
Chapter 31

We were standing in front of a large opening in front of the house. It was time for my kenjutsu and taijutsu training. "Our kenjutsu and taijutsu, unlike the others is not flashy or showy. The main principal behind it is to kill your opponent in the simplest and most efficient way. The lessons on the human anatomy was not only for your medical ninjutsu but for this as well. Interestingly, you seem to have the mentality down." Her statement confused me somewhat.

"Remember how you killed all your opponents? Throat slice or decapitation. Hahaha. You really are my child." Realization finally dawned on me. She was right. Aside my very first fight, all the others, I just wanted to end it in the most efficient way I knew.

She nodded and suddenly pulled out a katana, a tanto, a kunai and a shuriken from out of nowhere like a magic trick and spoke, "Weaponry and hidden weapons, hand to hand combat. I intend to beat everything I know into you. These months will not be pleasant. I hope your resolve will be enough." This was the first time I had seen her like this. She usually smirked to annoy me or grinned to scare me but not this time. I gulped involuntarily.

Six months had passed and I was currently in the forests by the house. When she said she was going to beat what she knew into me, she was not joking. I had already returned from one of my assigned missions and was waiting for the next one. In my first mission, I was tasked to wipe out a certain clan that was part of a group that called themselves 'Liberation'. The main headquarters of the clan was difficult to find but I eventually did.

Their stronghold was an extremely large. The number of hired men in there, would have scared any other shinobi. Not me though, what I had gone through the prior three months was even more terrifying than the number of hired muscle in that stronghold.

After killing the guards that surrounded the castle, I placed a few seals and barriers around the place. It was to prevent others from being able to leave. If they were somehow able to escape, then the barrier would tag them with a seal of my design using my chakra. That way, no matter where they went, I could get to sense their direction and go after them. Not teleport, just a sense of the direction and if I was close enough, the exact location. Quite handy.

After studying the seal book for three months I had mastered the basics and had some progress in the intermediate level. I had to admit, Uzumaki Ken was an absolute monster. His notes and experiences made it easy to learn. Fuinjutsu was giving power to calligraphy. He theorized that creating new higher level fuinjutsu was a waste of chakra, writing, effectiveness and efficiency, and as such it was best to build and expand the seal with the basics as its base. That way if one was proficient enough, they would be able to create their own seals.

The man was a bloody genius. This was him picking up fuinjutsu long after the destruction of Uzushiokagure. I was afraid to think about what he would become if he concentrated solely on fuinjutsu from young.

It was difficult to gauge my limit after three months of tortu--, no, I mean training. In such a large castle filled with rogue-nin and simple hired shinobi, I just mowed down all that got in my way. Frankly, it was just boring. There was no challenge whatsoever. I even tried to make it entertaining by allowing some members of the clan escape so I could hunt after them and yet, even that was just as boring.

My mission was the clan members so I targeted them instead. As for those shinobi that wanted to be heroes, I killed, and those that surrendered, especially the children, I let go. I was not a monster. If they came after me, I would kill without hesitation, by then my power would have soared to an even greater height. Plus, I had no intention of having children so I was not worried about future revenge. May sound stupid, but still.

Three months after my return in the forest, I was concentrating on a jutsu I had been working on. Considering my schedule, the forest was the only place I could work on my ninjutsus, since she never gave any kind of time limit or goal to reach in the forest.


Suddenly my body grew almost double in size, my hair and nails grew out as my arms and legs swelled up in size. There were veins bulging out of my forehead with reddened eyes as I looked towards a direction.

With a loud bang, I disappeared from my location. I suddenly appeared before a large 10-meter tall red bear that was roaring victoriously over its downed prey. I punched its massive head which gave no resistance and burst with a sickening splat. The bear did not even register its death as the body continued to remain in the same victorious position even after the force sent the bear flying back, slamming into a tree.

The bear had been at the limit of my hundred-meter range and I reached it in less than an instant. I had laid down an extremely thin chakra carpet that allowed me to sense anyone that was in my range. My limit was one hundred meters when I stretched it, but if they had a sensor or even any capable ninja, they would be able to tell easily. However, in my comfortable zone of twenty meters, even a sensory ninja would have to concentrate hard to try and sense it.

"Release! My body is still not strong enough to handle that much power." I was panting heavily as my body slowly began to recede to its original state. After tinkering and feeding the inner me with yin chakra for so long, I finally found a suitable jutsu that I could put to good use. It was a weird theory I had discussed with some friends of mine back on earth concerning the Inner Sakura.

One of them said that it was the Inner Sakura that was most likely responsible for the main Sakura being able to possess such monstrous strength, able to surpass Tsunade at such a young age. She might have unconsciously combined with it once in a while without her knowing. It seemed stupid and we refuted yet he gave a few examples.

Chunin examinations, Sakura versus Ino.

The Inner Sakura was a manifestation of Sakura's true emotions. Manifestation. Meaning even if it was existing in her mind or soul, it still very much existed.

The impressive part was that the Inner Sakura was a linked personality in her, unlike other double or multiple personalities like Akashi Seijuro's that had and controlled the emperor eye and had to switch in order to be able to use it. Even he eventually managed to merge them in the Last Game.

Or James McAvoy's different personalities in the hit movie 'Split'. It proved once again that each personality had their own abilities and talents; Dennis had physical strength, Mrs. Patricia was a master at manipulation, and most importantly, the 24th nigh indestructible personality, The Beast, that was blessed with super speed and super strength to list a few.


200 stones = 2 chapter

400 stones = 3 chapters

600 stones = 5 chapters.

Current reached = 186

Chapters owed = 0