
I became Mike Tyson

Have you ever found yourself wondering what you might do if you suddenly woke up in a strange place, with a strange body and no sense of time? It's a question that may never fully be answered, but perhaps the key to understanding lies within the story of Ethan Barrett. If you're curious to know how he navigated this strange and mysterious situation, then you'll want to read on. His curriculum vitae, or life story, holds the key to understanding how he faced this challenge and what he discovered along the way. Are you ready to embark on this journey with Ethan Barrett and unlock the mysteries of his past (or perhaps his future)?

Fandex · Others
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7 Chs

13 year old

"Even though your fitness is great, I will still have you work your ass off. If you want to be successful in boxing, you should be able to work till your body gives up. Any less than that is not enough."

This isn't only true for boxing; it's the only way you get to the top in any sport.

Ordinary people only see the glory; they don't understand how much blood, sweat, and tears there have been spilled in order to get where they are.

Stewart patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, Let's rest for a short while; after that, we will continue with the next workout."

After saying this, he began to train with the other kids and give them pointers.

"The next thing we will work on is your endurance. Form groups of two and hit each other in the abdomen. If you think you are ready, you can incorporate some head too. No holding back, though; we will be going full strength. Now get your gloves on."

After speaking, the kids were divided into groups of two, and everyone took their gloves before putting them on.

These are the gloves for teenagers; the weight is about 10 ounces. Because they are small, they look very dense.

Tyson stood against the wall and slowed his breathing.

Standing opposite of him was a white teenager; they were both around the same age.

In stature, the teenager was a little smaller.

"Start," Stewart said.

The teenager hit his abdomen with a fast straight.

Tyson's abdomen was rockhard; he had tensed his abs in order to withstand the blow.

However, The power behind the punch wasn't much. If he wanted to, he could've just not tensed his muscles, and he wouldn't notice much.

After four punches to the torso, the teenager suddenly used a hook.

Tyson quickly tucked his chin.

When receiving a blow to the head, you should tuck your chin and tense your neck muscles in order to allow the body to take as much of the force as possible, if you don't. Then you will have a high chance of being knocked out.

This hook hit Tyson's face; after Twisting his body a little, he was instantly back in his original position.

"Don't be such wussies; you don't even have the balls to punch someone that can't hit back?"

Stewart raised his voice, and the children started working harder.

It's just that the punches of the teenager still didn't hurt a fly.

Five minutes later, Stewart told everyone to switch positions.

Tyson put on his gloves.


Tyson's fast straight aimed for the teenager's stomach area.

The teenager suddenly frowned and tried to get out of the way of the fist. When the fist arrived, the teenager had already jumped to the side and nearly fell.

"Keep pressing; don't just let him run away!"

Stewart suddenly said in a raised voice.

Tyson changed his positioning and attacked again with a simple straight, but this time he didn't allow the kid to dodge it.

After a second, the kid started groaning in pain and fell to the ground while holding his stomach.

This shocked everyone.

Stewart walked over, comforted the teenager lying on the ground, and then came to Tyson and said: "Come on, give me your best shot; I want to see what you can do."

He said while patting his stomach.

Tyson agreed and then got into position and attacked with a right straight into Stewart's abdomen.

Stewart's footsteps staggered lightly before saying blankly: "Well, not bad."

"Continue training."

After everyone resumed training, Stewart turned around and took a breath, rubbing his abdomen.

He said in a low voice: "This kid's explosive power is through the roof."

Although his current training isn't as good as when he was still a competitive boxer, his endurance training is still up to par.

And now, the punch of a 13-year-old actually caught him off guard and managed to hurt him a little.

"This kid's power is really good; what a good potential."

After returning to his room, Tyson didn't rest. Instead, he started doing another round of working out.

There wasn't anything to entertain him anyway, so why not? Why wouldn't he train more? He might as well; it only helps with his future plans.

His actions stunned bach, who was just lying on his bed.

After finishing his squats, Tyson couldn't help but joke a little at his expense.

"Wanna come with me to boxing next time?"

To which he immediately shook his head: "No, I wouldn't dare. my health would take quite the downturn being tossed around by you."

"That is only the more reason for you to work out. if you work hard, I can guarantee you will be able to get to my current state."

Tyson wasn't planning on really training the kid, but it is always more fun if you train together with someone.

Bach finally gave in and promised to join the training unwillingly.

One month passed in a flash.

"Tyson, you can do it; I believe in you." A freckled teenager cheered for Tyson.

