
I Became an Undead

Fey lived in a world ruled by the strong, a world where the weak are used as stepping stone for the strong to get stronger. Alas, the only way to be among the strong is to have something called a ‘system’. Sadly, system was something even money could not buy. It is believed that everyone has a system locked inside them, but some people would die without unlocking one. Lately, technology had proved that there were things that could be used to fasten and increase the chance of awakening one, but it is so expensive that even if Fey sold all his family inheritance and worked hard for decades, it still couldn’t be enough to purchase a ‘low tier’ one. But one day, Fey had an accident that earned him what he most desired. But at what cost? Not just his humanity, but his rationality. He lost his friend, his family, and had to feed on Human flesh to survive. But, Fey managed to endure all difficulties, until his most dreaded day. A day he lost his sanity, and when he gained consciousness, found a headless body beside him, with his face painted with muscles and blood. {Congratulations, you have gained additional points for consuming a brain} {Your intelligence has been increased} A whole lot of messages which would have made him shout from joy appeared in his face, but Fey only slumped on the floor. Because the person he just killed happened to be his brother.

kehinde_timothy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


The bell rang, signaling end of lesson for the day. Fey picked up his bag and dragged his body home. He didn't even notice what was happening around him, his eyes fixed on the script in his hand.

"Despite how hard I studied, this is all I got. Although, it is not low, it still isn't enough to get me a slot in a good university." Fey thought as he squeezed the paper in his hand. "Now how am I supposed to help out the family if I can't even…? Aargh!"

Fey lived in a world ruled by the strong, a world where the weak are used as stepping stone for the strong to get stronger. Alas, the only way to be among the strong is to have something called a 'system'.

Sadly, system was something even money could not buy. It is believed that everyone has a system locked inside them, but some people would die without unlocking one. Lately, technology had proved that there were things that could be used to fasten and increase the chance of awakening one, but it is so expensive that even if Fey sold all his family inheritance and worked hard for decades, it still couldn't be enough to purchase a 'low tier' one.

With that option ruled out, Fey had only one choice, to study hard so as and become a qualified doctor, or engineer, or …. Heck! Anything that can fetch him money to live comfortably, But how would that be possible he couldn't attend a good school.


Fey's phone vibrated, shaking him back to reality. He immediately took out his phone expecting a call from his uncle. But instead there was a middle aged man he had never seen before, but knew. He was Tom Hack, a popular news reporter. Fey's expression froze, something had to be wrong. Fey looked around him and noticed everyone had their eyes glued to their phones, and a few seconds later, they all ran away in panic. That left Fey wondering just what the message was to have frightened everyone. Eventually summoning courage, he clicked play.

"Breaking news! It was reported that some tamed beasts went out of control and escaped their stables. The last report states they were spotted around Dawns city. Despite being tamed, they are still beasts, and to stop panic any one in that area is advised to stay indoors. Rangers are on their way to the location, so there is no need for panic."

Tom Hack reported in one breath before the screen went blank.

"It's just some tamed beasts, you don't have to be so scared. Besides, you heard the reporter; the Rangers are on their way already." A boy said to a girl by his side. The girl was shaking so badly it felt like her knee would give way.

"B…But they are wild beasts. We'll be dead if we encounter one!" the girl said

"It's okay, why don't we find somewhere to stay first, I heard there's a warehouse down the street. We should be safe once we stay there." The boy suggested and the girl nodded immediately. She didn't notice the wild grin on the boy's face.


Fey's phone vibrated again, and this time it was his uncle calling. Picking it, he said.

"Hello Uncle …"

"Fey, where are you right now?" His uncle interrupted immediately. His voice was hoarse even from the other end, it was clear to Fey that he was worried.

"I'm on my way home. I'm currently in block C." Fey replied.

"Find somewhere to hide immediately! Don't move out until you get my call."

Fey giggled hearing this, "Uncle, are you worried because of the news. You don't really have to be worried; after all it's just a bunch of tamed beast. The rangers would handle it before they can hurt anyone."

"Shut up and listen to me!" Jack Rowan shouted from the other end, it felt like his throat was about to tear open. He calmed down a bit before saying, "that was what was broadcasted to everyone to avoid mass panic. I don't know if I should be telling you this, but it isn't just a bunch of tamed beast, it is actually an invasion."

Fey tensed when he heard this. An invasion? That can't be. From what he knew, an invasion from just a pack of savage beast could easily end the lives of over a thousand people.

"And a group was spotted in the Rain Forest, which is pretty close to where you are." Jack said.

Fey didn't need to be told twice before finding a place to hide. Even trying to go home was now considered suicide, as it would take him at least fifteen minutes to get home even if he ran on full speed, which was just enough time for him to be used as lunch.

Fey was thinking of where to hide when he remembered the warehouse the other guy mentioned.

"I guess even the guy made a perfect choice." Fey thought as he began to make his way to the place.

_ _ _

On finding the abandoned warehouse, Fey proceeded to the highest floor. What surprised him was, he wasn't the only one taking refuge in the warehouse. There were about a twenty people, which wasn't a good sign to Fey. Even if he had never seen a beast, there were a few things he'd heard about them. Despite them having similar appearance to regular animals, the gap between them was vastly different. First, beasts were stronger than even bullets can only do so much. And their senses were greater.

The only thing they were intelligent enough to do was killing. And the more people there are together, the easier it is for them to be discovered by beasts. Despite knowing this, Fey proceeded deeper into the warehouse, and once he was away from everyone, he sat down and picked his phone.

