
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Gods meeting Gods

As Morgan arrived to the meeting place which was the same bar that lug always goes to. Dugda decided it is the best place sense most of the gods are her. As Morgan arrived she saw them lug, dugda and Japanese sun Goddes Amaterasu as she was just seeing the goddes. As Amaterasu was looking all the gods with a powerful look.

So what is this about. Morgan asked as she didn't knew what this was about

Will Amaterasu has something to say. dugda said.

What is it. Morgan said feeling like she already knew what this was About.

You see a few days ago I felt something and no this is not about what happened a few hours ago. Amaterasu said

Really what is it. Lug said wanting to know what this is about.

So me and my brother were drinking when we were we felt something it was a smaller version of my power. Amaterasu said.

As hearing this Morgan was sweating bullets she already knew what the goddes felt it was issei using the caster card.

At first I thought it was just in my mind but then I felt it again stronger and as mast it came it was gone with out any trace. Amaterasu said.

I see but what does this have to do with us. Lug said talking a drink.

Simple you see when all of this was happening two Celtic gods are in my territory. Amaterasu said.

Really your territory what about the devils. Morgan said with a smug smile.

Idiot I only allow them to stay there if I don't they all will be wiped out or atlest ran out of there. Amaterasu said.

And start another was with the devils like last time. Morgan said.

We all know about it but we all know it was beacuse of that damm devil and his experiment and his allies. Amaterasu said with angry Voice.

Yes but still why do you think it has something to do with us. Dugda said

You Celtic have been in hidding for the longest time and know two of your game to my country and not just that but at the same time I felt the energy. Amaterasu.

Oh and your blaming us. Morgan said with an anger in her voice.

As then Morgan started to realise her energy seeing this so did Amaterasu as a dark and sun like energy was moving with bought if them. As then dugda pulled out his weapons putting his weapon done and looking at them

Don't you see what you are doing your going give all of us problems. Dugda said with him trying to stop everyone

WHY DON'T ALL OF YOU STOP. Lug said with booming voice as power ora was moving in his body.

At the moment they all stopped and looked at him.

( So that is the power of the Celtic sun god looks like rumers were through ). Amaterasu thought to her self

I see I understand. Dugda said putting his weapon down

But what know do you Wana do. Lug said.

Will you see something like this happened to us. Morgan said.

Oh what do you mean. Amaterasu said wondering what is happening.

Will a few days ago our weapon gea bolge was found again but it was like there was two of them and the seacond one desepiard with out nothings to follow. Morgan said

As she said that Amaterasu was thinkimg about her powers and know she was very interested.

Will you see we found the energy and weapon and me and Scathach Found a boy who was Chu Chulainn descendant. Morgan said.

As she the last part as lug almost spit out his drink not believing what he heard. As dugda also heard it and was shocked

Wait a descended of Chu Chulainn in my country how. Amaterasu said.

I don't know sometimes things just happened. Morgan said

I see but but you know what I will be going for now. Amaterasu said.

As then she left from the place wondering what she can do. As then Morgan seat next to lug as lug just gave her a drink.

So a descended of Chu Chulainn huh can't wait to meet him. Lug said with a smile.

Yeah yeah you will happy to meet issei. Morgan said with her talking another drink.

So when we're you going to tell us this. Dugda said.

Oh right your still here dugda will I was going to tell when I felt like it. Morgan said talking a swing of her drink.

Meanwhile in the human world it was finally day as issei Scathach started to go to the school. As they bought had the energy they felt in there mind.

Hey Ddraig did you fell that energy as well. Issei said in his mind.

Yes yes I did it was shocked me to say the least. Ddraig said in issei mind

What was that. Issei said scared of the energy.

I don't know but for some reason I felt like I had seen it before. Ddraig said to issei.

As they bought were walking issei then pumped and landed on top of some his eyes was closed and he couldn't see who it was. As he opened his eyes he was her it was Sona. Sona had a blush on her face looking at issei as Issei tryed to get he felt like he was grabbing something soft as he finally saw it it was Sona boob. A they bought had blush issei gut and started to run with Sona chasing him I anger.

You pervert. Sona said with a blush

Scathach help me. Issei yalled

As Scathach had mad face as she started to walk away.

Good bye pervert. Scathach said.

What just happened. Issei said.

Congratulations issei you just unlocked the Scathach rout you unlocked last night. Ddraig said.

Wait what. Issei said

Ddraig thought that Issei was an idiot. As Issei was running as he was a whole water fountain was turned to ice and was ready to attack him as then he started to run as fast as possible. Meanwhile in the Archer card it was glowing in the card the twin blades were glowing almost like issei story was being recorded

To be continued