
Chapter 103

The moment my voice ended, Yoroi dashed towards Sasuke who had has hands in his pockets, with his outstretched hand. He was moving at speeds a chunin would have problems with. 'Is he going to use the same moves as canon?' I thought to myself. His speed was slightly above mid-chunin and would definitely be a problem against other chunin.

Unfortunate for him, Sasuke was no ordinary chunin. Yoroi moved quickly and grabbed Sasuke's head. Yoroi smiled victoriously but the smirk soon left his face. The Sasuke he grabbed begun to fade until it was completely gone. He had grabbed an after image. Realizing the issue, Yoroi quickly turned around trying to find his opponent.

"How weak." He heard from behind him. Yoroi felt it would be too late to jump forward so he decided to counter. Unfortunately for him, before he could even turn his vision started to blur before he completely lost consciousness. Sasuke was behind him with his hand in a chopping motion. Yoroi was fast, but for Sasuke who had been trained by Kakashi and Guy, Yoroi looked like he was walking in slow motion. He moved out of the way then reappeared behind him, delivering a chop to his neck. He won without needing to use any jutsus, let alone activate his sharingan. It showed how much he had developed over the years.

"Winner. Uchiha Sasuke." I walked forward to check the condition of Yoroi before announcing the results. 'He could have just moved his head out of the way. Moving your whole body is just wasted movement. Well, whatever. Guess he's still growing.' I called for the medical team to move Yoroi out of the arena, while Sasuke looked up with a smirk, joining his other teammates.

Hiruzen smiled happily at the outcome, puffing out a smoke. I could feel Orochimaru glaring at me. I thought he would be ogling at his 'prized possession' after he put on such a crushing victory, but it seemed he was angrier at the fact that he could not plant his cursed seal than anything. He was not the only one glaring at me. Gaara's glare was beginning to piss me off. I was holding back to not gouge his eyes out.

Fortunately, the screen lit up again and began to randomly move through names. It did not take long for two names to appear. Aburame Shino vs Abumi Zaku. The two men showed up in the middle of the arena. What was surprising was the fact that he still had his arm in a sling. In the original, he had his arms broken by Sasuke when he awoke from having the cursed seal and saved Saskura. This time however, I had prevented Sasuke from receiving the cursed seal, so I wondered how he still ended up with the broken arms.

I looked up at Team 7 to see Akari looking down it disgust at Zaku. I did not know how things changed, but I could very well understand she was the cause. I cleared my throat and walked closer, "Aburame Shino vs Abumi Zaku. Battle Start!" Things progressed like in canon, with Shino clenching the victory. I had come up with a theory, which I knew would probably come to bite my ass later, so I only kept it in mind as a theory rather than rely on it.

My theory was simple. It looked like if it was not directly involving me, everything moved as canon or at least in the likes of it. For example, the battle between Shino and Zaku. Since I was not directly involved in anything concerning them, the battle progressed just like it did with Zaku even pulling out his hand out like he did and Shino winning the battle like he did canon.

When it comes to the events progressing similarly like canon where I indirectly had an effect, I would use the fight between Orochimaru and the new Team 7 as an example. In that battle, Orochimaru looked ready to kill the other members of Team 7, but would still have ended up giving Sasuke the mark. I theorize that because Team 7 had grown up stronger than original canon, Orochimaru would have still given the mark to Sasuke like it was supposed to happen but would have probably killed of Naruto and Akari.

With things where I was directly involved, I would use Danzo coming after me. That was something that would never have happened in the canon. Well, it was just a theory which made me keep an eye out for variables that may occur.

After the medic team carried Zaku away, the screen lit up once more. The next two on the screen were Kankuro vs Misumi Tsurugi. The two walked down to face each other. "Misumi Tsurugi vs Kankuro. Battle start!" Things progressed like cannon, with Misumi using his [Soft physique modification] to soften his bones and wrapping himself around Kankaro, threatening to snap his neck if he did not give up. "Oi referee. If you don't stop the match, I'll break his neck." There it was. The universe biting me in the but, forcing me to rethink my theories. I did not remember him talking to Hayate in the original. I was not directly or indirectly involved with either of them so why did the situation change? Why did he talk to me? And why did it seem like he was a good guy who did not want to hurt his opponent?

The last question kind of bugged me, that was until I realized he was already squeezing with a happy grin even though he was talking to me. What he wanted to do was incite fear in his opponent while he killed him. Unfortunately for him the neck he broke was Kankaro's puppet Karasu. It revealed itself and begun to slowly squeeze his captured opponent.

At this point I would have intervened but decided to let things run its course. I had already been face-slapped with my theories, I did not want any more reason to shift or add more variables. With a resounding crunch, his opponent's bones were crushed, finally dropping him on the floor. "Winner, Kankaro of the sands" I announced loudly while Kankaro was already halfway up the stands.

The screen lit up and randomly moved through the names once more. It finally stopped on two names which made me release a tired sigh. I did not know what to say except I saw it coming, but at the same time, I did not hold any hope, considering the face slap I had just received. Plus, I was sure everyone else called it.

"Next match, Yamanaka Ino vs Suzume Akari."