"Yeah, teach him a lesson." Another boy said.

"I've had enough of his cockiness after so long; you should beat him down a peg."

"Seriously? Tyson couldn't possibly be the coach's opponent."

"Even Evan, who has been training for three months, couldn't possibly beat coach. Tyson only practiced for a month; how could he even come close to the coach."

The boys around began encouraging him, while others laughed at his stupidity.

Tyson smiled slightly and looked across from him.

Stewart shook his hand: "heh, you have been laying low for a while and finally decided it's time to challenge me; I look forward to your progress, kid."

After having trained for an entire month, Tyson has been increasing his training intensity slowly but surely. Having trained for this time has really done wonders; he has become bigger in any way, and he has a noticeable contour to his muscles now.

In the strength department, he has also increased quite a lot.

"Coach, I'm not as weak as last time; pay attention to yourself," Tyson said somewhat playfully.

Stewart was about to answer before he saw Tyson already coming in his direction.

'tch, didn't even let me respond. what a kid.'

Thinking a little, he didn't dare be careless.

These days, he had seen Tyson's performance.

He has been training hard, very hard; unlike other kids his age, they only do the minimal.

Every comment Stewart made, Tyson instantly corrected whatever he could.

Although it was only a month, his progress was so great that Stewart could feel some kind of threat from Tyson.

Facing the menacing Tyson, the experienced Stewart quickly sidestepped to the side, dodging the other party's attack.

After Tyson's fierce straight missed, he adjusted his body in the right direction and instantly threw out a left hook.

Coincidentally, Stewart also tried to hit him with a hook.

The two hit each other almost simultaneously.

Tyson is, after all, still a teenager, so even though he had been working hard, he was still behind a little when it came to length, reach, muscle development, and weight.

After Stewart hit his abdomen, Tyson really felt the damage the punch did to him, and sadly this pain hindered his movements a little.

He tried to hide his pain and act as casual as possible about it.

Not hiding the pain good enough, Stewart noticed that he was hurt.

Of course, Tyson's punch had hurt him a little, but he could still handle it.

So he adjusted much faster.

He quickly approached, using a jab to test Tyson's reaction.

Tyson's fists guarded his chin, taking two steps back.

Sure enough, he made an opening.

Stewart approached quickly, using a left straight + right overhand + left hook.

Tyson dodged the straight and overhand by dodging under his overhand, and the left hook that quickly followed just hit his glove.

However, Stewart's attack did not stop; but, he instead continued rushing in.

At this time, the distance between the two was very close, and Stewart did not hesitate to try and land an uppercut.

Because Tyson's defense is really tight, this uppercut hits his glove directly.

Although no damage was done, Tyson was still pushed back two steps.

Stewart nodded and seemed to be satisfied with Tyson's performance.

It's just that Tyson is very dissatisfied with his own performance.

Just now, he had the opportunity to counter, but he didn't because he was afraid of being caught off guard by his opponent, so he missed the opportunity.

This time he approached Stewart again.

Stewart has an advantage in reach. After Tyson managed to enter his range, he hit a left straight to Stewart's abdomen, and when Stewart tried to defend his body, he turned his body and followed up with an almost vertical hook to his face.

This time when getting closer, he dodged underneath Stewart's right arm in order to get inside and be out of the vision for a split second before he executed his combo.

Stewart fell to the ground, and he stayed in a sitting position for a while.

This punch had some power, so he was a little rocked.

The students around suddenly went crazy.

"Wow, He really did it; he knocked him down."

"Haha, now we can take a breather."

"I didn't expect Tyson to be so powerful that he can knock down a coach."

"How is it possible... a 13-year-old knocked down our coach."

"Yeah, he just practiced for a month."

"He's a fucking genius."

One month of training time, and he completed what they could only dream about.

I am afraid that the words genius are the only possible description.

After Stewart stood up, there wasn't any dissatisfaction, nor did he continue the fight.

He simply took off his gloves and stretched out his hand.

Tyson took off his own gloves and high-fived the hand, after which Stewart patted his shoulder.

"Kid, you did great."

"Coach, you didn't lose; neither of us lost the ability to fight; why didn't you continue fighting?"

Tyson asked with doubt.

Although Stewart was knocked down just now, he didn't really receive a ton of damage.

The main reason is that Tyson just didn't have enough power to knock out a man right now.

Stewart said with a smile: "This is not a game; there is no need for a Victory; seeing your progress is enough for me."