
Ch 1 tutorial has been completed!

Kai had woken up on the ground and looked around and see bunnies with horns…

Kai:oh hell yeah I'm gonna enjoy this…now how do I…use sans powers-

Kai Lv1

[Sans powers]

Lv1:Bone summon


Gravity manipulation Lv1: able to control the gravity on a certain individual or objects

Telekinesis LV1:throw ppl around


Observe Lv1:use this to get more info out of your targets or copy their ability's[locked]

Superhuman strength LV1:you aren't dealing with the average human anymore…

Teleportation Lv1:

Kai:that's a lot to digest

[Start tutorial?]


Reward:free level up!, swordsmanship,possible summon?


Kai pressed yes and was teleported in a Chamber

[welcome to the world of NorseGodRPG,where you could…be whoever you want to be..good..evil…and get strong..but that's not gonna be easy of course first quest is to…survive for 15 mins

10 bandits all rushed at Kai at once

Kai dodged half of the bandits and started launching bones at them

7 mins have passed..

Kai was knocking them all around and stabbing them with bones and teleporting..

13 mins have passed…

Kai started to feel tired and used his superhuman strength to launch one of the bandits into another and used gravity manipulation to smash them into the ground


15 mins have passed congratulations you have completed the tutorial!

You leveled up and each of your abilities have also leveled up!

You have learned swordsmanship

10 gacha tickets!

Kai:wtf I can…summon shit…AWESOME!

[and people just like you have been spawned here..you could kill them or..spare them]

Kai:wait what the f-

(Stay tuned til chapter 2)