
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chp. 25 Church


(Aiden) Is that electricity coming from the orb?

(Onna) I don't think I've ever seen something like this.

The Ball Around me turned black then...


System Update Finished...

-Rewards Choices-

Another Special Skill

50 Stat Points

Rank Up 3 Normal Skills

Rank Up 1 Special skill

Rank Up Gift


All of them are good, But Ranking up 3 skills isn't that good, since I can do that normally, Going by what the war system said I'm not far from Ranking up one of my special skills, I don't think I need to rank up my gift yet. 50 stat points or another special skill. Do I get to choose the special skill, or does it give me a random one that has been made before? What about the stat points can I put them where I want or does it just put them where ever? Ugh, this is so annoying let's get a special skill.

(War System) Confirm?



Congratulations you got the special skill Sonic Yelling.

Description: Sonic Yelling allows the user to get all creatures in a 3-mile attention. it can be used as a defense and an offensive skill as well. It will disorientate any monsters as close as half a mile away.


So, it is like a taunt ability. That could work, it can also disorientate any monster. Since I'm a mage, I don't need this, but I can use this at some point.

(War System) Opening Menu...


Adv. Beginner War System


Name: Yuuma

Strength: 40

Magic: 150

Mana: 100 

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 70

Stamina: 40

Endurance: 35




Kid (Age: 7 1/2)



Gun Maker (E)


Special Skills


Magic Master (E)

Intelligence Boost (F)

Sonic Yelling (F)


Passive Skills


Warrior (E)

Defender (E)

Swordsmanship (F)

Sword Master (E)

Healing (C)

Friendly Face (F)

Mana Circulation (D)

Mana Control (Null) {D}

Wind (E)

Fire (E)

Water (F)

Earth (E)

Light (F)

Pain Nullification (F)

Chantless Magic (F)

Gravity Resistance (F)




Troublemaker (F)


I didn't ask to open my menu.

(War System) I opened it to show you that the update changed the ranking of your Mana Control, any time a skill can't be ranked up anymore Null Will pop up with the rank next to it.

So what did the update, do was that it?

(War System) No, the other thing is that Your able to use my ability more, I will be able to assist you more, than before.

Thats good. 

Is the ritual done yet?

(War System) Should be finishing up... 


Congratulations you have gained the skill of Lightning 

You also Gained the Skill of Dark


Wait why did I get this?

(War System) During your ritual, your Orb took in the lightning and Dark spirits.

Oh, That's good, I don't have to learn the hard way now.

(Priest) *Slowing down his chant*

(Aiden) Is it over?

(Joel) Should be.

(Onna) Why is the Orb getting smaller?

(Joel) Maybe it's something new.

(Priestess) Get back the rituals going to explode.

(Onna) Explode? Why?

(Priestess) there is too much mana in the orb so it has to get rid of the excess mana before the end of the ritual. it'll only explode in light or dark magic, so we should be fine, but just back up to be safe.


(Aiden) A Cloud of smoke, I thought you sai... *BOOM*

(Priestess) There's the explosion, you can come now. 

(Yuuma) *Yawns* I feel like I'm fully refreshed.

(Onna) How was it?

(Yuuma) Good, I heard this Voice while in there. I don't know who it was though, they were talking in a weird voice.

(Priest) you shouldn't be able to hear while in the orb of ritual.

I Did hear them chanting though...

(War System) I was able to allow you to hear them while in the orb.

Well that explains it.

(Yuuma) Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me.

(Priest) Maybe... Anyway, I'll have to write down your Menu to put it into the Guilds databases. Don't worry, everyone had to do it at some point, we just do it after the ritual, so you don't have to go through the 10-hour process of getting a guild license.

(Yuuma) Oh ok, How do I open my menu for you?

(Priest) Just say Show Menu Public.

(Yuuma) Sounds easy enough. Show Menu Public.

(War System) Are you sure you want to show your menu openly? Confirm?



Adv. Beginner War System 



Name: Yuuma

Strength: 40

Magic: 150

Mana: 100 

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 70

Stamina: 40

Endurance: 35




Kid (Age: 7 1/2)



Gun Maker (E)


Special Skills


Magic Master (E)

Intelligence Boost (F)

Sonic Yelling (F)

Passive Skills


Warrior (E)

Defender (E)

Swordsmanship (F)

Sword Master (E)

Healing (C)

Friendly Face (F)

Mana Circulation (D)

Mana Control (Null) {D}

Wind (E)

Fire (E)

Water (F)

Earth (E)

Lightning (F)

Dark (F)

Light (F)

Pain Nullification (F)

Chantless Magic (F)

Gravity Resistance (F)






(Priest) Oh, a mage, a lot of magic, that's more than some A Ranks.

(Joel) You told me you only had 2 special skills?

(Yuuma) Uhh, the Voice! The voice that was talking to me was saying that I couldn't get the mana vision skill, so it wanted to give me something else.

(Joel) Oh ok then.

(Onna) Have you finished writing it down?

(Priest) Yes

(Aiden) Then let's go before it gets boring. 

(Priest) *Whispering to the priestess* *Smirks*

(Onna) Alright, we ate, you guys played, and we finally got your menu checked. Yuuma, also when were you going to tell me that you learned the lightning skill without me? *Angered Look*

(Yuuma) No, It just gave it to me after the ritual, I don't know why I have it either.

(Aiden) Wait there was lightning going into the orb while your ritual was going on.

(Onna) That is true, maybe that's why.

(Joel) There's one last thing we wanted to do while we were here, and that is sign you up to the guilds.

(Yuuma) Guilds? Like multiple.

(Joel) yes, there are a bunch of guilds. There's the mage guild, the Healer guild, the tank guild, the warrior guild, And the last one the Mixed guild. 

(Yuuma) Why are there so many guilds?

(Joel) I know it sounds stupid, but it's pretty easy to get a party of adventurers set up like this. By the way, The mixed guild is like a miscellaneous guild, like extras that can be added to the party to make it easier. like your friend, he's a trapper, right?

(Yuuma) How did you know that?

(Joel) I was at a party for 20 years, I think I would know the differences between people.


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