
I Become a Writer in Konoha

In the winter of the 58th year of Konoha, a novel called "Konoha's Love Story" slowly spread among housewives and then extended to surrounding cities and countries like a spark. Yuya, who originally wanted to earn some money for his livelihood, has become a literary hero all over the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------------- Chinese-English Translation b.faloo.com ------------------------------------------------

William777 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 49: Returning to the Village

Word of mouth and recommendations spread throughout the village of Konoha, and the next day, 10,000 pocket books were sold! It can be said that this was a big occasion, the last time this happened was during the sale of "Icha-Icha". When Momoko, who was working overtime in the office, heard the news, she couldn't help but lie down on the table and moan, "Teacher Mitarashi, where are you..."

After calming down for a moment, Momoko straightened up and decisively ordered the secretary who came to report a moment ago, "Go to the printing department and tell them to pull out 50,000 more copies of the 'Konoha Love Story' pocket book, it will be printed and distributed immediately. Organize a group to go to the village gate to watch, as soon as Mitarashi Anko enters the village, inform me immediately!"

"Hai!" Her assistant nodded in response and quickly left.

Momoko had a headache. If the pocket book of the first chapter was sold out, she could work overtime to print it, but if the second chapter of "Konoha Love Story" hasn't been written, she would be helpless.

This afternoon, when a group of people came to ask when the next book of "Konoha Love Story" would be released, Momoko had to explain it again. There were still many new readers who couldn't help but come back to confirm with her again and again!

However, this is also good news... At least, this book can be considered a success, which is good for her and the publishing company.


Back to Yuya

After leaving the hotel room the next day, he carried a large sword on his back. It was the reward he received after completing the task of "Burying the Wandering Dead".

Reward- Zanpakutō! Sajin Komamura!

There are two threads of black tassels hanging from the handle. The blade is thin and straight, and widens about a finger at the tip. The most important feature of this sword is that the upper blade is wider than the lower blade. The entire sword is thick and powerful, unpretentious, giving people a particularly stable feeling.

However, the whip that he obtained can only obtain Shikai power at the moment.

Anko came out of the next room, saw the sword on Yuya's back at a glance, gave a slight "eh," and said very strangely, "Where did the sword on your back come from?"

Yuya pointed behind him and explained, "This is a sword with special abilities that I collected before, and it has been stored in the sealed scroll."

This explanation made Anko very curious.

Yuya winked at Anko and said mysteriously, "I'll show you when I get back."



On the way back, Kakashi didn't encounter any of the so-called powerful enemies. Kakashi carried Tsuruta Yoshihide on his back, Gai took Rock Lee, who hadn't wasted any time these days and took advantage of training with his sensei and also with Yuya.

And the group returned to the village in half a day.

As soon as the five people returned, they went straight to the Hokage building. When they pushed open the Third Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was reading official documents and dealing with village affairs.

"Have you returned?" Hiruzen put down his pen, raised his head and said with a smile, "This is probably the fastest completed S-rank mission in the village."

The five stood in line, and Tsuruta Yoshihide was picked up by his father as they entered the Hokage building. He missed his son very much. When Yuya and the others entered the village, they had already sent someone to notify him.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" Kakashi began to report the mission to Hiruzen seriously. It was all procedural content, and Yuya yawned, expressing that he was not really interested in that.

["Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Rescuing a wealthy businessman's son!"]

[Reward: Pikachu!]

After the notification sound of the system fell, a summoning beast scroll appeared in Yuya's mind immediately.

Then it was distributed in the form of a summoning beast.

Yuya thought to himself. This system is quite considerate. If Pikachu didn't appear in the form of a summoning beast, it is estimated that he would really have to carry this yellow electric mouse every day. Although it is very cute, it would be very troublesome.

During the interrogation process, Kakashi did not notify Hiruzen about Yuya's secret ability. He had already fully confirmed that he had no ill intentions towards the village. In addition, he had launched himself without thinking to save Anko and Gai at the critical moment.

It is Yuya's decision whether to notify and leave his ability in Konoha's records.

After reporting the details of the task, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "Since the task is completed, you can go back and rest well."

Kakashi and Gai still wanted to inform Hiruzen about the "Akatsuki" organization they encountered during the mission. Although the other party does not have them as a target at the moment, a group of renegades gathered together is really dangerous.

Rock Lee was dismissed by Gai, who asked him to go to the training field for afternoon training first. Yuya and Anko also left the Hokage building.

However, as soon as they walked out the door, Momoko stopped them and suddenly jumped. She opened her arms out of breath and said, "Wait, Mitarashi-sama! I have something to tell you..."

As soon as Yuya and Anko entered the village gate, Momoko received the news and quickly ran to the Hokage building after turning around. She was afraid that if Anko did not reappear, she might have to publish an advanced mission to find her!

Yuya looked at the woman who stopped them with a stunned expression, panting as if she had just run a marathon, pulled Anko's sleeve, and asked softly, "Who is this sister?"

Anko rubbed her nose and introduced Yuya, "This is the person in charge of Maruzendo: Momoko Kinomoto. I just negotiated a big deal with her a few days ago."

This sentence directly allowed Yuya to know Kinomoto Momoko's identity, and at the same time, did not reveal that he was the author of "Konoha Love Story."

She spoke very skillfully.

"Ah, hello, Sister Momoko!" Yuya greeted with a smile, this is his future gold mine.

"Ah, hello!" Momoko calmed down, smiled at Yuya, and told Anko with a serious face, "Master Mitarashi, you're back! The first episode of 'Konoha Love Story' is in full swing, is there a second chapter?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Anko gave Momoko a suspicious look. She was busy with her mission and had not had time to deliver the manuscript that Yuya gave her.

Momoko smiled wryly and then told the two of them the twists and turns of the matter, and finally couldn't help but sigh and say, "Master Mitarashi, if your friend doesn't give me the rest of the manuscript, I will probably go crazy!"

Yuya, who was listening to the whole process, couldn't help but be surprised. He did not expect that "Konoha Love Story" would sell more than 10,000 copies in just 3 days after the manuscript was delivered to the other party, and another 50,000 copies had already been printed and released.

What he admires the most is the innovative marketing method of this beautiful woman!






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