
Ch 2 first blood…

Kai had been transported to a forest….not a normal forest of course lol

[Location unlocked:Forest of mystery]

Achievement unlocked:exploration..start!

Kai had viewed the achievement with pride and looked around for a bit

Kai:hmm…and I can also get achievements..

[Reward: 1 gacha ticket]

Kai:wow..just one…damnit

Kai used the one gacha ticket to try and get a weapon

[Decent sword has been chosen in gacha system..rarity:uncommon..]

Kai had equipped the decent sword and looked it for a bit

Kai:hm..I guess not too bad

Suddenly Kai felt something creep up behind him and he dodged and slashed the person who tried to sneak attack him

A bandit had quickly reacted by using his arm to block the slash but ended up cutting him a bit

Bandit:damn…you fucking brat….

Kai used telekinesis and smashed the bandit into a tree and had bones come out of the tree impaling the bandit in his adomen

Kai:…I never actually killed someone before…

[in this world it's kill or be killed…don't be a pussy now…plus how are you gonna level up..without killing people..]

Kai:I guess your right…

Bandit:wait no please don't do this-

Before he could finish his sentence, his head was impaled by multiple bones..ending his pathetic life..permanently

[you have killed a bandit!]

[achievement:first kill…now do more :)]


[you leveled up!]

[ability unlocked:justice

Whenever you are fighting a bad person, your state's temporarily boost 10%]

Kai blinked and smiled with joy, knowing that this is progress and he got a brand new ability..

Kai:man I think this world is just for me-

A arrow nearly hit kai in the head luckily he used bones to block the attack

3 bandits, 2 male, 1 female

Michael M

Level 3





Sky F

Level 10





Peter M

Level 4





Kai had turned around and smiled at them

Kai pov:EXP!!!

Kai had begin to laugh which startled the trio..I mean who laughs after almost having there head off their shoulders

Kai activated justice ability and rushed all three of them

Michael had threw a fireball at Kai but he blocked it

[observe has been activated, fireball has been copied]

Kai sent a bunch of bones at Michael but sky came into his view

Kai stabbed her with his decent sword and used telekinesis to break her neck

[as you kill your second victim of the day..you feel satisfied..]

Kai pov:that's some pretty weird dialogue

Peter rushed at kai and punched him but hit a tree instead

Kai had used gravity manipulation to smash Peter into the ground

Michael had somehow dodged those barrage of bones and slashed Kai behind his back


But he realized it didn't hurt as much..just like a sting..

Kai turned around, canceling out his gravity manipulation and put a bone through Michael head, killing him

Kai had bones come out the ground also killing peter

[you have killed three bandits!]


[you have leveled up x3]

Kai checked his states

Kai level 5



Hp:101% (justice boost 6 seconds)

Status:happy, a bit remorseful,conflicted

Kai:sheesh…I mean..they were bad..I don't think they deserved to die tho..

[you won't be saying that for long ;)]

Kai looted their corpses

300x silver

4x throwing knives

Black cloak x3

23x gold

Documents x1


Kai:huh…they didn't have much but damn 300 silver..and 23x gold…nice

Kai looked in front of him and saw a bandit hideout


With ???

???:my lady are you sure…we should go into that forest…

???:of course who knows what we might find..we also have our strongest knight..Jesse..

Jesse was the head of the knights and the right hand..women of the queen

To the queens left was her assistant or helper Nora

And the queens name itself was..Michiko

Michiko was pretty curious about the forest today..since no bandits came to raid her kingdom..even if they could fend them off..it was a bit weird that they didn't do their usual

Michiko had ordered Jesse and 10 knights to find out and report what's going on in that forest…

With Kai

Kai had just wiped out the bandit hideout and was now level 10..

Kai:phew…that was a workout..

[you have received 10 gacha tickets from your previous achievement..]

Kai decided to sit down and wear a black cloak and spin his gacha tickets on weapons

Common staff

Common sword

Common bow

Common sword

Necromancy book

Rare sword


Useless sword

Flame stick

Spike trap


Kai:wtf..the only things that are good are the rare sword, maybe flame stick, cheese, spike trap and last but not least nercomany book…

Kai had smiled menacingly upon these items and discarded the junk and kept the spike trap, rare sword necromancy book and cheese because why not

Kai:I'm level 10..now let's check the quest-

[quest:evade a kingdom and blow it up]

Rewards are pretty high but unknown


[Quest:fetch me their souls, kill 10 people]

Rewards are a guaranteed epic

Kai was instantly hyped and teleported to god knows where

[stay tuned til ch 3]