system - the mythical cultivation system. This system combines all types of cultivation, including magic, aura, dark magic, daemonic magic, spirit arts, and martial arts.

It is a powerful and complex system that has been developed over time, incorporating the knowledge and techniques of all previous cultivation systems.

However, despite the changes in the world, one thing remains constant - the monopoly of power and influence held by the clans. In the past 80,000 years, countless sages and saints have been born, most of whom belong to these powerful clans.

Those who do not belong to a clan often create their own in order to gain access to the resources and opportunities that come with clan membership.

As a result, the strong have only grown stronger, while the weak have become even weaker. This imbalance of power has led to a society where the wealthy and powerful continue to thrive, while the poor and powerless struggle to survive.

Another significant development in the past 80,000 years is the awakening of the spirit of the tree of life, Yggdrasil. This ancient tree is now worshipped by many of the weaker races as their god, but it is the elves who hold the strongest connection to its spirit.

However, the most important development of all is the discovery of a way to attain godhood from sagehood and sainthood.

Those who reach this level of power are known as world gods, and they are the ones who currently manage and oversee the world of Elysora.

Becoming a world god is the ultimate goal for many in the world of Elysora. It is a position of power and authority, where one has control over the laws that govern the world.

However, this position is not easily attained. There is only one way to become a world god, and that is by becoming the heir of the laws that govern the world.

For example, if someone becomes the heir of the law of fire, they can become the world god of fire. Similarly, if they become the heir of the law of water, they can become the world god of water, and so on.

But not all world gods are equal. There are many stages even among the world gods, such as minor gods, middle gods, major gods, and top gods. These stages represent the level of power and authority that a world god possesses.

The world gods can be considered nearly immortal, as they can live as long as the law they are heir to remains intact.

However, they are not completely immune to death. The nine immortal decay is a test from the cosmos that sends different types of attacks from time to time.

The world gods must endure and survive these attacks, or their bodies will decay and they will die.

In the current world of Elysora, there are even demi-gods and heirs of gods. The world of Elysora is filled with all kinds of beings, each with their own unique abilities and powers.

The world gods have also created a world heaven, where they discuss how to manage the world. However, do not be mistaken in thinking that they are above discrimination.

The world gods do discriminate, as they only care about their own race and faction. They do not care about any other race or faction.

Even among the gods, there are divisions. The world gods who serve the same law are in the same group, while the world gods of different laws are in different groups.

These groups can be considered enemies, as they hate each other to their core and constantly seek to kill one another.

However, even these powerful beings fear the tree of life, Yggdrasil's spirit. This spirit is stronger than even the top stage gods and has the ability to use the power of multiple laws. It is only natural for everyone to fear it.

But this fear does not mean blind obedience. The world gods fear Yggdrasil's spirit to the point of not intentionally offending it.

They understand its power and do not want to provoke it.

but then something happened and the once peaceful(kind of) world of Elysora was now a battleground, with gods fighting each other in a bloody and violent conflict.

The tensions between the world gods had been simmering for centuries, but it was only a matter of time before it boiled over into an all-out war.

The skies were filled with the sounds of thunder and the ground shook with the force of their attacks. The world gods unleashed their full power, causing destruction and devastation wherever they went.

The once beautiful landscapes of Elysora were now scarred and ruined, with mountains crumbling and forests burning.

The war between the world gods was a gruesome and brutal one. The gods used their powers to create weapons of mass destruction, causing unimaginable suffering to the inhabitants of Elysora.

The rivers ran red with blood, and the cries of the dying echoed throughout the land.

The gods themselves were not immune to the horrors of war. They fought with a ferocity and ruthlessness that surpassed even the most savage of mortals.

Their once divine forms were now twisted and corrupted by the violence and hatred that consumed them.

The battles were fought on land, in the air, and even in the depths of the oceans. The world gods summoned powerful storms, causing massive tidal waves and hurricanes that destroyed entire nations or even continents.

They also created massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, turning once peaceful lands into desolate wastelands.

As the war raged on, the world of Elysora began to break apart. The constant battles and destruction had weakened the very fabric of the world, causing it to split into many other worlds.

As the war concluded, the world of Elysora had already been split into many different realms due to the War of the Gods, and now, an even greater chaos was looming on the horizon.


Hey everyone, I just wanted to share with you that the first volume of the novel is complete, and the second volume will be continuing the story. Just so you know, the first volume focused on establishing a solid foundation for the world-building and was written from a third-person perspective.

However, the second volume will not only continue with the world-building but will also delve deeper into the character development of Solarian, and it will be narrated from his point of view.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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