
I Became an Undead

Fey lived in a world ruled by the strong, a world where the weak are used as stepping stone for the strong to get stronger. Alas, the only way to be among the strong is to have something called a ‘system’. Sadly, system was something even money could not buy. It is believed that everyone has a system locked inside them, but some people would die without unlocking one. Lately, technology had proved that there were things that could be used to fasten and increase the chance of awakening one, but it is so expensive that even if Fey sold all his family inheritance and worked hard for decades, it still couldn’t be enough to purchase a ‘low tier’ one. But one day, Fey had an accident that earned him what he most desired. But at what cost? Not just his humanity, but his rationality. He lost his friend, his family, and had to feed on Human flesh to survive. But, Fey managed to endure all difficulties, until his most dreaded day. A day he lost his sanity, and when he gained consciousness, found a headless body beside him, with his face painted with muscles and blood. {Congratulations, you have gained additional points for consuming a brain} {Your intelligence has been increased} A whole lot of messages which would have made him shout from joy appeared in his face, but Fey only slumped on the floor. Because the person he just killed happened to be his brother.

kehinde_timothy · Fantasy
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2 Chs


If there is something more unsettling than dying, well, for Fey that is waking up again when you thought you were dead. Fey woke up to a familiar tone, but when he tried to move, he was greeted with immense pain.

He stayed on the spot for God knows how long before he felt the pain subside, and could finally move. The first thing he did was to check his intestine, but shockingly, he could see nothing.

"Shit. Did that monster eat my organs? Does that mean I no longer have a complete kidney?" Fey felt like bursting into tears. If he knew, he would have sold out his kidney for I phone 7. At least that was better than it getting eaten by a …

"Wait my stomach. There is no hole there." This discovery was frightening, "and my hand, it's normal again."

Was it all a dream? No it isn't.

And the place he was currently was a proof that they were indeed attacked by a beast.

"Shit, my uncle" Fey remembered and began searching for his phone. After searching for minutes and couldn't find it, he sighed. It would be a miracle if he found it.

Fey stood up and almost fell, but at the right time supported himself with the wall.

After staying in the same position for twenty minutes, Fey could finally move. He proceeded to make his way out of the place.

Moving out, he noticed the whole warehouse was 'clean'. By clean, he meant there were no gruesome sights. The whole place was filled with dust; cobweb ran from walls to walls. Some unused containers lay on the floor, some even broken. The whole place didn't look like it was attacked by beasts; instead it looked like there was some type of gang war there.

"Was it all a dream?" Fey wondered aloud, "but how will I explain ending up here?"

Finally getting out of the warehouse, he noticed the sun was just starting to set.

"Phew! It's just a few hours and it felt like eternity." Fey said as he made his way to his house.

_ _ _ _

Immediately Fey stepped out into the daylight, he almost ran back in. Why wouldn't he when everything was so foreign to him. Apart from the air that was so fresh that Fey almost choked inhaling it, even the buildings were so different that …. No, this was a different place entirely.

Fey lived in the worst part of Dawns City, an area only lined with only almost rundown houses and endless junk. But the houses had suddenly transformed to towering building built with a type of glass that the clear sky. And what was even more surprising were the strange objects hovering in the sky.

Did I him my head so bad my brain shifted position? Fey thought. That was the only way Fey could explain the foreign things around Him without thinking he was going crazy.


Could it be that he died and got transmigrated into a world that was a hundred times more advanced that earth. Just thinking about it, Fey was starting to get excited. But his excitement was short lived, as he was soon surrounded by bullies.

At least that was what Fey thought. It had become like a daily meal for him, and he never tried fighting back, because, that would only lead to more beating. Fey was about to raise his hand in surrender before he noticed the outfit his 'bullies' were wearing.

It looked like a metal, but from the fluttering of the edges from the soft breeze, he knew it couldn't be. There were about six people surrounding him, all dressed in the strange black outfit and a helmet covering them.

Fey looked at them curiously.

At the same time, the men were also looking at him with confusion. How wouldn't they, when the only word they could use in describing the one in front of them was "ghost."

His white skin was so pale it almost looked transparent, his white hair still, not moving an inch as the soft wind blew. And his blue eyes were so dark it almost looked dead.

Finally one of the men pressed something behind his ear and whispered something. Seconds later, all the strange man brought out their guns and pointed it at Fey.

"Freeze! We have you surrounded."

One of the men shouted, like it wasn't obvious. But still, Fey raised his hand.

"Present your I.D."

