
I Became The Father of a Nation

Adrian, a historian, looks back on the Zenki Dynasty with fascination and awe. He recognizes Emperor Zenki as one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the kingdom's history. Adrian notes that Emperor Zenki was initially seen as a fool, but he ultimately proved to be a wise and just ruler. Adrian speculates about the reasons behind Zenki's transformation, considering theories that range from divine intervention to simple cunning. Despite not knowing the true cause, Adrian acknowledges that Zenki's actions brought about a great deal of prosperity and progress for the kingdom. Overall, Adrian sees the Zenki Dynasty as a fascinating period of history, marked by a complex and intriguing figure who defied expectations and ultimately brought about positive change for the kingdom.

Liorfa · Fantasy
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253 Chs

Empress Qingyi

Today, a splendid carriage adorned with intricate carvings and glistening gemstones rolled through the gates of the Kingdom of Avaloria. The carriage, a symbol of luxury and elegance, belonged to none other than Empress Qingyi of the Kingdom of Valkoria. After an extended visit to her parents' land, she had finally returned to the Kingdom of Avaloria.

Empress Qingyi stood tall and commanding, her presence exuding strength and determination. With an air of fierce elegance, she possessed a gaze that could pierce through steel, her eyes shining with an intense fire. Her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, flowing freely with each movement.

Clad in a regal, form-fitting crimson robe, she exuded an aura of power and grace. Her features were defined and captivating, with a delicate balance between strength and femininity. Her smooth complexion bore no visible scars, a testament to her skill in avoiding injury even amidst intense battles.

Empress Qingyi's physique was honed through rigorous training and disciplined practice. Every muscle beneath her robe was toned and defined, silently conveying her martial prowess. Her poise was unwavering, reflecting years of training in martial arts.

Despite her formidable appearance, there was a gentle warmth in her eyes, hinting at a compassionate and wise soul. Empress Qingyi carried herself with regal confidence, radiating a sense of command and authority. She was a symbol of martial excellence and grace, captivating all who were fortunate enough to witness her presence.

Empress Qingyi's beauty was not merely skin-deep; it was a reflection of her inner strength and unwavering dedication to her craft. She was a living embodiment of martial artistry, captivating the hearts and minds of those around her with her fierce yet graceful demeanor.

Inside the luxurious confines of the carriage, Empress Qingyi couldn't suppress a heavy sigh, her heart burdened with the thought of returning to the Kingdom of Avaloria once more. Despite her regal appearance and formidable martial skills, a sense of timidity still lingered within her.

Memories of her childhood flooded her mind, of a young girl struggling to find her place in the world. Her mother, in an attempt to instill courage within her, had advised her to adopt an air of fake bravado, hoping that it would eventually become her true nature. Qingyi had obediently followed her mother's advice, donning a mask of strength and resilience. However, deep inside, her true thoughts and fears remained concealed.

Martial arts had been her refuge, a means to gain confidence and project a fierce demeanor that belied her underlying timidity. She had dedicated countless hours to honing her skills, mastering the art of combat. The result was a striking presence, a countenance that commanded respect and intimidation. Yet, beneath the surface, her gentle nature yearned to break free from the confines of her self-imposed facade.

As the carriage continued its journey, the rhythmic clattering of hooves on the road mirrored the conflict within Qingyi's heart. She pondered the irony of her situation, the contrast between her external appearance and the vulnerability she felt deep within. Her martial prowess had become a shield, a means to hide her insecurities from the world.

As the carriage neared its destination, Empress Qingyi straightened her posture, her expression firm and resolute. Deep within, she whispered a mantra, reminding herself of the strength she possessed, both outwardly and within her heart.

As the ornate carriage rolled to a stop, Empress Qingyi's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes locked onto the figure standing at the entrance, her so-called husband, awaiting her arrival. A flicker of surprise passed through her, hidden beneath her steadfast facade of fake bravado.

With measured composure, she stepped out of the carriage, her gaze unwavering, and a veil of determination draped across her face. Her strides were deliberate and purposeful, each footfall echoing her inner resolve. She had spent years perfecting her fierce demeanor, an armor to shield her vulnerabilities.

As she approached Zenki, the weight of her uncertainties melted away, replaced by an unwavering commitment to uphold her regal presence. She masked any trace of surprise, allowing only a subtle hint of curiosity to flicker in her eyes. The practiced lines of her fierce expression remained unchanged, concealing the tumultuous emotions brewing within.

