
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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Issei little project

As Issei explained his idea to the 3 gods, all of them had different reactions, Morgan was thinking how will this work, lug was wondering what will happen with this especially sense his sun was still alive, and Scathach will she was just excited because she gets to fight stronger people and not only that someone may have the ability to kill her. After issei was finished one question was in everyone mind including issei how will they make this work.

So yeah I think that is going to be the big problem. Morgan said.

She is right after all we can just saw that we want to be a mew faction with our starting a way or causing problems for everyone. Lug said as he thought of ways to make this work.

Power is not the problem we have two power gods and use of bought the busted gear and class cards. Scathach said in no worry voice.

If that is that is not the problem then money is the problem we don't even know how to start this. Issei will say finally released the problem with his plan.

So now what do we do. Morgan said.

Will simble let's start our job by starting the name of the group. Scathach said.

I see but who will name it. Issei said confused.

Will simple you of course. Scathach said.

As then all of them looked at him, as Issei was then realised that he should have kept his mouth sought. As Issei was going back a few feets as the other three was looking at they wonder what do at this time, as he wanted to get out as Issei then jumped out the portal back to the world.

Never never again. Issei said almost like he was going to die.

As then he saw Rayner, Asia and Mittelt. The three them looked at him, issei saw that all three of them was wearing a kitchen apron, at that moment Mittelt went to issej and gut him up.

Thanks Mittelt. Issei said as then a cookie was put on his mouth.

Issei saw it was Mittelt, as he was then starting to take the bite and finish the cookie, seeing this Mittelt was happy.

How was it big brother. Mittelt said.

Issei was still not use that, for some reason Mittelt started to call her big brother he didn't knew why but he wanted, so she told that he was like a big brother to him, even do Mittelt was older then him. In his mind issei thought it was beacuse she was acting more like a childe, then human.

Um yeah it was good thanks. Issei said as he pat Mittelt head.

Um issei why don't you try some sweets we made. Asia said.

Um sure. Issei said.

As then issei saw a plate full of sweets, as then he saw almost like a new game rout being open, as it said Mittelt rout has been compilation little sister endeding has been unblocked and and future lover, rout will be playable is the player wants, as then issei closed his eye as it then disiperd, as then two more things came, Aisa and Rayner rout has been unlock. Issei was very confused but then it disiperd, issei maybe just imagining that, meanwhile Ddrake was lapping, as after the game system was something he didn't used even sense his last user he just decide to use to fuck with issei.

So Issei are you here. Scathach said.

As then she saw issei was eating sweets with the greatest happiest face on issei face, she was confused before she taken a peace and and saw it tasted good but that was it, but then she remember that issei siad he really has a sweey tooth.

So um I think I need explained a few things. Issei said.

After a while he explained the plan and all three of the girls were happy to join, as the rest of the night issei need to find out a name for the fraction. As the next day comes and issei and Scathach went to the school they new from next week the other 3 will join.

Do we really need to meet the devils today. Scathach said not happy.

Yeah we need to but I don't think it is something important. Issei said with a non solont voice.

As they bought were walking, Issei saw Sona as there eyes meet time stopped and they bought didn't know what to say to each other yeat. As then bought of them left but then Sona was going to say something but decided not to as it was not the right time, as they bought go to the clas and do the class bought were ready to meet thr devils, as they did Scathach felt something.

Hey um issei why don't you go I will come later. Scathach said I'm worried voice.

Um are you sure about that. Issei said not feeling the power.

Yeah sure just go. Scathach said.

As then issei left as he Scathach closed here as a magical barrier was formed, as then like from the shadows something was moving and then is took its form as it was a beautiful white hair women, she seem to have red horns that of the top half of hearth on bought side she had that of red eyes with white crossed shape pupil. She seem have that of two gient wings in on her back as she wears a pure White's blue dress the dress hugged her body in way to show her curves and adult body the female seem not be human but still was happy.

Who the hell are you and what do you want. Scathach said scared.

I am quite suprise you forgot about me but then again it has been so long. The woman said.

Who are you. Scathach spoke in anger and scared voice.

The woman has a smile as the. Scathach saw hunders of ways her body was cut into peace's and left in the ground, allowing her to reforms hours if not days later, this made Scathach very scared.

Oh wow did I scare the god slayer that much. The women said.

As then Scathach wanted to fight, as she went front the strick pulling out her twin spears as she didn't the woman blocked it, Scathach was shocked, as she went back a few meet's, wondering what she can do at this point. The woman seeing this had a smile see that she ahd not change that much, as then In one step she was Infront of Scathach as she then flicked her in the forehead as it sent Scathach go hit thr wall of her magic barrier.

Who are you. Scathach said trying to get up.

There was not many people who can do that to her as she was scared what can she do more. As she then woman looked at her as she had a small smile.

Call me the primodeal mother. The woman said.

What wait don't tell you are. As Scathach was cut up.

As the women sent her back with another flick, as Scathach was in thr ground as she was almost our cold, as then the woman walked to her, as shw started to heal her.

I will say your doing a good job just keep issei safe ok. The woman

As she then desiperd leaving Scathach very confused

To be continued.

So um yeah sorry for not uploading the last few days I am here to say that Friday's and Saturday are days I can't uplode do to problems and sometimes Sunday as well so yeah hope you all like this ch bye