
I Became The Father of a Nation

Adrian, a historian, looks back on the Zenki Dynasty with fascination and awe. He recognizes Emperor Zenki as one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the kingdom's history. Adrian notes that Emperor Zenki was initially seen as a fool, but he ultimately proved to be a wise and just ruler. Adrian speculates about the reasons behind Zenki's transformation, considering theories that range from divine intervention to simple cunning. Despite not knowing the true cause, Adrian acknowledges that Zenki's actions brought about a great deal of prosperity and progress for the kingdom. Overall, Adrian sees the Zenki Dynasty as a fascinating period of history, marked by a complex and intriguing figure who defied expectations and ultimately brought about positive change for the kingdom.

Liorfa · Fantasy
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253 Chs

Chen Sheng

The Kingdom of Frosthold Castle stands tall and imposing, nestled amidst a wintry landscape. Built upon a foundation of sturdy stone, the castle's formidable walls rise high, adorned with intricate carvings that depict tales of ancient battles and the lineage of Frosthold's rulers.

Approaching the castle, one is greeted by towering gates embellished with frost motifs, serving as a constant reminder of the kingdom's affinity with ice and cold. As you pass through the gates, a sprawling courtyard unfolds before you, dusted with a delicate layer of snow. Statues of noble warriors and legendary creatures flank the pathway leading to the main entrance of the castle.

The castle itself is a grand structure, combining elements of Gothic architecture with hints of frost-inspired design. Towering spires reach towards the heavens, their pointed peaks glistening with frost and icicles, while large stained-glass windows depict scenes of frosty landscapes and mythical ice creatures.

Entering the castle, you find yourself in a vast and opulent foyer, adorned with tapestries and grand chandeliers that cast a warm, flickering glow upon the polished marble floors. The air is tinged with a hint of chill, a constant reminder of the kingdom's icy nature.

Moving deeper into the castle, you encounter ornate corridors lined with portraits of past rulers and tapestries depicting historic events. Intricately carved wooden doors lead to chambers that serve various purposes, from meeting halls to grand ballrooms and council rooms, each exuding an air of regality and power.

Ascending the castle's towers, you discover breathtaking views of the surrounding snowy landscapes. From these vantage points, one can witness the kingdom's vast domain, with snow-capped mountains in the distance and frozen rivers winding through the valleys below.

Throughout the castle, the atmosphere is one of regal authority, with guards stationed at strategic points, ensuring the security of the kingdom and its rulers. The Kingdom of Frosthold Castle stands as a symbol of power and resilience, its cold beauty a reflection of the indomitable spirit of its people.

The Kingdom of Frosthold throne room is a grand and majestic hall with high ceilings that are supported by marble columns intricately carved with images of snowflakes and icicles. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of battles fought by the Frosthold army, and torches line the room, casting a warm glow on the space.

At the end of the room is a raised platform on which sits a large, ornate throne made of ice-blue crystals and carved with intricate designs of frost and snowflakes. The throne is surrounded by smaller chairs where members of the Frosthold court can sit during official proceedings.

Behind the throne, a massive stained glass window depicts a fierce battle between the Kingdom of Frosthold and a neighboring kingdom. The sun shining through the window creates a dazzling display of colors on the polished marble floor.

The air in the throne room is cool and crisp, reminding visitors of the chilly climate of the Kingdom of Frosthold. Despite its grandeur, the room feels imposing and austere, a reflection of the strength and power of the Frosthold dynasty.

Sitting upon the grand throne in the opulent hall, adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering ice-blue decorations, is Chen Sheng, the new ruler of the Kingdom of Frosthold. Dressed in regal robes of deep indigo, his presence exudes authority and power. Chen Sheng gazes down at Bingshuang Han Wang, the esteemed Duke of Frosthold, who kneels before him with unwavering loyalty etched on his face.

The throne room is bathed in a soft, icy glow, emanating from the ethereal ice crystals that line the walls. The air carries a chill, as if whispering tales of the frozen lands beyond the castle walls. Banners bearing the emblem of Frosthold, depicting a majestic snowflake against a backdrop of swirling blizzards, flutter gently in the frigid breeze.

