
I Become a Writer in Konoha

In the winter of the 58th year of Konoha, a novel called "Konoha's Love Story" slowly spread among housewives and then extended to surrounding cities and countries like a spark. Yuya, who originally wanted to earn some money for his livelihood, has become a literary hero all over the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------------- Chinese-English Translation b.faloo.com ------------------------------------------------

William777 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 50: Obtain Pikachu

"What a marketing genius!" Yuya originally thought that if "Konoha Love Story" wanted to hit the market, he would have to wait until he had written half of it. After all, it would be a problem to print a 20,000-word book.

When he last talked with the bookstore uncle, he probably also knew that a book has about 100,000 words. He never expected this woman to directly make a pocket book of 20,000 words in "Konoha Love Story," and the response was not bad.

Anko looked at Momoko with some sympathy. The dark circles under her eyes showed that she didn't sleep very well. She untied her backpack, took out the manuscript of Chapter 2 that Yuya gave her before the mission, and handed it over, saying, "This is the next chapter. As for the third chapter, I estimate I will give it to you after the author finishes writing it."

As far as Anko knew, Yuya didn't write a single word during the past few days when he was on the mission.

After receiving the manuscript with both hands, Momoko's dull eyes brightened up a bit, a chapter can last a few days! However, I still have to keep up with the later chapters, so I asked, "Master Mitarashi, is it convenient to reveal the author? He often has missions and it's really hard for me to contact him."


Anko was a little embarrassed, the real master was right beside her.

Seeing Anko's embarrassed look, Yuya directly "exploded" his identity. After all, Momoko is the person in charge of the Yanbo bookstore, so you just have to emphasize to her not to reveal that the author is him.

"Sister Momoko, 'Konoha Love Story' was written by me. If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact me directly."

"You?" Momoko looked at Yuya, who spoke suddenly, and suddenly felt a little confused. How could a ten-year-old boy write such a good book?


Seeing that Yuya exposed himself, Anko helped him and said, "Yes, it's him! I can testify!"

Although Momoko expressed her surprise at the fact that Yuya was the author, she accepted it immediately. Now, as long as she can provide the manuscript, regardless of whether it's old or young, she has to make a good contribution.

After obtaining the manuscript, Momoko's goal can be considered achieved. She took out a thick envelope from her small bag, handed it to Yuya, and said, "I planned to give it to Mitarashi-sama and let her pass it on to you. A pocket book costs 98 taels, and 10,000 copies were sold. According to the agreed commission, your share is 117,600 taels. After the remaining 50,000 copies are sold out, I will give you the remaining money."

"Thank you." Yuya took the thick envelope with joy in his heart, this is a large sum of money.

Momoko was still in a hurry to return to Maruzendo to arrange for the printing of a new chapter of the pocket book. After bidding farewell to the two, she hurried away.

At this moment, Kakashi and Gai were coming out of the Hokage building.

Kakashi greeted the two, "Anko, Yuya-kun, are you still not leaving?"

The two turned around, just in time to see Kakashi with a large bag that seemed quite heavy.

Anko looked at the bag and said, "I just met an acquaintance and we chatted for a while. Kakashi, is the mission reward in the bag?"

"Yes!" Kakashi stopped and then threw the black bag to the ground, raising a little dust. He squatted down, opened it and said, "Come on, let's divide the money! Fortunately, you two haven't left, otherwise I would have to send you one by one."

"No wonder I always felt like I forgot something at this moment. It turned out that I forgot to claim the mission reward," thought Yuya.


Can payment be made on the street? Yuya's mouth twitched. This operation was too aggressive. At the entrance of the Hokage building, there were ninjas receiving and sending tasks everywhere, and people coming and going.

Kakashi is really a powerful man who is not afraid of being robbed by others. In addition, he still lacked the guts to rob Kakashi.

Seeing Kakashi, Gai, and Anko squatting one after another, Yuya felt that standing up would be more eye-catching, so he simply squatted down shamelessly. Originally, it was a legitimate task reward, but after this series of operations, there was a feeling of guilt for dividing the loot.

"In this S-rank mission, Mr. Tsuruta Yilang gave a reward of 1 million taels, and then an additional 1 million taels will be added, while Tsuruta Yoshihide's mission is 100,000 taels. There are five of us in total, each can get 440,000 taels!" Kakashi explained and then said, "Everyone open your backpacks, otherwise it will be too easy to make people jealous with so much money."

Yuya: "...."

Kakashi then said with a smile, "Your disciple, you can send it to him yourself."

"Okay, I'm going to the training ground anyway." Gai threw the bag over his shoulder, stood up and said, "It's nothing, I'll go first, Lee is still waiting for me." He bid farewell.

Gai was grateful to Kakashi and the others. After all, his disciple needed a lot of food and other things to supplement his hard training.

It is one of the disadvantages of focusing solely on Taijutsu.

After Gai left, Yuya, Anko, and Kakashi also separated. They had just finished their mission and planned to return and rest well.

First, Yuya stopped to pay the security deposit, then went to the construction material market to buy a piece of glass, and then returned to the rental house that he had lost for a long time. The maple leaves in the courtyard have fallen, leaving a thick layer on the ground, and there is a natural beauty that no one cares about.

After repairing the window by hand, Yuya sat on the bed, took out the scroll and planned to take a look at the mission reward he obtained: Pikachu!

Placing the scroll on the bed, Yuya condensed chakra in his hand, pressed it on the symbol circle and said, "Kuchiyose!"

With a "bang," white smoke appeared. After the white mist dissipated, a round electric mouse appeared in the center of the summoning scroll. Its fur was all yellow and its ears were long with black tips. Its small mouth looks like a ω symbol, and its black eyes blinked at Yuya, there are also two red circles on its cheeks, which looks very cute.


Pikachu sat obediently in the center of the summoning scroll, flicked its ears and cooed at Yuya cutely, without making any noise, and seemed very calm.

It seems that it's not a wild Pikachu, but a common Pikachu. Yuya sighed a little disappointed. Ash's Pikachu is quite special among its kind.

But he's very happy to have Pikachu, he had always wanted one before. As soon as Pikachu was hugged, the skills he had mastered suddenly appeared in Yuya's mind.



Iron Tail!

And unexpectedly, he even had the special move


"Not bad little guy, you're quite powerful!"

After Yuya was surprised, he patted Pikachu's head as a reward. He had four skills just after appearing on the stage.

What a surprise!





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