

The planet Earth, which we came to know and love, has now reached the end of its lifespan. Alone in the universe, a fragile and delicate mortal has had a fortuitous encounter and gradually evolves into a strong creation goddess. In the fantasy world created by the creation goddess, a young man with inferior spiritual roots emerges from the ashes to achieve the impossible on his quest for immortality. What to expect: - You're courting death! - Overpowered Goddess (MC) - Multiple Leads (Weak Male MC going against all odds to the top) - Harem (master-servant relationships) - Arrogant b*stards - Our goddess does everything to avoid boredom, depression, and loneliness. - Partners do rest in bedrooms (ahem), but there's no s*xual content. (Sorry)

kingFitjo · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Spirit Sensing and Spirit Transition Stage

"What the heck was that? What is happening to me? I..." The dumbfounded Lindiwe bellowed with puzzlement.

Lindiwe is only a human with the senses of a normal, healthy person, but at this instant, she feels a new kind of unnatural sensation that is somewhat natural to her. Touching, tasting, smelling, pain, emotions, hearing, etc. are the natural sensations each normal person could experience and not think much about because that is something humans are born with, but this new type of sensation she is experiencing right now is so imposing and overwhelming to overlook. This is a sensation that normal humans surely can't have.

Lindiwe could not remember how many times she had consumed the Divine caramel before, but it has never given her this kind of euphoria she feels at this present. The divine caramel this time stimulated a new kind of sensation within her, allowing her to feel the new kind of pure energy that floats around in her vicinity.

It looks like all along, there has been pure energy around herself and Amaru, but she couldn't sense it before because normal humans can't sense energies.

"Oh my gosh! I can sense some sort of pure energy. I could even see small golden particles floating in the atmosphere. Is this another miracle?" Lindiwe said with an amused expression as she lifted her only right hand to try to catch the almost invisible golden particles.

As Lindiwe is focusing on the energy she feels from the outside, another sensation within her pulls her attention back to her body, as it is impossible to overlook. It looks like from her navel to her glabella, her soul could feel five empty and spiritual-like bowls, which were just formed the moment the new sensation was born within her.

"What are these things within me? They are not physical bowls, but I could see them even with my eyes closed. Am I still a human? I have never heard or read about this back on Earth. The feeling of having these five empty bowls within is so weird, but also nice at the same time. I feel like these empty bowls are so hungry for the pure energy that is in the atmosphere. How am I aware of what these spiritual bowls need?"

Lindiwe investigated the five empty spiritual bowls within her with excitement. Just when harmful and lethal boredom was about to collapse her and ruin her life, new excitement and a new hobby came out of nowhere to keep her busy again with something this peculiar and miraculous.

She is too excited and worried at the same time because weird things are happening to her one after another.

She now has a sensation that the five empty bowls within her are hungry for the pure energy that is in her vicinity, and by just concentrating, she is now able to pull the energy from outside to inside her body, and the energy begins to infiltrate her body and enter straight into the empty bowl above her navel.

"Unbelievable! I am absorbing the pure energy into the empty bowl within me. Did I become a wizard or something? This sensation of absorbing pure energy is so good. Huh! I love it!" Lindiwe bellowed with excitement as she absorbed the pure energy. The anxiety, depression, and boredom left her immediately, as she enjoyed this discovery.

After a long time, Lindiwe furrowed her brows as she was unable to fill the first bowl immediately with pure energy. She wants to fill the first bowl above her navel to see what will happen, but the process of absorbing is really slow.

Lindiwe tried hard to focus, but the results were the same. With her one leg and one hand, she struggled to sit carefully in a position to meditate, with the expectation that her focus would be better and the absorption process would increase. Unexpectedly, her hunch was correct. By sitting in a lotus position, she could now meditate and concentrate easily, and the speed of absorption increased.

"Did I become the Valkyrie or the enlightened Buddha, or something of that nature? I can absorb the spiritual energy like I am a mythological being." The amused Lindiwe, who is suddenly developing a habit of naming things she doesn't know, out of nowhere began calling the pure energy in the atmosphere the 'spiritual energy' because that just feels right to her.

