
chapter 95

The moment my words ended Sasuke threw three shurikens in quick successions at my head. I dodged them each by tilting my head each time. I already knew he had attached his signature wires to them so with a quick swipe I severed them, making the shurikens fly off. "You would have to do better than that. How about this; I won't move from this spot." He clicked his tongue in response.

He picked a few shurikens and kunais from his pouch and threw them at me. "I told you, you would ha…" I was cut of when he performed quick hand signs. The shurikens and Kunais multiplied as they headed towards me. This surprised me greatly. 'Kaiten!'. Chakra was expelled from my body, and with quick rotation I deflected every kunai and shuriken that came my way. Yes, I performed the Hyuga clan's signature kaiten. If I could perform my chakra carpet in both the constant 20meter circle and the linear radar form but could not perform a task as simple as Kaiten, that would be an insult to my intelligence. Okay, maybe not simple, but still.

The only thing was, I had no intent on displaying it. Sasuke waited at the almost last second to perform the shuriken clone jutsu which almost caught me off-guard that I instinctively used Kaiten. "That's the Hyuga clan's" Naruto who was spectating by the side had his mouth wide open.

"Whew. That almost got me." I wiped an imaginary sweat of my brow before looking at him. I was all smiles but that was a curveball. Did that mean that the old man Third actually taught him as a student, or was it just the shuriken bunshin?

Sasuke was just as surprised as Naruto, but quickly regained composure. He weaved quick hand seals and blew a large fireball my way. Next was ninjutsu huh? Without moving I coated my hand with a palm sized water blade and slashed down at the incoming fireball. The fireball parted in the middle with the two continuing at the sides, scorching the grounds and leaving me unscathed.

This time he was unfazed and once again sped through the hand seals and blew an even bigger fireball my way. I would have shaken in disappointment, but with what I just saw with the shuriken bunshin technique, I was not going to underestimate him like that again. However, once again I coated my hands with palm sized water and slashed down and parted the fireball.

However, once it fully parted, what greeted me was a Sasuke who was almost in my face. In his right hand was a noisy chirping sound of lightning. I already knew with the way things were going, Kakashi would certainly teach him the Chidori. I just did not think it would be this soon. He thrust the Chidori at my chest.

It was good. But in the end, it meant nothing if it did not hit. In fact, same could be said about most attacks. I matched my speed to his and quickly caught his wrist. The light from his Chidori illuminating my face even though it was daytime. Tired as he did, but he was unable to pull his arm back. Sasuke tried to send a kick my way but I was much faster; My kick connected to his chest, sending him flying a few meters back. "Come on Sasuke. You can do better. I'm getting bored, even the author is getting bored. Show me everything you've got. Show me the famed Sharingan of the Uchiha clan."

[Sasuke POV]

I picked myself up and took a deep breath. I knew ordinary tactic were not going to work on her, yet I had to try. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them once again. My vision had changed. It had received a huge boost. She wanted to see what the sharingan could do? Great, I'll show her. But what was that? That disappointed look on her face just now. I pulled out a kunai and dashed at her.

I sent a slash at her throat. She leaned back slightly to barely dodge the attack before sending a punch to my face. With my sharingan I could see it all. This was it. This was the power I was going to defeat Itachi with. First, this is the power I was going to defeat her with.

Seeing what was going to happen, all I needed to do was deflect her punch to the side and counter with a punch of my own. Her punch came just as I saw. Just as I had planned, until I saw, nothing. I might have blacked out for a second. I know it was a second at most because I was a few steps away from her with drag marks on the ground. Naruto by the side had his mouth wide open.

Looking back at her, I could only see that provocative smirk. However, I could have sworn I saw that disappointing look once more before it was replaced with that smirk. I shook my head to get my bearings. I knew she was fast, but I did not know it was to the point of not knowing what hit me.

I had wanted to at least try and copy a few of her jutsus but who would have thought. What was most annoying was she had still not moved from her position. It was frustrating but I had to admit she was still ahead of me. But I refused to believe I could not even make her move from there.

Looking at her annoying smirk made me want to punch her so bad. The kunai had long since left my hand. I pulled out another kunai before charging at her once more. At this point all I wanted to do, no, all I needed to do was to make her move.

In the middle of my run, I sent another grand fireball towards her. I quickened my pace and sent another grand fireball towards her. Just as I was about to reach her, I jumped high up. 'Shuriken bunshin no jutsu' I sent a flurry of shurikens at her, and finally I attached an explosive tag to a shuriken and threw it at her. The attacks caused a small explosion with the shock wave throwing me a distance back. It may have seemed a little overkill, but if that did not force her to move then I did not know what would.

After a little while the explosion died down. Looking up, I could not help but smile wide. Drag marks. I moved her. It meant I was getting stronger. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you were trying to kill me. Hehe." Her voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw a smiling Sakura. For some reason I felt afraid. I knew she would not deliberately harm me or kill me, but I felt very afraid.

"You moved me. Well done." With each word, she took one step forward towards me. With each step, I felt my hairs stand on end. With each step I felt a feeling I had not felt since that night. Powerlessness. I hated it. I wanted power. I wanted to be able to contend with them. I wanted to punch Itachi in the face, now more than ever. Whatever reason he had in killing our family, they were still our family. Why? Why couldn't he explain? Why didn't he go to father? Why didn't he go to mother? The Third? Someone? Anyone? Before I realized tears streamed down my face.

I hated the feeling. Even if I could not win, I would fight back. If I could not beat her, I would land a clean hit. I picked myself up and picked a defensive stance, waiting and ready for her.