
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 27 Tsuki no Ittō

Liam was currently in class, looking around everywhere. He was searching for Jimmy but couldn't find him anywhere, even when he went to his dorm. Jimmy's dorm mate told him that Jimmy hadn't come to his room since last night.

Liam, already considered Jimmy his best friend, so he was genuinely worried about him. He was concerned that something might have happened to him.

But that's not all he was worried about; he was trying hard to maintain his sanity right now. Before, when this happened to him, he got knocked out by Ben and Ken, who picked a fight with him. After remaining unconscious for a few hours, he somehow returned to normal.

At first, he thought that the academy doctor might have somehow cured him, and he wouldn't have to drink blood anymore. But now, he was experiencing the same symptoms again, and this time it was harder to control than before, as he had been enduring it for a while now.

Liam has decided that he will go to the doctor in the hope that his ability might help him again, cure his bloodlust like last time. But that doesn't mean he is going to tell them about his problems. If they knew he was some blood-sucking monster, he would be taken in as a lab rat.

Although Liam doesn't mind becoming one if it means saving humanity, he believes that his presence is more needed in this war than anything right now. So after he saves humanity, he will happily become a lab rat if that helps humans evolve and become stronger than ever.

But that needs to wait for now. He needs to finish his class first, then go to the infirmary to see if the doctor's ability can really help him control his bloodlust again, and then search for Jimmy.

As Liam was thinking all this, suddenly he heard some noise that made him come back to his senses.

Then he noticed that Victoria, Lily, and Rex entered the class at the same time, but Jin Wei was nowhere to be seen. And, unlike before, Rex and Lily didn't sit together; this time Lily sat beside Victoria, and Rex sat alone on a different seat.

"Hey, why didn't the goddess come with Jin Wei? Aren't they dating and living in the same room?"

"Yeah, although they haven't said anything about their relationship officially, yet, by how they act, I believe they should be dating each other."

"Oh, my goddess, why did you have to fall for that guy just because he is handsome, strong, and has good backing? You could have been mine. Even though I am bald and poor, I have the heart of an angel; I would have surely made you happy."

"Dude, you make it sound like she made the right choice by being with him. And please don't dream that big; she's the most beautiful girl in the class, and you want her to be with a weak, poor, and pathetic guy like you."

"Y-you... Humph... So what, everyone can dream, so why should I dream small."

"Sigh, whatever, just don't talk about her in front of that guy, or you won't even know how you'll die. Don't you remember what he did to Jimmy that day when he just tried to touch her shoulder?"



"Hey, why don't I see our idol Jin Wei today? Did he not come? I was hoping to confess my love for him."

"Maybe he isn't feeling right! Oh, poor guy, I should visit him."

"Fufufu, how long are you going to keep stalking him? You know he doesn't even look at you."

"Humph! So what, you aren't anything better."

"Fufufu, you don't know, but we live in the same building, same floor; I've talked with him before."

"Hahaha, I saw it, you asked him where the toilet was? You think that was chatting..."

"Y-you... H-humph... So what, at least I tried, not like you all who don't even have the balls to talk to him."

"Yeah... Yeah... You're right; it seems you are the only girl with balls here."

"Yeah... You are right, so you should... Aye... yo... Y-you, meet me behind the school. I. will. make. you. pay..."

"Sure, I will be there, the only girl with balls."





"Bang!!!" Suddenly, Ken got up and slammed the table hard, making a loud noise, and causing everyone to shut up in fear, as Ben and Ken are already infamous for their bullying and robbing other students of points. So no one wants to offend them and later be their target of bullying.

"Shut up, punks... don't make any noise or I will personally go and beat the shit out of you all. And remember, I believe in gender equality, so you all know what to do, right?" As soon as everyone heard Ken's threatening voice, they felt fear shivers down their spine.

This monster doesn't even go easy on girls; there is no benefit in messing with a psycho like him. So everyone shut up, making the room silent once again.

Although everyone was talking about Victoria, she didn't even bother to listen to them. Currently, she is trying to learn hand signs from Lily. So she completely ignored everything, not like she would be bothered by this gossip even if she was free.

Liam was now sure that Jin Wei wasn't coming to the class today, as no matter how much time passed, he was nowhere to be seen.

Liam remembered that Jin Wei and Jimmy had problems with each other on the first day they came here, and now both are missing on the same day.

'Did they fight, and now both are in the infirmary?' Liam thought with confusion all over his face.

Little did he know that he guessed half right, Jin Wei and Jimmy did fight, but Jimmy took a one-sided beating and now he is in the infirmary still unconscious.

After some time, Mr. Smith entered the class, and the class began.


While the class had already begun in class [A13], Jin Wei was doing some light exercises and stretches to make his body more active.

Aurora entered the gym right after Jin Wei came. And told him to do some light exercises so he wouldn't hurt himself during the training. And while Jin Wei was stretching, Aurora was sitting on a chair and drinking fresh orange juice.

After a few minutes, Aurora's drink finished, so she got up from her seat. And got near Jin Wei.

"All right, my student, I believe that your stretching is done, now show me your sword technique once again," Aurora ordered, Jin Wei nodded and picked up his sword after that he began to perform his sword technique.

Although it looked deadly, his movements weren't too accurate, as he was just trying to copy the technique that the previous owner mastered.

Techniques are ranked between 1-star to 5-star. 1-star is just a normal technique while 5-stars is the strongest technique out there. The higher the stars, the harder it is to master that technique.

5-star techniques are rare, no matter which planet you go to. Earth is no exception, and there are only a few 5-star techniques in the world. The technique that Liam used yesterday during the combat class was a 5-star technique.

The sword technique Jin Wei is currently performing is a 3-star technique called 'Tsuki no Ittō.'

This technique is extremely strong and deadly; if the mastery over this technique reaches the Grandmaster rank, this technique can display the strength of a 4-star sword technique.

The mastery over a technique is divided into (Novice > Advanced Beginner > Competent > Proficient > Expert > Master > Grandmaster.)

The previous owner's mastery over this technique was at a Competent rank. But after Jin Wei transmigrated, his mastery rank in this technique decreased to that of a Novice rank.

Although he remembered how the previous owner mastered this technique, he had never used it himself. Currently, his rank is not even in the Novice category. Only by mastering it again can he increase his proficiency with this technique.

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