
I Became the Divine King of Spirits

"The Temple of Ja'a Vaan will rise again." Those were the last words Dillon Jones heard as his life was taken away from him in a brutal confrontation between two powerful beings who invade Earth. In a crucial twist of fate, he obtains a strange item that transports his mind into another world just as he dies. In this new world, where spirits and humans coexist in the form of powerful abilities and strength cultivation, Dillon possesses rules completely over all spirits that exist. The Universe played a cruel joke... but he wasn't done yet. Far from it. [Overcome the Finalities] [First Objective: Ruler of Elgross; Planet of the Spirits] Join the discord for fun book-related events, QnA's regarding the book/me (take your pick), and meeting other readers https://discord.com/invite/5MbXcXd7f8

Purple_Midnight · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Big Rock

Now it came down to the last one.


Melchior had no specific preferences for a defence technique. He just felt like he needed a technique to bolster his defences. He couldn't walk out of every fight looking like Swiss cheese all the time. Nor could he afford to go into week-long comas after every single battle.

Especially not when he was in the army and battles would probably be more common. All he needed was a defence technique that didn't do too much or interfere with all the other parts of his skill set.

That wouldn't be hard to find. The options were probably abundant.

He told Winn about his requirements and the man wordlessly walked over to another cluster of shelves and began selecting scrolls. He was faster than both other times combined and came out in less than a minute holding only two scrolls.

It was surprising to see.

"I told you that I didn't have many requirements for the technique. How come you only brought two?"