Zenki's gaze met hers, and for a brief moment, a flicker of recognition passed between them. The unspoken connection, a shared understanding of the complex dynamics between them, added another layer of intrigue to their interaction.

Zenki thought to himself, "I was not informed that my third Empress would have such a strong demeanor," while maintaining a pleasant smile on his face.

While Qingyi pondered in her mind, she wondered, "Why is he greeting me with such a smile?" Her heart started to race, uncertain about the intentions behind his warm reception.

Empress Qingyi's heart raced, the collision of her past fears and the unknown future creating an intoxicating mix of anticipation and apprehension. With every step closer, she bolstered her resolve, determined to maintain her stronghold amidst the political intricacies that awaited her.

As she stood before Zenki, her posture remained upright, radiating an aura of strength and authority. Their eyes locked in a silent exchange, each assessing the other, searching for hidden depths beneath their guarded facades.

A veil of intrigue veiled their interaction, a dance of unspoken words and hidden agendas. Empress Qingyi concealed her surprise, channeling her inner strength to maintain the fierce facade that had become her shield against a world that often misunderstood her.

With an air of regality and a voice steeped in confidence, Empress Qingyi extended a poised greeting to Zenki. "Your Majesty," she began, her tone laced with a calculated blend of respect and determination. "I have returned to fulfill my duties to the Kingdom of Avaloria. May our alliance strengthen our kingdoms and bring prosperity to our people."

Her words hung in the air, a testament to her unwavering commitment and the steel that lay beneath her seemingly fierce exterior. Deep inside, a glimmer of hope emerged, a quiet whisper of the possibility of a different future, one where the burdens of the past could be shed and a new path forged.

"Welcome back, Qingyi. I hope your trip was pleasant. I have arranged a welcoming banquet for you," Zenki said, extending his hand towards her, signaling his intention to accompany her personally.

Slightly taken aback by his unexpected gesture, Qingyi nodded and placed her hands in his, allowing him to escort her to the welcoming banquet. Internally, she couldn't help but wonder, "What is going on?" Her heart raced with confusion, adding to the flurry of emotions within her.

As Qingyi arrived at the welcoming banquet alongside Zenki, she couldn't help but feel inwardly surprised to see Meiying and Zhenyue among the guests. While Mengting had always been welcoming to her since her marriage to Zenki, her relationship with Zhenyue had been one of mutual respect, with each minding their own business. The presence of both of them at the banquet sparked a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within Qingyi.

During the dinner, Zenki, Meiying, and Zhenyue took the opportunity to update Qingyi on everything that had transpired in her absence. They shared details of the events and developments, making sure to mention that their children were currently away from the kingdom, embarking on an exploration of a Martial Initiation Expert tomb. Qingyi listened attentively, absorbing the information while occasionally interjecting with questions and expressing her surprise at the adventurous endeavors of their children.

Qingyi found herself genuinely surprised by Zenki's change in attitude towards the princesses' cultivation. In the past, it had been one of the reasons she felt ignored by him, as he embodied the epitome of male chauvinism. However, seeing that he now embraced their pursuit of cultivation, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that their relationship could evolve and improve.

Zenki acknowledged the mistakes he had made in the past and expressed his sincere desire to make amends. "I know I have wronged you, Qingyi, but I hope you will allow me to rectify my actions. Let us work towards becoming a harmonious family in the future," he said earnestly. Qingyi responded with a nod, her expression remaining strong and cold, yet there was a hint of cautious optimism in her eyes.

As Zenki observed Qingyi's eyes intently, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye. He pondered to himself, "There seems to be a depth within Qingyi that goes beyond her quiet demeanor. Her mannerisms remind me of my own when I was still on Earth."

As Qingyi found herself alone in her room, a sense of relief washed over her, allowing her to finally let go of the tension that had built up within her. She sat down, taking a moment to process all the stories that Zenki, Meiying, and Zhenyue had shared with her. Doubts began to creep into her mind, questioning the authenticity of it all. Was this truly a genuine change, or was it just a facade?

Despite her uncertainties, Qingyi held onto a glimmer of hope. She made a silent vow to herself to put forth her best efforts in supporting the vision of a harmonious family that Zenki, Meiying, and Zhenyue desired. She knew that it wouldn't be an easy path, but she was determined to strive hard and make it a reality.