
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Guild Accountant

Kayden registered Lyn as his Familiar and headed to Galleon Inn he had been to before to open up a room, he made quite the profit from the pelts enough for him to live well for the next couple of days.

He walked down the main road past shops and taverns until he reached the Inn where he entered the door where he met Sarah-Ann the innkeeper. It was the women who he had sold meat to before.

Kayden asked what room would be available, she said there were five left that they could offer. He chose one on the second floor, after paying he was escorted to it by Sarah-Ann then let himself inside.

He layed his bag down on the bed and looked around the room, there was a small window with shutters to keep out weather, a fireplace with some logs stacked in a corner, a chest of drawers, a table with two chairs and a wardrobe with a single bed.

After unpacking his things Kayden went downstairs where he found Sarah-Ann behind the bar where she served him a pint of ale and a plate of meat and vegetables, this was on the house with the room. He thanked her and sat down at a chair close to the fire.

Although he couldn't consume human food he could drink so he took a sip of the ale and gave the plate over to Lyn who began eating, he enjoyed the taste of the vegetables but the meat was too tough for him to chew.

Sarah-Ann came back with some more ale and started chatting to Kayden. He wanted to know mostly about the surrounding areas and Sarah-Ann happily abliged to explain.

She told him about the continent they were on called Terravir, it's location and how it was split between kingdoms, about the countries and their rulers including the City of Argo which was famous for its museums and history, She told him that the old king there didn't want any trouble, he also had a reputation of being rather generous; when he wasn't making war he liked to spend time in the local pubs drinking.

She also mentioned his daughter, now the queen, had just been crowned recently and was looking for someone to help rule the kingdom and the old King was stepping down. She also mentioned Lord Erebus' name and had heard rumours he was going to go see her soon.

Sarah-Ann did not know much about Lord Erebus or Queen Ralethia, only that she had heard Lord Erebus was a very powerful wizard who worked very closely with the royal family there.

She also told Kayden that the far region was known as the Northern Kingdom, where it was cold and covered in snow. It was ruled by King Zekk, It was also home to a temple of Neliana, the Goddess of Life, and a large mountain range called the Edge Mountains that surrounded the main kingdom there...

Kayden interrupted her before she went further on a tangent, he wanted to know if there were any other places to visit close to City of Irella he doubts he would get close to these places any time soon and wanted to know more local sites, she replied that there were no towns nearby, only the Irella and the surrounding farmland.

There was only a town named Tivvum which the closest when you pass through dreadwood vale, it was a trading post between the City of Irella and the Etrin city and would take about 5 days travel on foot.

There was also a village called Newstead which was a short distance from the edge of Etrin city, it was where a lot of dwarves had settled. She told him that it was a mining town famous for its armouries.

The sun had already set and it was getting late into the evening now with more adventurers coming in to the bar so Kayden decided to retire to his room. He was certain that if he hadn't left now Sarah-Ann would continue talking all night.


In the morning Kayden woke up and set out to the guild hall, the guild is open 24 hours a day and the night shift were finishing up, Hale was already at the front desk when Kayden arrived.

"Morning", Kayden greeted him,

Hale greeted Kayden" I've got your work schedule ready for the next few days. Come with me, let's get you set up."

They went down a corridor towards the back of the building, they passed the training halls and went further until they reached a door. Hale opened it and led Kayden inside.

Kayden followed Hale to the far side of the room where he sat at one end of the table and Kayden at the other. Hale began to explain the job to Kayden.

"You'll be working under Mr. Ralen as an assistant accountant, he's the head of the Accounting section here at the guild. He's really good at what he does, you'll be responsible for collecting all of the fees and taxes that we charge from people who come here and keep track of how much money comes in and goes out of this building. I'll give you a list of things to collect and receipts to make. Then you will submit them to Ralen at the end of the week.''

The job seemed simple enough to Kayden, mathematics were his strong point afterall.

"Now you just need to sign these papers" said Hale, handing Kayden a small pile of documents, "You'll need to fill out the forms and then sign your name at the bottom. Once the Guildmaster signs off on those, you're good to go,"

Kayden studied the paperwork, it seemed that he was to take up a position as an assistant accountant in the guild, he was to work part time for three days a week on a temp basis. The pay was decent and he wasn't in a rush to leave here yet, so he accepted the offer.

Kayden then followed Hale to the back of the building and found a man sitting behind a long desk, he looked like a normal human but his appearance was very well-kept. He had long tied back hair and a scholar like appearance, Kayden shook hands with the man and introduced himself, the man replied in kind.

"It's nice to meet you Kayden, my name's Ralen, I'll be your mentor in the accounting department.''

Ralen pulled out a chair for Kayden and sat across the table from him.

"We thought it was lucky to find someone on such short notice for this, I know we don't have any permanent openings at the moment but if you are good at this and want to stay on after your contract is over, you'll earn more money. But we can talk about that later.''

Ralen handed Kayden a stack of papers, "Those are the accounts that you'll be taking care of, you'll need to start working on these now."

He nodded and went to get started.