
I Became The Father of a Nation

Adrian, a historian, looks back on the Zenki Dynasty with fascination and awe. He recognizes Emperor Zenki as one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the kingdom's history. Adrian notes that Emperor Zenki was initially seen as a fool, but he ultimately proved to be a wise and just ruler. Adrian speculates about the reasons behind Zenki's transformation, considering theories that range from divine intervention to simple cunning. Despite not knowing the true cause, Adrian acknowledges that Zenki's actions brought about a great deal of prosperity and progress for the kingdom. Overall, Adrian sees the Zenki Dynasty as a fascinating period of history, marked by a complex and intriguing figure who defied expectations and ultimately brought about positive change for the kingdom.

Liorfa · Fantasy
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253 Chs

Coming Home

The treasure chest was large and made of dark, polished wood with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and symbols etched into its surface. Its ornate brass locks and hinges gleamed in the light, hinting at the valuable contents inside. The chest emitted an almost hypnotic aura, as if it was calling out to those who sought treasures beyond their wildest dreams. Its presence was both alluring and intimidating, as if it held the power to change the course of their lives forever.

As the current leader of the alliance, Zhen Yi stepped forward to unlock the treasure chest. As the lid creaked open, a glint of excitement sparkled in his eyes. The chest contained a collection of ancient pills, rare cultivation manuals, a variety of weapons, and an array of armor.

Following their agreement, Zhen Yi took charge of fairly distributing the items from the chest among the kingdoms, including their own. Among the items they received were an ancient pill and a sturdy armor. Since the group was unsure of the pill's properties until they consulted with Lian Yaoshi, they decided to gift the armor to Chen Jing. They believed that this armor would provide him with the protection he needed, especially given the danger he constantly faced due to assassination attempts.

Zhen Yi and Zhang Yitian looked at the armor, they turned to Chen Jing. "Chen Jing, we think this armor should be given to you," said Zhen Yi. "You've been constantly in danger because of assassination attempts, and we want you to be safe."

Chen Jing was touched by their concern. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I never thought I would have such loyal friends. I will wear this armor with pride and gratitude."

The others in the group nodded in agreement. "We're all here for each other," said Lianhua. "And we'll do whatever it takes to keep each other safe."

Mengting added, "We're a team, and we need to make sure everyone is protected. Chen Jing, you're an important part of this team, and we want to make sure you're safe."

Chen Jing smiled, feeling grateful for the support of his friends. "Thank you all," he said. "I'm honored to be a part of this team, and I will do everything I can to contribute to our success."

After receiving the armor, Chen Jing held it carefully in his hands, examining it closely. He could feel the weight of it, and the strength that it possessed. "This armor is truly remarkable," he said, "It will protect me from harm, and give me the courage to face any challenge."

He thought for a moment, then smiled. "I shall call it the Shield of Loyalty," he declared, looking up at his friends. "For it was given to me by those who have shown me true loyalty and friendship, and it shall remind me of the bond we share."

As they were preparing to depart back to the entrance, Yu Mei spoke up, "I would like to propose that we honor Liu Xiaohua for his generosity. He has given us gifts that will aid us in our own cultivation journeys and I believe we should express our gratitude."

The group nodded in agreement and Chen Jing added, "I agree. Liu Xiaohua may have been gone for many years, but his legacy lives on through his gifts. We should not forget his contributions to our cultivation paths."

Zhen Yi chimed in, "It is important to remember our past and those who came before us. By honoring Liu Xiaohua, we not only show our gratitude but also pay our respects to his memory."

The others nodded in agreement and Zhang Yitian added, "We can also make a promise to ourselves to cultivate diligently and make the most of the gifts he has given us."

The group then bowed to the tomb once more in appreciation and respect, before departing from the tomb. As they left, Yu Mei couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility in carrying on the legacy of Liu Xiaohua's gifts and passing them down to future generations.

Upon reaching the entrance, Liu Yong and Lian Yaoshi let out a heavy sigh of relief as they saw that the group they were escorting was unscathed. They immediately checked on their well-being and suggested that they should rest and recuperate at a nearby village inn before heading back to the Kingdom of Avaloria.

