
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Second incarnation

It has been millions of years since the world of Elysora broke off into different-different worlds, forming a vast and complex universe. Each of these worlds has its own unique characteristics, and their inhabitants possess incredible powers and abilities.

But what many do not know is that these worlds were not always separate, in fact, they were once connected and constantly colliding with each other.

The collision of these worlds is not a mere coincidence, but a deliberate act by the beings inhabiting them.

When two worlds are near each other, portals to the other world start to form on each of the worlds, creating a gateway for invasion. The ultimate goal of these invasions is to steal the world core of the other world.

A world core is the life line of a world and its people. It is a source of potent mythical energy that sustains the world and its inhabitants. If a world core is stolen, the world will be destroyed, and its people will face extinction.

On the other hand, the world that has stolen the core could absorb it and make itself more powerful. This gives the beings on this world more opportunities to achieve higher mythical cultivation stages, making them stronger and more formidable.

The number of world cores a world has absorbed also determines its strength. The more world cores a world has, the more it can endure having more world gods compared to a world that has not absorbed any.

World gods are powerful beings that rule over a world and its inhabitants. They possess immense strength and influence, and their presence can greatly impact the fate of a world.

But do not be mistaken, the destruction of a world is not the end for it. When a world is destroyed, it enters a cycle of life and is eventually created again. However, there is a catch. Along with the creation of a new world, a small sword is also formed using the land of the destroyed world.

This small world may seem insignificant at first, but over time, it will start to develop and grow until it becomes as big as the world from which it was made.

The creation of these small worlds is not without purpose. They serve as a means for the destroyed world to continue its existence and for new life to flourish.

These small worlds may not have as many resources and opportunities as the original world, but they have the potential to become great and powerful in their own right.

The worlds in this vast and complex universe also have their own ranks. There are minor, middle, high, and upper worlds. Among them, there is only one upper world, Elysora, from which all other worlds were created.

Elysora is also the center of the universe, and all other worlds move around it. It is a place of great mythical energy, and it is where the beings from lower worlds aspire to ascend.

All of these worlds, as a whole, are part of the realm dao heaven. It is an intricate system, much like a solar system, but with the worlds having their own stars, moons, and other celestial bodies.

The realm dao heaven is a testament to the power and complexity of the universe, and it serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all worlds.

In conclusion, the world of Elysora and its many offshoots have been in a state of constant change and evolution for millions of years.

The collision of these worlds has led to invasions, the absorption of world cores, and the creation of new worlds.

These events have shaped the universe into what it is today, a place of great power and potential. And as long as the realm dao heaven exists, the cycle of life and creation will continue, ensuring the survival and growth of all worlds.

The road of reincarnation

On the gate of reincarnation, Solarian sat, observing the chaos unfolding throughout the realm of Dao Heaven. One could say he was quite satisfied, for all this turmoil led to more deaths, which in turn fueled him with spirit and soul power.

"Time to move to the next part of the plan," Solarian declared, standing atop the gate of reincarnation. He then tore a piece of his soul and hurled it into the gate.

World of Elysora

In the central continent of Elysora, within the Imperial Palace of the Divine Empire, servants could be seen bustling about, their nerves frayed and panic evident. Today was a monumental day—the Empress was to give birth to a child.

This event held significant importance, for the Emperor had yet to sire a legitimate heir. But now, with the Empress's impending delivery, if the child were a boy, he would most likely ascend to become the next Emperor of the Divine Empire.

The Divine Empire, the mightiest nation on the central continent, was also the successor of the Divine Kingdom, which had reigned millions of years prior.

"wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Soon, a child's cries echoed throughout the Imperial Palace, signaling the Empress had given birth.

In the labor room, the Empress lay on the bed, her face etched with weakness and exhaustion. Despite her fatigue, she radiated a fairy-like beauty with her long black hair, golden eyes, fair skin, and voluptuous figure.

"Congratulations, Your Highness. It's a boy," the doctor announced with a smile, handing the newborn to the Empress. Despite her overwhelming weakness, the Empress mustered her strength to hold her son in her arms.

Tears filled her eyes as she embraced her child, whispering, "My child," with profound affection.

Soon, a man entered the room. This man, possessing a certain handsomeness(but no much) with his long red hair and blue eyes, was none other than the Emperor of the Divine Empire.

Approaching the Empress, he sneered, "You're still alive, huh, bitch? I thought you'd die along with this trash," his disgust palpable as he gestured disdainfully at the baby in the Empress's arms.

"Yo-" The Empress almost lost her composure, ready to retort harshly, but she restrained herself.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, the second volume begins with this chapter, and I can assure you it will be more detailed than the previous one. Additionally, it will include smut.

Anyway, I'm curious—would you guys be okay with some incest in the novel? Just asking.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, the second volume start with this chapter and this volume i can say is going to be more detailed than the previous one and there is also going to be smut in it.

Anyways, do you guys mind some incest in the novel, just asking(nervous laugh).


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