
I Became the Staff God

Zen was a boy from a respected and well-feared cult. He was feared and renowned all across the world, as a prodigy, having mastered a prestigious technique at a young age, he couldn't have wanted anything else from life, until that night.

Hyasu_xD · Action
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13 Chs

Zen Vs Abaddon (2)

As, six of his tentacles disappeared, leaving only two, a sword seemed to be made out of thin air, it was long, straight and a dark purple in colour and had no guard built into it, it was also rather jagged. As Abaddon raised his sword, preparing to swing it, Zen focused all his Kyon into defence. Abaddon swung his sword, about 20 feet away and it created a huge shock wave, which travelled towards Zen at an unbelievable pace but Zen was able to dodge it rather easily, as Zen ran to a different spot, Abaddon appeared right in front of him and, using one of his tentacles, struck Zen in the ribcage extremely hard, launching Zen away 35 feet. "Hell Demonic Qi release: Second Movement" muttered Abaddon, the uncanny Qi still remained, however it was so strong at this point that it seemed Nauseating to even look at, let alone feel it, it emanate ever so stronger now, more and more Qi released from his tentacles.

'I need to run!' though Zen, feeling afraid for the first time in two years. Abaddon quickly closed the distanced between the two, and reached out one of his tentacles to Zen, wrapping it around him.

"It was a good fight." spoke Abaddon, "That power of yours, what is it?" he continued. "You couldn't water board that information out of me" replied Zen "Fine then, die with your mouth closed."

Abaddon raised his his other tentacle and started to strike Zen relentlessly. This went on and on for a few minutes. However, the few minutes Zen was getting beat up, he decided to meditate, and endure the pain, for it was nothing compared to what he had felt in the past, after having meditated a few minutes, he was able to regain some of his Qi, Mana and Kyon.

The next moment, Zen released most of his Mana and Qi, resulting in a large explosion, which created a lot of smoke, distracting Abaddon, and then he ran, ran for his life, "You Idiot! You thought I wouldn't be able to sense your Qi?" Spoke Abaddon very confidently, but he seemed to be chasing absolutely nothing. 'Ha, got you! that's a diversion I made to let myself escape!' thought Zen. He had created a lump of Mana and Qi and threw it in a direction opposite him to let him escape.

However, the disguise was up quickly, for Abaddon sensed the Kyon travelling in another direction. Abaddon then towards the real Zen, as the Lump of Qi and Mana faded away.

Zen sensed this and sped up, but to no avail, he was once again in the tentacle's grasp, Abaddon was now holding up his sword to Zen's neck, there was no hope, he was gonna die here, never being able to meet his master again, never being able to meet Ryuuka again. All Zen could do was to remember Hyasu through what he had gave him, Kyon and the staff which he still held, in his last moments, he grasped the staff tightly and cultivated Kyon, as a way to remember his master.

Abaddon's sword was now going to slice through Zen's neck, there was nothing he could do to stop this. It was gonna happen any moment now, he was going to die, he had lost consciousness. But Abaddon's sword had long ago touched Zen's neck. He was unable to Pierce through Zen's skin, the next thing he knew, Zen was no longer in his grasp and was now about 200 feet away, a faint glow of black light emanating from him. As a flame as large as an elephant erupted from one side of his staff and a cold wind surrounded the other side of the staff. He yelled "FROST-FIRE, ELITE STAFF TECHNIQUE" , "FINAL MOVEMENT".