Zhen Yi nodded in agreement, "It's a wise decision. We should take some time to recover our strength and heal our wounds before continuing our journey."

Lianhua added, "Yes, and we can also take this opportunity to learn more about the local culture and customs. It might come in handy in the future."

As they made their way to the village, Liu Yong said, "I am relieved that you were able to complete your mission without any mishap. You are all truly remarkable cultivators."

Zhang Yitian smiled, "We could not have done it without your guidance and protection. We are lucky to have you as our escorts."

Lian Yaoshi added, "It was an honor to accompany such a talented group of cultivators. You have my respect."

The group continued to exchange pleasantries and make plans for their stay at the village inn, eager to rest and recover from the battles they had endured.

During dinner at the inn that night, the group started sharing their experiences in the tomb with Liu Yong and Lian Yaoshi. Zhen Yi described how they had to fight off the Frosthold cultivators and how they found the treasure chest. Zhang Yitian shared his encounter with the giant spider and how he managed to defeat it. Mingliang talked about his experience with the water elemental beasts and how he used his new cultivation level to defeat them.

Liu Yong and Lian Yaoshi listened attentively and expressed their gratitude that everyone had made it out safely. Liu Yong then spoke up, "I have to say, I am impressed by all of you. It takes courage and skill to navigate through a place like that."

As Liu Yong shared his feedback on their experiences, Lian Yaoshi took out the items they had obtained in the tomb for further examination. With a curious expression on his face, he inspected the dead seed and the ancient note that Mengting and Liu Wei had found. "This is quite interesting," he remarked, "I've never seen anything like this before, I need to consult some more tomes when we get back to the Kingdom."

Meanwhile, he carefully examined the ancient pill they had won from their battle with the Kingdom of Frosthold, analyzing its composition and effects. "This is a very rare and powerful pill," he stated, "it can greatly enhance one's cultivation of fire energy and is called a Flameheart Pill. You should all be careful when using it, as it is not meant for casual consumption."

As the group discussed the use of the Flameheart Pill, Mengting and Lianhua expressed their reservations about taking the pill.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to take the pill," Mengting said. "My elemental balance is already delicate, and I don't want to risk throwing it off."

"I agree," Liu Yong chimed in. "It's better to be safe than sorry."

Lianhua nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way. My blacksmithing requires a steady hand and a focused mind. I don't want to take any chances with my elemental energy."

After considering their options, the group decided to gift the Flameheart Pill to Zenki.

Zhang Yitian suggested giving the pill to His Majesty Zenki, as he was also a fire elemental user and had done a lot for the group. The others agreed, and the pill was reserved for the Emperor of the Kingdom of Avaloria. "I'm sure he will be grateful for this gift," Yu Mei said.

"I agree," added Mingliang. "He has always been a great leader and father to us."

Chen Jing nodded in agreement. "And it's only fitting that he receives this pill, as he is the one who brought us all together in the first place."

As the group resumed their journey the next day, they were met with unsettling news. "Have you heard?" asked Lian Yaoshi, breaking the silence. "The Emperor of Frosthold is dead."

"What?" exclaimed Zhen Yi, his eyes widening in shock. "How did it happen?"

"Details are scarce," replied Lian Yaoshi with a grim expression. "All we know is that the new Emperor of Frosthold is now Chen Sheng."

The group fell into a tense silence, all lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Chen Jing spoke up. "This is not good news. Chen Sheng has always been a power-hungry man. With him as the new Emperor, war may break out once again."

"I agree," said Yu Mei, nodding her head in agreement. "We must inform the Father about this as soon as we arrive."

Mengting furrowed her brow. "But what can we do? We can't interfere with the politics of other kingdoms."

"True," replied Liu Yong. "But we can offer our support to Emperor Zenki. As his loyal subjects, it's our duty to aid him in any way we can."

Zhang Yitian nodded. "And we must also be prepared for any eventualities. We must stay vigilant and be ready for whatever may come."

The group fell into a solemn silence, all lost in their own thoughts and worries for what the future may hold.