The room is filled with an air of reverence and respect as the courtiers, dressed in elaborate attire representing the cold beauty of Frosthold, observe the exchange between Chen Sheng and Bingshuang Han Wang. The Duke's voice resonates with solemnity as he pledges his unwavering fealty, vowing to uphold the kingdom's interests and support its new ruler.

Chen Sheng's piercing gaze meets Bingshuang Han Wang's, their eyes filled with mutual understanding and shared purpose. The weight of their collective responsibilities and the destiny of Frosthold rests upon their shoulders. The silence is broken only by the echo of their words, which reverberate throughout the grand chamber.

A Eunuch leaned close to Chen Sheng's ear and whispered, the atmosphere in the throne room grew tense. The news of Zenki Zhanwang's arrival, the Duke of Avaloria, a new ally, carried great significance. Chen Sheng's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity sparkling within them.

The room itself exuded an air of grandeur and authority. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of legendary battles and majestic landscapes. The polished marble floor reflected the soft glow of crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, casting a warm radiance over the chamber. The scent of sandalwood lingered in the air, adding a touch of elegance to the regal ambiance.

Chen Sheng, resplendent in his royal attire, rose from his throne with purposeful grace. The elaborate robes of deep crimson, adorned with intricate golden embroidery, accentuated his stature as the ruler of Frosthold. With measured steps, he made his way through the throne room, his entourage trailing behind him.

Upon reaching his office, a spacious chamber adorned with ornate woodwork and fine silk drapes, Chen Sheng found Zenki Zhanwang waiting patiently. The room was tastefully furnished, with a large desk crafted from polished mahogany and shelves lined with ancient tomes and scrolls. Soft sunlight filtered through the silk curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room's opulent furnishings.

As Chen Sheng entered the office, his gaze met Zenki Zhanwang's, their eyes locking in a moment of unspoken understanding. The tension in the air was palpable, the weight of their respective roles and the future of Frosthold resting upon their shoulders.

In this pivotal encounter, the fate of the kingdom hung in the balance. Chen Sheng and Zenki Zhanwang stood on the precipice of a significant decision, one that would shape the destiny of Frosthold. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared to engage in a discussion that could alter the course of their realm forever.

Zenki Zhanwang: Congratulations, Chen Sheng, on ascending the throne of the Kingdom of Frosthold. It is a remarkable achievement and a testament to your leadership.

Chen Sheng: Thank you, Zenki Zhanwang. Your words mean a lot to me. I am honored to have your support and friendship.

Zenki Zhanwang: It is well-deserved, my friend. Your determination and strategic mind have paved the way for a prosperous future for Frosthold. May your reign bring prosperity and peace to our kingdom.

Chen Sheng: Your kind words humble me. I must say, your own accomplishments in the Kingdom of Avaloria are equally impressive. The unity and progress you have achieved are remarkable.

Zenki Zhanwang: Thank you, Chen Sheng. I believe our kingdoms share common goals and interests. It is through mutual respect and cooperation that we can strengthen our alliance and bring prosperity to our lands.

Chen Sheng: Indeed, I agree. Our alliance holds great potential for both our kingdoms. Let us continue to foster this bond and work together for the betterment of our people.

Zenki Zhanwang: Absolutely, Chen Sheng. Together, we can achieve greatness. I look forward to further strengthening our alliance and exploring new opportunities for collaboration.

Chen Sheng: As do I, Zenki Zhanwang. Our shared vision and determination will lead us to new heights. Let us celebrate our achievements today and lay the foundation for a bright future for both our kingdoms.

As the pleasantries came to an end, Chen Sheng's expression turned serious, signaling the shift to the main topic of their discussion. He leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Zenki Zhanwang.

Chen Sheng: "Zenki Zhanwang, I appreciate your congratulations and kind words. However, let us now discuss the true purpose of our meeting. It has come to my attention that you aspire to ascend the throne of the Kingdom of Avaloria, and I am here to offer my assistance."

