
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chp. 26 The Guilds

(Joel) This is where I signed up to be a warrior adventurer.

(Yuuma) Why does it look so beat up, jeez?

(Joel) *Laughs* well that's because Us warriors don't care about cleaning. 

(Yuuma) More like us males...

(Joel) There are female warriors to.

(Onna) Most of the women warriors are just like pigs.

(Yuuma) It must be true if Mom is saying it. 

(Joel) Alright, let's go in. 

*Doors open and close*

(Aiden) Woah, How does it look so big inside?

(Yuuma) I think it's a magic enchantment.

(Person) That is a keen eye, but it's not just a magic enchantment, the whole building is an enchantment. 

(Yuuma) And you are?

(Joel) Wait Johnny is that you man?

(Johnny) Yeah, did I surprise you, still working as an adventurer?

(Yuuma) Was he in your party?

(Joel) No, he was in our clan.

(Yuuma & Aiden) Clan?

(Onna) Oh, You guys haven't learned about clans either? Clans are like guilds, but they're made by High-ranking adventurers, who don't want to work anymore, but still want to get paid.

(Johnny) That"s not all they do, but to sum it up the clan leaders do usually do that. *Nervously Laughs*

This world guild system is so complicated. I'll have to learn more about this later.

(Johnny) Anyway, why are you guys here?

(Joel) We are signing Yuuma up to the guild, so he can work when he needs to.

(Johnny) *Looks at Aiden, then looks at me* Which one?

(Joel) Oh, we're signing up for this one.

(Johnny) What! He's so feeble though, are you sure, he looks more like a mage?

(Joel) He's a magic swordsman.

(Onna) C'mon Yuuma, They're not going to stop talking.

*Walking towards counter*

(Person) Onna! Who said you could come in here?

I could feel the air turn sour, I saw Mom tense up. I looked over to the person that said that. It was a warrior woman with purple hair. 

(Onna) *Tensly talking* How is it going Zheng, are you doing good? Actually, what am I kidding your probably still a bum. Am I right?

(Yuuma) Aiden let's go sign in. We'll never get out of here at this point.

(Aiden) Ok, I can't sign in though, I'm not a member yet. My parents told me that it was a waste of money to get me a guild card.

(Yuuma) Well, we have our gold, so don't worry. Everyone has their problems, I guess his parents don't care about him.


(Yuuma) You said your sister was an adventurer? What is her class? 

(Aiden) She's a Blood Mage. It's a really rare skill. my mom got pregnant from a noble vampire, so my sister was born strong. Also, she doesn't burn in the light.

(Yuuma) Alright, she's a vampire, a human hybrid, that just sounds like a monster. 

(Receptionist) Hello children. what are you guys doing here?

Jesus how can a woman have such a huge rack, I feel so small just looking at her.

*Clears throat*

(Yuuma) We're here to sign up to be adventurers. Our parents are here, There over the... where did they go? Well anyway, we'd like to sign up.

(Receptionist) Oh, ok here sign your name on this paper, pay 10 gold up front, then we'll have you get your menu looked at and then you'll take the endurance test to be a part of the warrior guild. 

(Yuuma) Ok. Aiden we'll stop by the Trapper Guild later, so you sit tight.

(Aiden) fine. 

(Yuuma) Ok, Name: Yuuma, Age: 7 1/2, Best Warrior Skill: Sword Master E Rank, Church Ritual: Yes. Alright, that should be it, here.

(Receptionist) This should be all we need, do you have the gold?

(Yuuma) Yeah, Here.

(Receptionist) Right then, Touch the crystal.

(Yuuma) Alright.


(Yuuma) Oh, it shocked me.

(Receptionist) Sorry, it does that sometimes, *Hits the crystal* All alright do it now.

(Yuuma) Ok.

(War System) Would you like to show your menu?



Adv. Beginner War System 



Name: Yuuma

Strength: 40

Magic: 150

Mana: 100 

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 70

Stamina: 40

Endurance: 35




Kid (Age: 7 1/2)



Gun Maker (E)


Special Skills


Magic Master (E)

Intelligence Boost (F)

Sonic Yelling (F)

Passive Skills


Warrior (E)

Defender (E)

Swordsmanship (F)

Sword Master (E)

Healing (C)

Friendly Face (F)

Mana Circulation (D)

Mana Control (Null) {D}

Wind (E)

Fire (E)

Water (F)

Earth (E)

Lightning (F)

Dark (F)

Light (F)

Pain Nullification (F)

Chantless Magic (F)

Gravity Resistance (F)






So My Curses are still hidden even with the crystal.

(Receptionist) Goodness, Are you sure you want to be a part of the warrior guild, your stats suggest that you are a mage.

(Yuuma) I'm a Magic Swordsman, so after this, I'm going take the mage test, then I'm going take the healer test, and then we're going to the Mixed Guild for my friend.

(Receptionist) That's a lot of gold for a child.

(Yuuma) I told you this already, I'm here with my mom and dad, they just disappeared for some reason.

(Receptionist) Who did you say your parents were?

(Yuuma) Joel, and Onna. But I just call them Mom and Dad.

(Receptionist) *Starts sweating Bullets* *Shakely says* That makes more sense. Let's go take your endurance test, then I'll bring you to your mom and dad.

(Yuuma) Do you know where they are? Also, can my friend join us, I don't want to leave him here.

(Receptionist) Yeah, of course, c'mon. By the way, even though we call it an endurance test, we're not only testing your endurance stat.

(Yuuma) Yeah, I kind of thought that would be it.

She brought us to a back room, there was a Huge Rock on the ground.

(Receptionist) Alright, you have to pick it up, do 5 squats then run it over to the red circle.

(Yuuma) That rock must be heavy.

(Receptionist) Rock? Oh, not that it's behind the rock.

We walked around the rock, and there was a giant Magic gem.

(Yuuma) That looks more difficult. I wanted to ask, what's your name?

(Daiki) It's Daiki, it says it right here on my pin.

Your melons were too big to see up there.

(Aiden) Your Boobs are too big, we couldn't see the pin.

(Daiki) *Angered look*

(Yuuma) Alright, I'm going to go do the test now. 

Now how do I lift this?

(Yuuma) Hey Daiki, are there any Rules?

(Daiki) No! But you can't break it and move it. *Strangling Aiden*

Rest in peace. Alright, let's try to lift it normally. It's all in the legs, *Hup* Nope that ain't happening, war system do you know a way around this?

(War System) Try putting your mana into the rock, it should make it lightweight.

Ok, My mana Control, is maxed, so this should be a piece of cake. I closed my eyes while holding my hand on the rock. I poured my mana into the rock. I opened my eyes and tried picking it up again, lifting it with ease, I did everything she needed me to do to pass...


(Yuuma) What's going on? 

(Panicked person) Hey Daiki, They are people having an intense battle in the training room.

(Daiki) I already know who it is *Looking at me*