"I could never get tired of this absorbing sensation. I love this feeling, but, though sitting in a meditative position absorbs fast, the bowl is still very far from being filled. How many breaths will it take to fill just the first bowl? Thousands? Perhaps a hundred thousand? Though I have enough time on my hands, I am impatient to see what will happen! Is that…"

Looking at Amaru, Lindiwe was shocked to realise the amount of spiritual energy within Amaru's spongy body. It is clear to Lindiwe now that Amaru is formed purely with spiritual energy, which is a million times greater than the spiritual energy floating in the atmosphere. Before she could sense the spiritual energy, there was no way she could know, but now she could see with her newly acquired senses that Amaru is formed purely from spiritual energy.

"Amaru is made purely by spiritual energy. No wonder she is so delicious and pure. Could I now be able to eat her divine caramel to fill this empty spiritual bowl? Is it possible?"

Picking up the divine caramel and gobbling it, Lindiwe focused her absorbing senses within, and...


The energy within her body exploded as the first spiritual bowl above the navel filled to the brim with spiritual energy. The entire outward part of her body radiated with golden light like a divine being. Even the charred clothes that she wore radiated with a golden glow majestically.

Lindiwe's natural senses, strength, and fitness improved again, and she felt like her body and her soul had transformed into something rather than a normal human.





When she is just curious about the development of her situation, the next four bowls also explode with power as they get filled to the brim.

"Ooh! With just one bite of divine caramel, all five bowls are filled with spiritual energy to the brim. I thought it would take me forever just to fill one bowl, but it looks like the divine caramel is indeed the divine caramel. Look at me now; I am glowing in gold."

As the glowing gold fades away from Lindiwe, she can feel that she is no longer ordinary.

"Wow! My human senses increased two times, my physical strength increased two times, and my speed also increased twice. I feel like a superhuman. I can lift a heavy table with just one hand now. I became this amazing by just eating the divine caramel. In my soul, I can feel that my lifespan also increased from seventy-five years to one hundred and thirty years. How is this possible? How am I able to tell? Whoa! What is happening to me now? My body is... My soul is...

Just as Lindiwe is celebrating her increase in strength, speed, sensation, and lifespan, she can feel that her entire being has reached some sort of ceiling, and she just gained a new ability to break through to another stage of existence.

"My-my, I just became a superhuman, and it looks like I could still evolve further into something else beyond a superhuman. This… I just wanted to see what would happen when I filled the five bowls with the spiritual energy that was desired by the bowls, but I never expected that I would be in the process of losing my humanity. What will happen to me and all the five filled spiritual bowls when I break through the spiritual ceiling within me to another stage of evolution?" Lindiwe was dumbfounded and excited at the same time by this miraculous development.

As her entire being desires to break through to the next stage of evolution, Lindiwe didn't waste any time as she closed her eyes to focus. She concentrated on the spiritual ceiling within, and she felt the need to evolve further like a nine-month pregnant woman reaching the final day of her delivery. It became natural to her that she should break through at this instant.


Thirty breaths later, Lindiwe felt her entire being evolving into a new kind of existence. It seems like she has entered a new state of being.

Punching the space with her only hand, Lindiwe could tell that she had become even more powerful.

"Wow-wow! I am so shocked. I can't believe it. My strength, senses, and speed have increased even further. I feel so powerful. I think… I think the spiritual energy within the five spiritual bowls is about to transform into something entirely different. When I absorbed the spiritual energy from the atmosphere just now, I could feel that the spiritual energy within the first bowl, which is above the navel, was turning into a spiritual liquid. Unfortunately, the transition process is too slow, like the first time. Hum! Let me eat the divine caramel to see if I can speed up the process again."

Lindiwe picked up the divine caramel again, and the glorious Amaru regenerated from where she was plucked. Without hesitation, Lindiwe gobbled the divine caramel.