Fey was even more confused, as he looked at the men one after the other, before deciding to speak.

"I don't understand you. I don't have a …"

Before Fey could complete his sentence, he suddenly felt something hitting his neck, and he slumped on the floor.

"Be careful, we are still not sure if he's not a Demon. It's better …."

Fey slept off.

When Fey woke up, he found himself in a pitch black room. There was no source of light except a blue glowing orb, stationed on the ceiling. He stared at the glowing orb for one simple reason; he wanted to know what was keeping it afloat.

"Ahem, good you're awake."

It seemed Fey was too focused on the orb he didn't notice the woman in front of him.

"I was thinking the soldiers drugged you so much I thought you wouldn't wake up again."

Suddenly, the dark room was drowned in light. Fey let out loud screech as the light burned his eyes. He tried to shield his eyes with his hands, but was unable to since his hands were tied. After a few seconds, Fey got accustomed to the bright ray and was finally able to see, only to see the woman looking at him strangely.

There was a long silence after that, and the silence seemed to hurt more than his burning eyes. Fey was the one to break the silence.

"What do you need from me?" He asked and answered the question himself, "Look, if you think you can get a ransom, I'm sorry that can never happen…"

Fey wanted to say more but the woman broke out of her stupor.

"Ahem, I don't know if you're aware of what happened but I am only going to ask you some questions."

She flung her arms and an invincible hand suddenly gripped Fey. Before he could think of what was happening, a heavy metal was strapped to his head.

"So the first question, what is your name. And let me advice you to give the right information, cos I'll know if you give otherwise, and that might not go too well"

The woman asked in a calm tone. It took some time before he answered

"Fey Rowan,"

"I guess you

're saying the truth since there is no reaction" She muttered, but Fey was able to hear, "The next question: How old are you."

"Fourteen!" Immediately the word left his mouth, the object on his head gave a beeping sound, before electric current ran through his body and veins.

"Again, how old are you" She asked again, but this time her voice was so cold that it sent shivers down Fey's spine.

"So she wasn't lying when she said she would know if I was lying," Fey thought, "Sixteen"

This time there was no reaction. The woman jotted before asking her next question. "Where are your parents?"

"They are dead." Fey answered without hesitating, "They died when I was a kid."

For the next hour the woman kept asking fey questions, and Fey didn't dare to pull any stunts.

But there were few things he didn't get. One was the word Demon which she kept repeating. She even asked if he was in anyway related to the Demons, but since Fey didn't even know what demons were, he just shook his head, and thankfully, there was no shock.

When Fey was starting to think he couldn't answer any more, the woman then sighed.

"Its okay, that's all for now." She then flicked her fingers again, detaching the object from his head, but along with his consciousness

The woman pulled out a communication device, and spoke softly, "He didn't seem to remember anything. Or better, it looked like he just appeared from the past."

She paused, obviously listening to something from the other end.

"Yes, it is like their memory is altered by something. Perhaps, this is a trap from by Demons. We should probably hold Him in custody…"

She paused again, before stuttering, "Y…yes sir, and I believe the Awakening program is starting in a month…"

"But sir, are you sure …..Yes sir, I'll send him straight to the Rangers Academy"

-- -- --

Currently, Fey was in something he would have liked to call a car, except for the fact that it was flying. These people before him were definitely human.

Inside the vehicle, were also four soldiers, wearing the same outfit as the ones he met yesterday. All of them seemed to be avoiding him, almost as if he didn't exist. They also didn't have the mask on, making Fey able to see their scary expression. Fey looked at the most approachable one, and silently asked.

"Please Sir, can I know where you're taking me to."

The man looked at him, before answering with a stoic expression. "To the Academy."

Fey smiled and leaned back on his seat and thought. He really wanted to see his family, but how was he supposed to when …..

"Please sir, what date is it?"

The man looked at him, this time the confusion vivid on his face, but still he replied. "Second of May, 2122"

"I see. Wait …What?"

Fey almost jumped from his seat. Was the man pulling his legs right not.

As if on cue, a ding resounded in his head and a message floated before him.

{Congratulation, Hibernation complete. System would immediately begin syncing process}

{Syncing: 1%}

The soldiers looked at him, their expression not welcoming, but Fey could care less. If Fey could remember currently, then his encountered the beast on the First of May.

"Uncle Jack, Nay??" Fey stuttered, "They're gone."

If what the man said was true, then Fey slept not for a few hours, or a day like he thought. But a hundred years, how was his tiny brain meant to process that?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kehinde_timothycreators' thoughts