
I Became the Staff God

Zen was a boy from a respected and well-feared cult. He was feared and renowned all across the world, as a prodigy, having mastered a prestigious technique at a young age, he couldn't have wanted anything else from life, until that night.

Hyasu_xD · Action
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13 Chs

Zen Vs Abaddon.

Zen was surprised, but he was also very excited, excited to fight something that could actually match up to him. "You must be the person they summoned me to kill" Spoke the creature known as Abaddon, "You aren't all that" Abaddon continued as it appeared behind Zen, swinging one of his tentacles onto Zen, which Zen dodged rather easily. "Ho? Looks like you're not that weak" Abaddon continued. "Trust me, you're gonna regret this", replied Zen, as Abaddon quickly closed the distance between them, appearing just in front of Zen, swinging his hand onto Zen's head, Zen quickly blocked it with his staff, letting go of his sword in process, as Abaddon applied more force, Zen quickly appeared farther away from Abaddon. However, Zen would soon realise that this was a terrible mistake. "That is gonna be the last mistake you will ever make in your life" spoke Abaddon, in a low, uncanny voice, as four more tentacles came out of his back.

"Wither" continued Abaddon, as everything around them began to disintegrate, everything disappeared, becoming black ash, the tower they were in, to the forest around them, it all had withered away.

Zen could do nothing but get out of the way of this wicked Qi approaching him, it seemed like he was in hell for a few moments, until it stopped, everything around him was now colourless, except the wicked Qi emanating from Abaddon, which was a dark violet hue.

As Zen Started to infuse Kyon into his staff, Abaddon appeared right beside him, one of his tentacles launching towards Zen, Zen could do nothing but try to block it with everything he had, he rushed his infusion of Kyon and blocked the tentacle, crushing some of its protruding bones in the process. "That energy, what is it? I've never experienced it before." thought Abaddon, two of his other tentacles lashing out to hit Zen in the process. Zen quickly dodged the tentacles, moving a fair bit away, but not far enough so as to not let Abaddon use 'that' again. "This is getting annoying" spoke Abaddon, now moving a lot faster, he appeared before Zen yet again, Zen had no ways of either blocking or even dodging the attack, he had no choice but to take it, focusing all his Kyon and what little amount of mana he had, he prepared to take the hit. It seemed like a year before it came but when it connected, Zen was launched what seemed to be at least a hundred feet, Zen assumed that he had suffered a few internal injuries but the pain was nowhere near what he felt when his former master released his pressure upon him. Zen quickly closed the distance between them "Eager to die soon aren't we?" spoke Abaddon, "Eager to kill you." replied Zen and, with all his Kyon infused into his staff, he hit Abaddon right in his ribs, Abaddon spit blood, "Fucking Insect" spoke Abaddon, annoyed, as he sped up even more, his Tentacles flailing around. "I guess you won't go down that-" Abaddon tried to speak as Zen interrupted "Frost-Fire Elite Staff Technique" , "Eighth dance", Ice and flames erupting from his staff. Zen started to hit Abaddon at an unbelievable pace, countless number of strikes a second, dodging all of Abaddon's tentacles in the process. "I guess you aren't going down that easily" spoke Abaddon. "Hellish Demon Qi Technique: First Movement" continued Abaddon, as Zen created distance, astonished that a monster this strong wasn't at his full strength yet.