In a sequence, only three bowls managed to transform the spiritual energy into a spiritual liquid. The bowls seem to operate in ascending order. Unless the lowest and the first bowl above the navel has its spiritual energy fully transformed into a spiritual liquid, she cannot transform the spiritual energy in the second bowl. This was the same case when she was filling the bowls with spiritual energy in the first stage.

This time, the consumed Divine caramel was not enough to liquefy all the spiritual energies within the bowls. Only the spiritual energy in the three bowls became fully liquefied. It looks to her that the divine caramel is slowly becoming less effective as she evolves to be stronger.

"Only three bowls managed to transition. I will have to eat more divine caramel to increase the transition speed again."



"Just as I expected. The more divine caramel, the better. By absorbing more spiritual energy, I managed to transition all spiritual energies within the five bowls into spiritual liquid. I am awesome!" Lindiwe was blissful for joy. This weird process has truly changed her life. She is so happy that this magical process has taken all her attention away from depression, worry, boredom, and anxiety.

"I have truly become strong. My strength, senses, and speed have increased four times. With a single fist, I feel like I could smash a hard brick into pieces. The funny thing is, my only hand is so thin, but it has more strength than a person with refined muscles. I have truly become a weird being. I cannot believe that my lifespan has also increased to two hundred and five. Am I still a human? Hum? What? I have gained even more abilities now. Somehow within, there's an unexplainable feeling that makes me know that I am now immune to all human diseases, and I could live even without eating as long as I absorb the spiritual energy every time. I can also feel that I could manipulate spiritual energy and embed it in other things if I so wish. Doesn't this mean I could use objects with just my spiritual energy?"

Plucking a chuck of purified cheesemellow from Amaru, Lindiwe used her spiritual energy to imbed the plucked cheesemellow, and surprisingly, the purified cheesemellow embedded with her spiritual energy began to fly when she controlled it with her mind.

Struggling to stand, Lindiwe moved the chunk of embedded purified cheesemellow to her foot, and she climbed and sat on top of it. With just a thought, she flew a little. She didn't move much out of fear of falling.

"I am flying! I could truly fly with this thing! Unbelievable!" Lindiwe couldn't hide the excitement written all over her face. It feels like she is in a dream where she could use the clouds to fly.

"Seriously? I could fly. Who said humans can't fly? Wait! Am I still a human? Huh? I feel like... I feel like I have reached another spiritual ceiling within, and my whole being needs the breakthrough for evolution again. Well, in the first stage... the first stage? Well, I will call the first stage the 'Spiritual Sensing Stage'. Since that time, I could sense the spiritual energy and absorb it in the spiritual bowls. The 'Spiritual Sensing Stage' sounds good. The second and more powerful stage of evolution I am currently in is known as the 'Spirit Transition Stage' from now on. These miracles are complicated, but I could only name them with memorable and simple names to never forget everything I experienced. It was a satisfying experience to see spiritual energy liquefying. I wonder what the next stage will be like. What kind of abilities will I gain next?"

With her sudden hobby of naming things around, Lindiwe named the first stage she experienced 'Spiritual Sensing Stage' and the second stage after the breakthrough was named 'Spirit Transition Stage'. She named these stages so that she wouldn't forget what she experienced.

Just as Lindiwe flies slightly above Amaru in a joyous mood, her enhanced spiritual senses also roam around her atmosphere. By just doing that, her senses picked up, for a few seconds, an ominous aura from far below. Lindiwe's cute and lovely face turned ashen with fear from slightly picking up that terrifying aura for a few seconds.

"What the heck was that?"

Lindiwe, who thought she was all alone in the vicinity, felt for the first time that it was not the case. She felt her excitement diminish as fear and worry took over. What she senses can't be another human or a magical superhuman in a state like herself. That aura she sensed was so ominous and evil. The aura was the opposite of the spiritual energy that she could sense and absorb from the atmosphere. It looks like there might be something terrifying far below. If she could increase her senses more, maybe she could find out what is out there.

Maybe after she breaks through now, her senses might improve even more.