Like he expected, he could see 17 missed calls from his sister alone. After updating her on his situation, Fey proceeded to go online.

Some minutes had passed and Fey was still on his phone. He realized that everyone was just making up their own version of the story. After making sure nothing important had happened, he proceeded to play some games. But just as he was about to log out, someone posted.

"We're doomed. Five beasts just attacked us!"

Immediately, everyone began to ask all sorts of questions.

"What do they look like?'

"Where are you?"

Fey laughed at this; of course he was expecting something like this. His Uncle was right, if people knew the real situation, then they could die of panic before they even perceive any beast.

"I'm in an abandoned warehouse around area C! Please we need help, these things are starting to kill everyone!" the unknown person replied.

The smile on Fey's face suddenly froze. Why does this place sound so familiar?

Fey was a boy with a rather poor memory, hence it took him half a dozen seconds to remember.

"SHIT!" Fey jumped to his feet. At that instant, a loud bang resounded on the door and it flew open.

The first thing Fey noticed was the strong scent of blood. The smell was so strong Fey could hardly breathe. Like that wasn't enough, the whole floor was filled with chunks of flesh, and right at the front of the door, Fey could vividly see the outline of a headless man.

Fey searched the room for any possible escape. The only thing he noticed was a metal door leading somewhere. Without turning back, he headed straight for the door and locked it immediately he got in.

"Phew! That was close." Fey sat on the floor. He was shaking so baldly he was temporary crippled. After some minutes, Fey finally calmed down a bit to notice where exactly he was.

"What is this place?" he couldn't help but wonder. He could see countless glass containers filled with a strange green liquid, planted in a circle. It was so much he felt dizzy whenever he tried to count them. Placed in the center was an even bigger glass cylinder. Cables, wires and numerous tools Fey couldn't name connected it to the smaller containers.

"Is this some kind of lab? But what would something like this be doing in a warehouse?" with no way to get an answer, Fey decided to look around the place. That was when he could hear footsteps, and his heart beat skyrocketed. Why? Because he was sure that wasn't the footstep of a human.

Fey held his chest, not just because he was worried about having a heart attack, but because he was sure his heart was about to explode.

"Why am I even scared? This door is a reinforced metal door. It would take several bullets to pierce a hole in it." Fey thought, "even if it can break through, by that time I would have found a way out."


The sound was so loud Fey felt dizzy for a few seconds. When he regained his senses, he could see four clear lines on the door. It looked like it was made with an animal claw. But no animal should be strong enough to slice through a reinforced door in one swipe.

That was when Fey realized the danger he really was in. if the beast could slice through the door with so much easy, how was he meant to survive an attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The metal door which one stood highly a second ago now looked no different from iron scraps. With pride, a dog type beast walked towards Fey. One of the most noticeable things was its claw, which was about five meters long. They cut through the floor as the beast dragged itself forward. It did not seem in a rush to attack. Instead it watched Fey like a predator watching its prey, waiting to see what stunt it would pull.

The worst thing was the murderous aura surrounding the beast. The presence alone was enough to restrain Fey. All Fey could do was stand there waiting for his death.

When the beast was close enough, it swung its claws like a chain at Fey's head, finishing him off in one blow.

Subconsciously, Fey locked his eyelid, took a few steps back and raised his hand to block the incoming attack. Fey expected to feel an unbearable pain, but after a second and he felt nothing, he opened his eyes. Surprisingly, even his hand looked perfectly fine, until a little breeze blew on it and half of his hand fell to the floor.

The beast had sliced through his hand like butter. The attack was so fast even his brain was unable to keep up.

"argh!" Fey roared. A pain he had never felt surged through his body, his severed hand the contact point.

The beast gave smug smile despite it being angry it didn't kill the little human in one swipe. It wasted no time to finish Fey. It had to do it before the other beasts came to share his hunt.

Slash! Slash!

In the speed of light, the claws were swung and Fey almost lost half of his body. Subconsciously, Fey stretched his good hand and a warm substance fell on it. Fey looked down and recognized the substances as his organs and intestines.

That was when Fey realized the pain he felt earlier from his severed arm was nothing compared to the one he was feeling. Fey totally lost his rational side. On a normal day, Fey would have puked countless times to what he was seeing, but now the only thing he wanted was to get away from this monster.

Still holding onto his organs, Fey began to crawl on his butt, away from the monster. Without realizing it, he was moving closer to the strange container.

The monster was still having fun with the human when it noticed the container slide open and the human crawled inside. The beast attacked the glass, but unlike the other door, this time, its claws bounced off, and their tips even broke.

Fey on the other hand wasn't aware of this. He had already lost his sense of vision, and his other senses were failing rapidly. For some reason, he could no longer feel pain, or anguish, or any other emotion. The anger in him was enough to nullify all other feelings. He was angry at everything. At the type of world he lived in, at the freaking Rangers who couldn't even protect the lives of civilians, at himself for being so weak. Who would have thought this was how he would end his life?

How was his uncle going to feel when he realized he would never see his nephew? The son he sacrificed so much for was gone just like that. And his sister? Would she ever find a brother like him again?

And lastly, he was angry at these savage beasts. Didn't they realize he was just a high school kid? He was still so young, and had a lot of things to experience and enjoy in this filthy world.

These thoughts overwhelmed him, and he could fell his life essence slipping slowly.

When he was about to take in his last breath, he heard.

[All conditions met]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the Undead System]



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