
I Become Ironman & overpowered Superman

Combian Golden+Silver+Doomdays superman, Shadow monarch ,Rimuru Tempest & System power from R.O.B .Mc reborn as TONY STARK become God in Marvel & Multiverse. _______________________________________ Mc is overpowered from Start,So if you don't like instant OP fanfic ,this is not for you _______________________________________ English is not my mother language ,If you find any mistake comments i wil try to fix it _______________________________________ BTW the plot is already messed up,So don't expect anything. (18+) Warning ⚠️

Fahim_Rezvi · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


After receiving a handjob from Nami, my official girlfriend, we put on our clothes, and while doing so, she gave me an annoyed & flush look when she looked at her shirt, which I had ripped off her body prior to our escapade. Once we were mostly fully clothed, I carried Nami in my arms ask ciel to make a ship ,Then sail us back To Nami's home towns.


During the weeks,Tony thought about naming the human beings in the One Piece world. Is it possible to improve the comprehensive attributes of monsters like in the original drama?

The answer given by the Ciel is completely feasible. In this world, whether it is human beings, sea kings, or even inorganic objects, they can undergo qualitative changes after being named by Tony.

"I give you the name of the little thieving cat!"

Nami: Huh?

Just when Nami was confused, a warm current surged into her heart. Nami could clearly feel that her body was moving in an indescribable way. Becoming stronger at an extremely fast speed!

At this moment, Nami felt that her strength, physical strength, and neurological reactions had been improved a hundred times! She even felt that she could beat those damn fishmen away with one punch!

Not only the improvement in strength, Nami I also feel that my mind has become a lot clearer. Many complex navigational knowledge I once read have become clear in my mind, and my understanding has also undergone a qualitative change!

"good! so big!"

What Nami felt was the improvement of her own strength and understanding, but Tony, an onlooker, was different. What he saw was the change in Nami's appearance.

Tony originally thought that he would have to wait two years before he could appreciate the legend. The Nami Mountain Peak and the Deadly Water Snake Key in the movie.

But he ignored that naming would not only improve the opponent's comprehensive attributes, but also change the opponent's figure and appearance, making the opponent's figure more in line with his ideal type.

Tear ~ sailing on the sea is often It's all hot. Two years ago, Nami's figure was very thin. In addition, she only wore a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. The changes visible to the naked eye finally made the clothes overwhelmed, and she suddenly became∵

"This…this feeling, this power!"

"Lord Tony, did you do this? how did you do it?"

Nami was so excited that she was completely unaware of other changes in herself at this time. While talking, she raised her fist and waved it to the side.

Just a simple swing action produced a strong wind, blowing the objects on the table far away directly. On the ground.

It is conceivable that if this punch were to hit someone, that person would probably not even make a sound.!

"This is my special ability, which can greatly improve the opponent's strength, but this improvement is one-time, and the next improvement still depends on you."

Tony admired the famous landscape, handed Nami a copy of the three-color Haki and the Sixth Navy from stores, and said with a smile:"How about it, your power now should be far beyond that of the average fishman. I'll give you a little training. It's not a dream to take revenge with your own hands."

"Thank you! Lord Tony!"

Hearing this, Nami excitedly gave Tony a bear hug and kissed him hard on the cheek.

If driving away the Dragon Pirates is Nami's only wish, then being able to take revenge personally is definitely Nami's wish. It's an extravagant hope that I can't even imagine!

Tony gave Nami this power, which is equivalent to directly filling Nami's favor.

Oh, don't pinch people's heads, hey! You'll become stupid! It's going to be difficult to breathe.!

"Ah, sorry! Wait, why has my body changed so much?!"

After calming down, Nami realized her rude behavior, her cheeks immediately turned red, and she quickly let go of her hands and took a step back.

At this time, Nami noticed the change in her figure!

I can't say it's bad, it's just too convex. Sure!

After Tony thought for a moment, he said seriously:"Well… I said this is the price of gaining strength, do you believe it?"

"Believe it, believe it, you big-headed ghost!"

I thought Nami would run away in embarrassment like a little woman, but who knew that after two seconds of silence, her cheeks turned red and she whispered with difficulty :"But since Lord Tony likes it, forget it.

Looking at her affectionate eyes, under the silent moonlight, feeling the gentle sea breeze,

Tony Couldn't help but tightened his hands on her waist, putting the other hand on her slender neck and kissed her fiercely.

While he was kissing and sucking on her lips, he carried her to the room, putting her down on the bed gently, their lips still sticking to each other like magnets.

In such a romantic environment, the male protagonist Tony and the heroine Nami once again completely entered rather extremely deep state and experienced the love between men and woman.

Next day!

When the outline of the island appeared in front of everyone, a huge bull-shaped sea beast suddenly surfaced and blocked their way!

Many sailors were startled, and the sailors on the ship hurriedly fired the cannons. When turning to the Neptune class, Nami's voice came

"That's the Dragon Pirates' pet Moo Moo!

Kill it quickly, and never let it go back to report!"

As she said that, Nami's graceful figure jumped into the air at high speed, then raised her right leg, and a blast of strong wind blew The composed slashes rushed towards Moo Moo!


Screams rang out, and large, horrifying wounds appeared on Mo Mo's body. It was painful. Moo Moo immediately wanted to dive and escape, but Nami would not give her opponent a chance to escape.

She pointed the gun!

One blow penetrated Moo Moo's forehead, and Manatee Moo Moo's belly turned white.!

"Lord Tony, Cocosia Village is ahead!"

Nami, who was standing on the corpse of the sea beast, looked at the small island in the distance and shouted excitedly to Tony,"I can already see the outline of the Konomi Islands!"

Then she jumped back from the corpse. On the boat, if it were an ordinary person, he would probably fall half to death, but Nami acted like a normal person and did a perfect backflip in mid-air!

Nami has not been idle in the past three days, in order to be able to defeat Aaron, Nami has been practicing the Sixth Form and Three-color Haki seriously.

Naming not only greatly improved Nami's strength, but also improved her understanding a hundred times! In just one week, she has mastered the basics of the Sixth Form of the Navy! The Armed Color and the Knowledge Color are also slightly improved. I know a thing or two.

As for the Overlord Color, I have no clue at all.

This thing is innate, and the Overlord Color training manual of the system only develops the Overlord Color on the premise of having the Overlord Color.

This week, Nami also often talks to Tony. Practice, although you will always get beaten when fighting against Tony & MarkT series.

Now Nami is full of confidence in the next revenge, and she can't wait to do it now. Jump to Dragon Park for a killing spree!

From now on At that time, the pirate ship was less than a thousand meters away from the Conomi Islands. Naturally, the people on the island also discovered this uninvited guest.!

"That's… a boat?"

"Is it the Navy? No, it looks like a pirate ship!"

"Another wave of pirates is coming! Oh my god, who will save us!"

"Hurry and hide in the back mountains, I'm afraid there's going to be a war soon!"

As more and more people discovered the pirate ship, the villagers of Cocosia took their families out of the village and walked towards the back mountain.

Nuo Qigao on the hillside looked at the pirate ship in the distance and sighed, Just as she was about to leave with the crowd, she was careful and noticed a fast running shadow on the sea. She took out the telescope she carried and looked at it. The figure looked very familiar.!

"Nana, Nami?"

"How can it be?!"

There was not only Nami, but there seemed to be a person!

They were heading towards the Evil Dragon Park!

Subconsciously, Nokigao left the crowd and ran towards the Evil Dragon Park!