
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

things are happening

As Issei then woke up in an cold sweet as he was catching his breathing. As he was looking around wondering what just happened. As then his foot then was swing opened as then Scathach saw issei.

Did you fellt that. Issei said.

Yes yes I did that much power what was that. Scathach said scared.

So what know do we go there. Issei said

Nope not going there I had enough of today and you should just go to sleep. Scathach said.

As then issei just went to sleep not knowing what things are happening. Meanwhile in a different place the Celtic sun god lug was singing with his friends and enjoying his time. As he was the door swings opened coming out from was the man to rule all of the Celtic gods.

What brings the pleasure dugda. Lug said talking in another drink.

You as well as I know why you felt the energy as I did. Dugda said.

Yes that amount of energy that went everywhere is there anything more. Lug said in a irritated voice.

One more thing why is that Morgan was not prigent in our latest meeting. Durga said back.

Probably if you ask me gut shock of how the gods treated her and decided she had enough but why are you asking me. Lug said back irritation in his voice.

Will simple my reports say is that she went to human world and before that she talked to you. Dugda said wondering what was happening.

If you ask me she just decided she had enough and went there to blow some steam probably found a human to spent her time hey we may have a new demi god in the making. Lug said lapping.

Meanwhile back in Japan Morgan felt like she was ready to kill lug for what ever Reason.

You don't understand she went to Japan of all place and know I see Amaterasu of all people wanting to talk to us. Durga said.

As then lug looked at him shocked wondering what is going to happen next the god of the bible comes back to life. Meanwhile in different places out of time and space some sneezes.

Looks like someone it talking about me I still wonder was it a good idea to make my death. The god of the bible said.

[ So I don't know if in dxd the god of the bible is really dead or not but for my fanfic he is still alive and that is for a reason ]

And know what does this have to do with me. Lug said.

Will what does this have to do with me. Lug said

Will your the sun god as well and you need calm Morgan to return right know beacuse Amaterasu wants her here right know. Dugda said in demanding voice.

Fine i will see what I can do. Lug said

Yes and make sure you can. Dugda said

As then he started to leave as he does then he goes to grap another drink. As then he called a crow. As a crow came out as he looks at the the crow as he gives him the message as then the crow leaves. As then lug took another drink from his cup. As Morgan was in her room not able to sleep after what she felt that felling was that like the world was getting destroyed almost like the world was going to end as then a crow came out as it was picking the window as Morgan opened the window. As then the crow tells Morgan everything.

I see tell lug I will be there. Morgan said.

To be continued

Yeah sorry for the short Ch the reason for that was because I am tired and also beacuse things are happening as I am going to my village and do to this I will not be posting the the new ch for a while