Zenki Zhanwang's eyes widened with surprise, realizing that Chen Sheng was aware of his ambitions.

Zenki Zhanwang: "Chen Sheng, you are perceptive. It is true that I desire the throne of the Kingdom of Avaloria. I have long believed that my leadership can bring about positive change and prosperity. Your offer of assistance is unexpected, but intriguing. How can you help me in achieving my goal?"

Chen Sheng's lips curled into a knowing smile as he presented his proposal.

Chen Sheng: "Zenki Zhanwang, I possess the influence and resources necessary to support your claim to the throne. With my backing, we can rally supporters, navigate the political landscape, and secure your rightful place as the ruler of Avaloria. In return, I ask for your commitment to a mutually beneficial partnership once you ascend the throne, as in helping me tie loose ends like Chen Jing that might affect my rule in the future."

Zenki Zhanwang pondered the proposition, recognizing the value of such an alliance.

Zenki Zhanwang: "Chen Sheng, your offer is intriguing. To have your support in my ascension is a significant advantage. I assure you, once I become the ruler of Avaloria, I will honor our alliance and ensure your position of influence and power remains secure. Together, we shall reshape the destiny of our kingdom."

Chen Sheng extended his hand, signifying their agreement with a firm handshake.

Chen Sheng: "Then let our alliance be forged. Together, we shall bring about a new era for the Kingdom of Avaloria under your leadership."

With their pact solidified, Chen Sheng and Zenki Zhanwang delved into discussions, strategizing the path to Zenki Zhanwang's ascension and the subsequent changes they aimed to bring to the Kingdom of Avaloria.

Meanwhile Zenki was still in his office reviewing documents when Zhang Liang gave him the news that his final wife that he has not met yet, Empress Qingyi is finally arriving back home the next day.

Zenki sat at his desk, poring over the stacks of documents that demanded his attention. As he delved into the bureaucratic matters of the kingdom, his mind occasionally wandered to thoughts of Empress Qingyi. The knowledge that she was soon to return filled him with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Zhang Liang, his trusted advisor, entered the room with a sense of anticipation, holding an envelope in his hand.

Zhang Liang: "Your Majesty, I have some news of great significance. Empress Qingyi will be arriving back at the palace tomorrow."

Zenki looked up from his papers, his gaze fixed on Zhang Liang, eager to hear more.

Zenki: "Empress Qingyi... Finally, the time has come for us to meet. It has been a long wait, and I confess I am both excited and apprehensive about her arrival. Is everything prepared for her return?"

Zhang Liang nodded, understanding the weight of the situation and the complex emotions it stirred within Zenki.

Zhang Liang: "Yes, Your Majesty. The palace has been meticulously prepared for Empress Qingyi's homecoming. The chambers have been adorned with exquisite decorations, and the staff is eagerly awaiting her arrival."

Zenki paused, his mind filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The former body owner's neglect of Empress Qingyi had left a bitter mark on their relationship, and Zenki felt a sense of responsibility to heal those wounds.

Zenki inwardly thought "Empress Qingyi... I have heard stories of her difficult past and the strained relationship between her and the former body owner. It is unfortunate that her arrival had been delayed until now. I must ensure that she feels welcomed and cherished within our kingdom."

Zhang Liang: "Your Majesty, it is our duty to make Empress Qingyi feel valued and respected. Let us work together to create an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance for her. We have the opportunity to build a new chapter in her life, one filled with love and understanding."

Zenki's expression softened, appreciating Zhang Liang's support and understanding.

Zenki: "You are right, Zhang Liang. We must cast aside the past grievances and offer Empress Qingyi the love and support she deserves. I will do everything in my power to make her feel at home here in the Kingdom of Avaloria."

With renewed determination, Zenki and Zhang Liang began discussing the final preparations, ensuring that Empress Qingyi's arrival would be met with warmth, kindness, and a genuine desire to heal the wounds of the past.