
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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Devils and Celtic's

As Issei then showed Scathach his new weapons as she was just looking at them with great look.

This bow it seems to be made out of a unique to say the less but still I can't get a proper read on it. Scathach said eyeing the weapons.

What I can say is that it is very well made almost like it is made to fire weapons and not just arrows. Scathach said as she was amazed by how the weapon was created.

For some reason issei blushed at that almost like he had made the weapon but he didn't, so issei just cools him self down as he just looks at here, as Scathach then looks back out him with a grinn issei already knew what this meant.

No no I will not fight your today. Issei said.

Hearing that Scathach gut a little bit sad. As then she just get backs up as they finish there food and left for there class. In there issei was thinking of many things, for example be didn't know why nit for some reason when used those ying nad Yang sword it felt nice, maybe he will go to the kendo club after meeting with the devil's, as the class was going issei didn't want to deal with it but he already felt a sleep in class before, and this time he doesn't think the souls will cut him some slag.

( Hey issei wanna talk I can say your bored ). Ddrake said.

( Sure what do you wanna talk about ). Issei said back.

( Let's see I think i can say about one things that is my rival ). Ddrake said.

( Your rivel ). Issei asked confused.

( You see just like me there is another dragon his name is Albion the white dragon of domination ). Ddrake said.

( Ok I am instead tell me more ) issei said.

( Long time ago he and I fought we were great rivel and in the end we fought to the great war, out battle was something that made the 3 fractions join forces to stop us, at the end we were but into two different secrets gears his one was called the Devin devider ). Ddrake said.

( I see this much the great war but I will ask Scathach, so um why are you telling me about him ). Issei said.

( Will just like how you are this generation red dragon emperor, his users will also be this generation white dragon user and do to that our users are destined to fight to say one things all three groups want one or bought of us ) Ddrake said.

( I see thanks for that but I no normal red dragon emperor plush I have not joined any fractions ). Issei.

( Will in away you are in the Celtic fraction but there is another option why don't you make one you have two gods, a few soulds and ex nun ). Ddrake said.

As then issei was flabbergasted, but this was enough he can't believe what was happening, was he really going to created a new fractions just like that as then issei was going to do something as then he had smile. Ddrake saw the smirk and saw something he didn't see in a while a pure fire, issei was someone that will be making a fourth group that will shake the world as then the class ends. As everyone packs there bags as then they left for meeting the group.

So I wanna ask something. Issei said.

What is it. Scathach said.

You see I was thinking why don't we form a 4th fraction we gave two gods, a few souls, and not just that 3 fallens and a ex nun wirh a secret gear users. Issei said.

As Scathach was thinking for a bit as then she nodded her head. As she looks at him with yes your right loo, as this time issei was happy one things will happen he will shake the supernatural world to fight core. As then they meet with Kiba as they all meet with the devil's as they arrived to the place.

Nice that you joined us issei. Rias said.

Thanks Rias senpie. Issei said as he seat down.

As he was seeing koneko, as then he pulled out a few chocolate and gave it to her as then koneko looked at them and took it. Koneko has a big sweet tooth before issei knew he always gave her chocolate as after he was not dealing with her she was a stalker and he was sure that was because of Rias after all she is a Devil and she was probably looking for members.

So um issei why is she here. Rias ask.

Oh hi I am Scathach. Scathach said.

Hearing that name the devils are very shocked at this. The devils were just looking at her and was just wondering what to do as they were just flabbergasted.

You mean like your name is Scathach. Akeno said with a scare voice.

Nope I am Scathach. Scathach said.

At this point the devil were shocked and scared, as then issei just slapped his face with his hand, he was done with this why just why, is what was doing to issei head. Meanwhile the devils just didn't know what to say and not just that they were shocked that the god killer was here.

I um I um I um we are happy to see you here. Rias said.

Thanks. Scathach said.

um let's get things done with. Issei said.

As then the things happen, they at first asked issei if he could joined them but as Issei said before he said no, aftet thay they asked about issei double secret gear. Issei rally didn't know what to say as he had no idea about it, at that moment Scathach said something.

Let's see it just happened. Scathach said.

Um yeah I guess so. Issei said.

As they bought gut of and was readyt I go home. As they were going Scathach looked at them before Asking them something.

So um I have fraction and I want three of my member to join this school. Scathach said.

Um yeah sure what are there name. Rias asked.

As then Scathach dropped some files as Rias just looks at them. As then Rias looks at the file the first was noting, but the other two shocked him these two were fallen angels but to save her ass she didn't want to say anything at all. As then she already knew she wanted to talk to Sona. Meanwhile in the Celtic place the two gods talked.

So when are we going to meet this descendents of chu Chulainn. Lug said.

Right known. Morgan said.

As then a portal open as then walking in was issei and Scathach.

Here we are. Scathach said.

Yeah yeah so um why was I called here. Issei said.

As a sword was put to issei neck, as lug was looking at him, issei for some reason his gear tryed to coppy the sword and it was copied fully, as then out of now where the saber gates chain started to break. As then he asked issei a few questions.

Are you really chu Chulainn descendent. Lug asked.

Yes. Issei said.

As then he asled a few more questions like how he knew as Issei told him about the soul part let's just say they were happy to hear that Chu Chulainn was alive and after that everything was over.

So you wanna form a 4th fraction. Lug asked.

Yes yes indeed it is Issei idea. Scathach said.

Will I am In. Morgan said.

To be continued

So yeah I am back and I will be uploading again and see you in the next part also my original book twilight garden is getting new ch please check it out